GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 22 : AsaparaWhat?

  • Thread starter EDK
New Solits:
T1: 21.041
T2: 31.427

Better T3, but not much change in splits.
Gonna give this one a solid run on the weekend.
Thanks. My experience so far on GT5 has been like that on the DF.

My shift point observation was based on the speedo pace. I noticed it lagging toward the top in 5th, for example, and if I shifted up, it immediately gained speed at a faster rate.
I did notice that, afterwards, but it seems to be an optical illusion of some type, it at least happens for me often, as I experimented shifting as soon as the light blinks vs my previous shifting a few hundred higher lost me a hair on each shift, except fifth, which seemed a substantial (.050) gain till the end of the straight.

My first session was 134 miles, which is abnormally long, and it seems to have tampered with me somehow, can't gain, took almost 100 miles to find time anywhere on the track, still don't know where to improve much, hopefully a third session helps.
I tried both the Yanaran and EDK setups, neither worked for me, but I wasn't liking mine, if only Chris were here to give me a "magic" setup. :D
T1: 20.970
T2: 31.571

Dropped about a second and a half at the line using CSL's tune. :eek: I had to go back and make sure I had the right tires on. :lol: Thanks for the super tune!

I think I may have some more time in me, couple corners to clean up. Not sure I will get the time this weekend though. I'll submit this one now (I did hit my goal already 👍) so I don't forget.
T1: 20.970
T2: 31.571

Dropped about a second and a half at the line using CSL's tune. :eek: I had to go back and make sure I had the right tires on. :lol: Thanks for the super tune!

I think I may have some more time in me, couple corners to clean up. Not sure I will get the time this weekend though. I'll submit this one now (I did hit my goal already 👍) so I don't forget.
Interesting, I'll have to re-try it since my second session was all other tunes, maybe I had something, 7th on the board is unusually high for me in my first session.
I see you're doing extremely well going into D3 times. 👍
Sorry, Dennis. Was replying from my phone before, so was not able to give you all of this. Let me explain further.

When I post the combo, I assume most people will have to buy the car new. So I go buy a new one, and make the needed modifications. And call out the specs of the car at that time.

If you have one already broken in, you're likely better off just doing an oil change and any other needed maintenance, like the Chassis refresh or engine rebuild.

Hope that helps.


Thnaks Kevin

If i use the car i already have, change the oil and other mantenance, like you said and put the engine limiter at 100% the car should start at 369HP. And work his way up to almost 400HP.

If this is correct, doesn't make that 30HP a huge diffrence in your lap time? That means i have to do 70 laps to get the car preform at his best.
Correct - my car was fullt broken in at 200km I think i.e. at 399bhp after 200km and an oil change.
Just a curious question that I think I already know the answer to -

Are you using less aero for more straightline speed, or is it more about having a loose back end for the final sector?

Yeah, trying a little bit of rotation on that two final turns, but not so loose as Jon had it because i was flying out of the track on coca cola and harpin.

Great combo Kevin but really difficul 👍

Thanks Jon :sly:
Ran a few more laps last night and made up alot of time in T3, amazing how bad Panasonic can hurt you if you don't hit it just right. my splits on the board are a little slower... but I made a big gain on my overall. might give it one more shot later this evening.

going to have to start posting my setups on here I guess so I can keep track of them. I had my best setup and then tried one someone posted.... I tried to find the piece of paper it was on..... but lets just say my desk is full of setups and notes... lol.

for coca cola, I do it two ways..... one way is to just drop down to fourth and brake for an instant and floor it after you hit the corner.... the other is to drop to third with less brake and floor it before you hit the burm.... about the same both ways, so I change it up from time to time. I think I'm losing most of my time at the hairpin, not sure what I'm doing wrong but I've tried several different entries and different braking points and brake bias.
Thanks Kevin and Carlos.

Like i said at the beginning of the week. Really an awesome combo. One of my favorite cars and Fuji is an lovely track. Same this is the only day of this week i can drive it :grumpy: Like said before it all comes down to T3. Experienced it, back in the GT5P days. I can remember Zoom Zoom very well in the RX8. That one brings back a smile on my face when i think about it :)

But. Am i legal in this pictures. Very hard to get this pictures. Must have run the replay 10 times orso. Pressing the start/pauze button twice very fast alot of time :lol:

This is the exit of Coca Cola.


This is the last piece of curb at the exit of Coca Cola


This is just after the last bit of curb of Coca Coca

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If it was up to me I'd say yes if the second one is indeed a white part of the red-white rumble strip, in the third one you've got some room left.
Ok, these will be my final splits. Just about near perfect for me, so will be submitting with these.

