GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 84 : Don't 'Cha Wish Your Ferrari Was Fast Like Me?

  • Thread starter Gravitron
I feel like I should put in some more laps, i've been getting up to 3 tenths up on my fastest lap but I keep blowing it at ascari
Yay! Wes is back... :sly: Great splits mate, not that I'm surprised. 👍
Thanks Chris, I am surprised though. I said to christophe I would give it a try but not go for the top spot. Actually never had the intention to even submit a time.

But I was on pace from the first couple of minutes at Monza (a first(!)) and so here are my final splits:

T1: 30.958
T2: 37.895
The lap is by no means perfect but this is possibly the least amount of time I ever spend on a WRS week. (You can also say I generally spend a lot of time on WRS weeks).:P Happy how it turned out though but this may hurt my handicap a bit... and I could almost see D1G at the end of the never-ending tunnel. But that's not my priority.:sly:

Good luck all.:cheers:

Hope my lap is faster than Nige's and Mike's laptimes... You know, I'd rather not take away a win like that.
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No time for another try, not happy about my 'stupidity' either :grumpy:. So no submittion this week... 👎
tried a few laps but no energy to keep the few tenths i have on my lap to the end, Im hoping I had a good last sector. By the way, Ive always wondered how the par times from the time trials are calculated, I work better when I know what lap time to target
Now I know why I was so slow... We used to give each other tips about when to shift up. Those times are gone??
Anyway Christophe told me to shift up slightly under 8000 RPM.

First splits:
T1: 30.888
T2: 38.144

I knew this immediately and honestly do feel guilty not saying anything but your right I do feel like the WRS has changed and sharing and helping others with freely given advice is the exception to the rule now instead of common practice like the old days.

Anyhow Marc told how he figured it out so I will tell how I did and super quick. In arcade mode this cars RPMs at peak HP and torque arent shown like most cars are so I simply bought a new Mclaren and went in the tuning menu to see when peak torque and HP occur. HP is right at 7800 RPMs. So I tried shifting at redline versus 7800. Car likes short shifting at 7800 or so.

I prefer to drop revs to about half way between 6 and the next mark on the tach. Depending on handling might shift early or late in corners abit.
I knew this immediately and honestly do feel guilty not saying anything but your right I do feel like the WRS has changed and sharing and helping others with freely given advice is the exception to the rule now instead of common practice like the old days.

Anyhow Marc told how he figured it out so I will tell how I did and super quick. In arcade mode this cars RPMs at peak HP and torque arent shown like most cars are so I simply bought a new Mclaren and went in the tuning menu to see when peak torque and HP occur. HP is right at 7800 RPMs. So I tried shifting at redline versus 7800. Car likes short shifting at 7800 or so.

I prefer to drop revs to about half way between 6 and the next mark on the tach. Depending on handling might shift early or late in corners abit.
My comment wasn't on the most serious tone as I didn't know that but we can start off with it next week then.:)

I thought about that but different, max HP at 7800 RPM so it's best to shift at redline so the RPM doesn't drop much. There was more torque at lower RPM but only a tiny bit. But clearly I was wrong.
I think Marc's finding is better for :dopey: like me.

Thanks anyway.👍
Good luck Wes 👍 I'm just about to go for my last minute banzai run... don't expect an improvement though to be honest. I've spent about 2 hours on this week but haven't run it since Thursday...

I knew this immediately and honestly do feel guilty not saying anything but your right I do feel like the WRS has changed and sharing and helping others with freely given advice is the exception to the rule now instead of common practice like the old days.
Really..? I post a setup for every tuning event I run, once I have one that I feel works well. I also post up a sector 1 guide video (when I am able) as soon as I feel like I have a decent pace through it. Also hints on gear use through each corner, apex speeds, etc... and I'm not the only one to offer such things. So what's changed exactly?
Good luck Wes 👍 I'm just about to go for my last minute banzai run... don't expect an improvement though to be honest. I've spent about 2 hours on this week but haven't run it since Thursday...

I knew this immediately and honestly do feel guilty not saying anything but your right I do feel like the WRS has changed and sharing and helping others with freely given advice is the exception to the rule now instead of common practice like the old days.

Really..? I post a setup for every tuning event I run, once I have one that I feel works well. I also post up a sector 1 guide video (when I am able) as soon as I feel like I have a decent pace through it. Also hints on gear use through each corner, apex speeds, etc... and I'm not the only one to offer such things. So what's changed exactly?

Wow do you and Wes combine to produce one heck of an inferiority complex :lol:

I had wondered the same thing Chris / Jack. In this thread there is BB and corner entry recommendations, a T1 video (Thanks Mike 👍 it didn't occur to me to use second gear in the first chicane - a la GT Academy) etc. I don't think anything has changed in that respect. We may have less contributions due to some drivers not participating but there is always enough advice for me to use and improve with 👍
Nice splits Wes! 👍
I wont submit unfortunatly, i will not have time to run, and the time i wanted to post (the replay issue...) is almost half a second faster than the one in the board right now. :crazy:

I dont bother much about my division average, but i would just like to be able to participate and give my best effort before submitting a time, im sad because it was a great combo and i think i would been competitive.

Most of time there is always someone sharing their setup and thats one thing i like about this community, great stuff! 👍

Goodluck Chris for your last banzai run :cheers:

edit: no problem Marc :) i mostly copied what Chris did in the past events, i think its great for everyone to be able to see a different way of driving while the event is still available, faster or slower sometimes theres details we always overlook.
Man, I want a banzai so badly right now...:ouch:

I agree with Marc/Chris/Mike, it doesn't feel like the willingness to help has waned...

This combo was inspired by Hammy's win at Monza, but that doesn't mean I'm a fan, quite the opposite. I was giggling a little when he had to drop out of the Singapore race. What a great race that was! 👍
In my run to the finish...


Had a crazy drift coming out of Lesmo 1 but looking at my sectortime there it's .042 away from my best T2...:D
Seeing as it is now Monday evening... Time for 1 last session :D
Good luck everyone :cheers:
Happy Bonzai Chris!
Man, I want a banzai so badly right now...:ouch:

I agree with Marc/Chris/Mike, it doesn't feel like the willingness to help has waned...

This combo was inspired by Hammy's win at Monza, but that doesn't mean I'm a fan, quite the opposite. I was giggling a little when he had to drop out of the Singapore race. What a great race that was! 👍

Same. Haven't noticed the help diminish at all.

Also, this is the first driver grouping with McLaren that is odd for me, because previously there's always been a driver on the team I've liked, which led to me liking the team to begin with.
Eeek, its not going well at all.... can't string a lap together. I've beaten every sector time now but just can't sew it up. I'm submitting right now with my current best but I can see another possible (nearly) 4 tenths out there. I usually like to get within at least 0.2 of my theoretical best but this monster on these tyres.... :scared:
Yeah I hear you Chris. I'm still .523 away from my theoretical best...but won't be able to get any better than what I just submitted.
:lol: same here. I keep beating T1, but the best I've managed is .07 slower than my pb.
I have run 8-9 laps within a tenth of my pb so I guess I've hit my limit after all. I'll know for sure in an hour or so :crazy:
Good luck everyone... Really sorry I missed this week as I love Monza. Maybe next time :cheers:

(think Kato from Pink Panther)

Yeah.... not so much.


I'll take a bath on this one, but the Schadenfreude should help others :sly:

Had one-and-a-bit sessions. Was too tired by the time I'd worked out what I should be doing not to mess up the Lesmos every... single... time, and the .1 T1s started vanishing. I expected to not be submitting, because I knew I'd run out of puff early from my weekend.

The posted (and submitted) splits, most things are OK (not good, just OK for the time spent, I think) except the second chicane is utterly hideous. I don't think I'd even worked out the braking point by then :dunce:. I hope T3 isn't too bad.

I also feel people are just as helpful as always. I believe that most times it's traditionally started off with a question, which is often answered very well; I don't back my knowledge or communication skills, personally, and I tend to run late.

I tend to regard combos, particularly like this one, a bit like a puzzle - I like to work out most of it by myself most of the time. I look for clues when I struggle (not like that takes long) - splits are one, and tips and thread banter are another. Probably bad from the do-your-practice-right point of view, but the experimenting is fun.

Also, wanted to say happy birthday, Chris!

Also also: I find Jensen moderately likeable. His girlfriend has two sisters!
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Thanks for joining, Ren. We'll be brothers in Schadenfreude, then. :P