Having a hard time coming to terms with this car... Can't figure out which gear to be in most of the time:
T1: 18.561
T2: 29.308
T3: 24.650
Trying to slow down to go faster, but I'm just slowing down.
Tempted to dust off the WRS dust by this, like the track (who doesn't?), car is a hoot to drive and I actually have an interest in GT5 again! Some new names around, which is good.
Worst corner for me is that sweeper at the beginning of t3. Never have been good at it.
I've tried popping second gear to hug the inside. I've tried holding third gear. I've yet to find a sweet spot. My t3 is going to kill me if I don't tighten it up, so let me know if you find something!!
2nd for the apex. Brake nice and early, smooth shift down to 2nd well before the apex. Not too wide an entry but point it at the inside to keep a tight line when you get back on the power, then get back on full throttle early. If you nail it right, you don't even need to use all the track on the exit as the car straightens up earlier and you get a better drive up the hill as you change up to 3rd.
Wow this combo is fun but it is also going to drive me nuts!
Another session and still enjoying but i think it can became crazy at the end of the week
T1: 18.093
T2: 28.873
T3: 24.317 (and then i choke big time, as usual )
B/B 6/7 AbS 2
Chuk doing it as a full time job (with overtime)
My best T1 and T3s so far, had a 29.0xx in T2 but ruined it on this lap.