Good Luck Everyone 👍

T1: 20.773
T2: 30.985

A gain of .241 at the line :)

Oh, a little history lesson for those that don't know. I have never lost a WRS week division when the location has been at this track :P Although, with the history of UsualSuspect pipping me at the line lately, that may change :scared:
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Carlos Fandango
Nice splts DB - handy lead in D4 👍

Interesting, I'll have to re-try it since my second session was all other tunes, maybe I had something, 7th on the board is unusually high for me in my first session.
I see you're doing extremely well going into D3 times. 👍

Thanks guys! :dopey: I think running all of those FF shootout cars the last several days has finally taught me something. I just had a look at the leaderboard and I'm gonna have to go back and check my replay a few times. There's no way I can be ahead of some of the awesome guys I'm ahead of. :eek:

I started my first few on stock settings and switched to I think Millross' and then EDK's after the bobs broke it in some. I usually feel good with Millross' settings since I use a DS3 but I found yours to have a more stable rear that helped me through the last half. I couldn't say if it was LSD or gearing or suspension but it worked. :D
But. Am i legal in this pictures. Very hard to get this pictures. Must have run the replay 10 times orso. Pressing the start/pauze button twice very fast alot of time :lol:

This is the exit of Coca Cola.

This is the last piece of curb at the exit of Coca Cola

This is just after the last bit of curb of Coca Coca

Legal 👍

Not sure how you kept it on and set up correctly for 100R though. Every time I end up out there I either spin or have the wrong line for the next turn.

Oh, a little history lesson for those that don't know. I have never lost a WRS week division when the location has been at this track :P Although, with the history of UsualSuspect pipping me at the line lately, that may change :scared:

Sounds like a challenge. :mischievous:
Legal 👍

Not sure how you kept it on and set up correctly for 100R though. Every time I end up out there I either spin or have the wrong line for the next turn.

I don't know either Kev. But luckily i did. And a had an decent 100R too.

This splits go with that lap. Had slightly better splits but like said before. That damn T3 :lol:

Great splits Phil 👍

Looking forward to seeing your replay :)

Same boring effort I'm afraid Stephen two wheels on the black stuff, you'll be asleep by the half way mark. :grumpy:

Oh, a little history lesson for those that don't know. I have never lost a WRS week division when the location has been at this track

Sounds like a challenge. :mischievous:

T1: 0'20.716
T2: 0'30.850


I hate history. :scared:

Great splits Phil 👍

Same boring effort I'm afraid Stephen two wheels on the black stuff, you'll be asleep by the half way mark. :grumpy:


This was my third go at this combo, may just try and improve the line time after dinner then submit.

Good luck guys. :sly:

Mornin' Sam. Mornin' Ralph.

T1: 20.935
T2: 31.297

Also running my own very own Yanaran flyer at the moment with "Gears By CSL"; I still have to try EDK 2.0 and give Carlos' another burl. Thanks, guys!

Starting to be more consistent. Still have to smooth out some rough edges, though. Hope I get a few more sessions...
Look what your history went and done.


Made the old codger cut the corner.

Little quicker at T1 & T2

T1: 0'20.693
T2: 0'30.865

Hope I can beat this to the line, or i'll be getting a reputation. :sly:

Great splits Philip, don´t think i can match that 👍

Mignun, a race to the end again? :sly: (don´t worry, my t3 is not that good).
Had no more laps on this yet - about to wade through the pages of this thread to find some new settings to use :D :) 👍

Not sure I'll manage to catch you D2'ers going crazy fast, but we'll see.
Outstandiing splits Phillip. Looks like I need to find at leats a tenth to T2 if I want to be in the hunt for the podium. I have run a mid-51.8 to T2 a couple of times, but then thrown it by going too wide on an exit somewhere. It's all in Coca-Cola and the hairpin for me...

My T3 is solid though so I'm hoping to claw back a position or two there.

I've run into a serious problem it would seem.
T1-worse, T2-ok, T3- way better (.431 better lap), but that's not the problem.

If I load my best ghost replay, The game freezes as I'm about to cross the Finishline to complete the first lap. PS3 has to be reset with the button on the console.
If I don't load that specific replay, I get about 5 laps, then the game freezes (it always freezes when I'm about 10 yards from the finish).
It freezes even if I toggle the replay off during the lap.

On top of that, the game just froze when I was selecting a car for an arcade race.:nervous:

Is there a replay glitch?
I hope so....

** Just found this - should have looked first**

So deleting the save might be the answer?
It's my best lap, so I'll move it to a flash drive, then delete them all.
But does that mean I'll be submitting a corrupted save file? That would suck, so I'll have to beat it I suppose.
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Yep - don't load that ghost replay and you should be fine 👍 Additionally, I believe the latest patch has some stability issues 👎

Thanks Carlos, I'll fire it back up later and try again.
Ironically, your setup got me that best lap.👍
So.. thanks twice!