GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 47 : Running in the Snow with a Topless French Girl

  • Thread starter EDK
Insane 3rd sector time Wes, well done holding that together. 👍

I think I'm done - can't stitch my best sectors together as usual. (Probably) submitting with these:


Best 1st sector so far, average 2nd and 3rd sectors both 0.2 down on my best... and then threw in my 2nd best last sector run to the line.

Missing about 0.5 on the whole lap but still well happy with my progress over the week, which has been immense fun. Nice one Kev and good luck to everyone :cheers:
Insane 3rd sector time Wes, well done holding that together. 👍

I think I'm done - can't stitch my best sectors together as usual. (Probably) submitting with these:


Best 1st sector so far, average 2nd and 3rd sectors both 0.2 down on my best... and then threw in my 2nd best last sector run to the line.

Missing about 0.5 on the whole lap but still well happy with my progress over the week, which has been immense fun. Nice one Kev and good luck to everyone :cheers:
Holding together....
It's a really average last sector but still my fastest lap by some time..

Thanks btw and your T1 is insane too.:crazy:
Sorry Biffy I forgot that you're on your phone. Can you get a spreadsheet app for it? Otherwise you could always go old fashioned and use a pen and a piece of paper :sly:

For what it's worth, I see absolutely no reason for you not to submit a time this week.


Found a solution thankfully, I have OpenOffice on my PC and that has a spreadsheet tool, so I can use that in the future. I'm too poor for apps :sly:

Anyway it's a good thing no-one objected to me submitting a time, cause I just ran my heart out for 4 hours trying to match Duck's times cleanly :crazy: ..And I think I did it. Saw a 48.160 in T1, and 2'55.7xx in T3, but they ended up dirty. Finally, I managed these splits:

T1 - 48.531
T2 - 42.788
T3 - 1'24.327

That is it. Submitting.
Found a solution thankfully, I have OpenOffice on my PC and that has a spreadsheet tool, so I can use that in the future. I'm too poor for apps :sly:

You can also open a free email account, and they have what's called "Skydrive", which allows you to use the Microsoft office applications in an online environment. Google of course originated this with Google Docs, but I find the MS application to be more robust and user friendly.
Found a solution thankfully, I have OpenOffice on my PC and that has a spreadsheet tool, so I can use that in the future. I'm too poor for apps :sly:

Sorry, Biffy, I should have mentioned that my earlier pic I posted of the spread sheet was from OpenOffice, a great MS Office replacement......and FREE!!!
Anyway it's a good thing no-one objected to me submitting a time, cause I just ran my heart out for 4 hours trying to match Duck's times cleanly :crazy: ..And I think I did it. Saw a 48.160 in T1, and 2'55.7xx in T3, but they ended up dirty. Finally, I managed these splits:

T1 - 48.531
T2 - 42.788
T3 - 1'24.327

That is it. Submitting.
Awesome T2, your overall should be D2 sub-par. I guess I have encouraged you a bit too much :embarrassed:
Indeed, half a second is a good margin 👍
Will be better next time...

EDIT: openoffice is quite dead, still at version 3.3.0 since one year. The team almost abandoned Oracle and founded Libreoffice, a fork project, which is at 3.4.4 with some nice additions.
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I've submitted with my posted splits.

Used wge's settings. Thank you for those. 👍

Hopefully good enough for a Division 2 bronze time.
EDIT: openoffice is quite dead, still at version 3.3.0 since one year. The team almost abandoned Oracle and founded Libreoffice, a fork project, which is at 3.4.4 with some nice additions.

Thanks for the tip....will have to check it out.

Tried to better my last....but couldn't, so submitting with posted times.


Yes,,,with TOP OR TOPLESS and/or with or without snow!!!!!!!!!!! :sly:
And the history repeats itself...
Reaching my goal in the last minute for the 3rd time in my 4-week-WRS-history.

I'm not expecting to be moved up in the results but at least I can be happy with my time.


Good luck everyone! :cheers: