Thanks Kev 👍 You joining in for a run or two yourself this week?
SRF is off, I just keep flooring it till few yards before the first curb, let go of gas, between 2 turn I give the wheel a hard turn (not too much), hit the gas when the car feels like it and hope I don't hit the wall.Edit - Yup, sports hard tyres. Have you checked SRF is 'off'? If it is, that's just a crazy fast T1 and I don't reckon I'll ever match that. 👍
First things first, apologies for my attitude towards some of you guys a while back, hope I didn't upset to many people, one day I will learn to control myself.
I just keep flooring it till few yards before the first curb, let go of gas, between 2 turn I give the wheel a hard turn (not too much), hit the gas when the car feels like it and hope I don't hit the wall.
Glad I could helpYour maniac approach is definitely the right way to go, matey 👍 Its a suicide run, basically.
Sorry Ash - my glory at the top will also be short-lived I think... I see Wes looking in
T1: 23.394
T2: 28.928
Wow, I am way off pace a good 5-6 seconds. I think I'll go make sure I'm running the right tires or something...... 👎
Nice splits.Just done a quick session, good to be back on sticky surface 👍
T1: 23.386
T2: 28.882
Nice splits.
Another 10 minutes:
T1: 23.363
T2: 28.913
*Taking Berlinette out of garage*.👍Close stuff, gonna do some 450PP racing now so join up! (anyone is welcome)
*Taking Berlinette out of garage*.👍