GTP_WRS (GT5) Week 84 : Don't 'Cha Wish Your Ferrari Was Fast Like Me?

  • Thread starter Gravitron
Now I know why I was so slow... We used to give each other tips about when to shift up. Those times are gone??
Anyway Christophe told me to shift up slightly under 8000 RPM.

First splits:
T1: 30.888
T2: 38.144
I noticed, and it's helped me gain a bit more time. 1-2 mph quicker in the straights because of that great tip. 👍

Now if only I could run a clean lap. :ouch:

Even faster lap, just as dirty as before. :( That last part of the second chicane keeps getting me. This time by the narrowest of margins.


And I don't have time to go back and get a better clean lap now, will have to do it later.
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Finally managed to bring T2 and T3 down, but lost about 3 tenths on T1, :ouch: now Ill attempt to put everything together :banghead: before tomorrows deadline.

Well, I no longer have any saved replays!! :grumpy:

I have been having an issue where, whenever I try to race on any Suzuka variation, my system locks up and I have to power cycle the PS3 to get back on to GT5. A pretty strange problem and I haven't heard of anyone having the same thing.

I decided to delete the Game Data and re-install it last night/this morning, saving my save data prior to doing this. Once everything had been re-installed, I noticed that I didn't have to re-load my Game save as this was unaffected, however I now no longer have any of the saved photos/replays/custom tracks. My items and garage are fine.

Not sure I'll get another session now, but on the bright side, it appears I can go racing at Suzuka again :)

Those times are gone??
Anyway Christophe told me to shift up slightly under 8000 RPM.

First splits:
I always assume its obvious from looking at the power curve but I suppose its only like posting a setup on a tuning week... And welcome back Wes mate. :cheers: Nice 1st sector 👍

Well, I no longer have any saved replays!! :grumpy:
Ahh mate, that's a bugger... replays are saved as part of the main game data and not in the user save data - if you have multiple accounts, and select delete all replays from one account, it deletes all replays from all accounts. And, as you've discovered, deleting game data also loses all saved replays. I've got in the habit of immediately exporting my new fastest replay after a session just in case anything goes wrong.. not that it helps your situation now. Looks like you had a pretty good lap there too. :indiff:

Commiserations to you as well Mike for your replay glitch. Looks like a bad week for replay disasters.

I've not run this for a couple of days now (Birthday yesterday :ouch:) so I'm probably off the boil. I'll have a go maybe later or tomorrow evening but don't expect to improve - can beat T1 easily but always lose out again in sector 3. Good luck guys, its a toughy. 👍
That sucks Welsh, like Chris said its a bad week for replays :scared:

Hey happy birthday Chris! :cheers:

And well done Wes :)
Well, I no longer have any saved replays!! :grumpy:

Not sure I'll get another session now, but on the bright side, it appears I can go racing at Suzuka again :)


You'll probably go even faster than your fastest lap. I always tell myself if I've done it before I can do it again. Saved over my fastest lap from yesterday but went much faster on my try to match it today, so Id say give it 10 laps

I always assume its obvious from looking at the power curve but I suppose its only like posting a setup on a tuning week... And welcome back Wes mate. :cheers: Nice 1st sector 👍

I've not run this for a couple of days now (Birthday yesterday :ouch:) so I'm probably off the boil. I'll have a go maybe later or tomorrow evening but don't expect to improve - can beat T1 easily but always lose out again in sector 3. Good luck guys, its a toughy. 👍

Happy birthday mate. How do you tell from the power curve what is the best shift point? I always see two numbers on there
Happy birthday mate. How do you tell from the power curve what is the best shift point? I always see two numbers on there
Thankee mate :cheers: You have to go into GT mode, buy an unmodified version of the car and then enter the settings screen - the power/torque curve is shown bottom right. If the torque shape is flat or bottom heavy, or the power curve peaks a ways before the rev limiter, generally the car will benefit from short shifting - then test it on Route X to find the optimal shift point for acceleration. 👍
Happy Birthday Chris :cheers:

For optimal shift points I always use the same system, and Monza provides a great testing ground.
Watch your speedometer increasing as you approach the shift point. When you shift, One of three thing will happen:
If the speedo numbers speed up immediately after you shift then you have shifted too late.
If the speedo numbers slow down after you shift then you shifted too early.
If the speedo stays consistent, then you've nailed it.

This works way better if your speedo is in KM/h 👍
Try shifting the McLaren at 6000 / 7500 / 8500 and you'll see what I mean.
At 6000 the speedo #s will slow significantly after you shift as you are too low in the power band.
At 7500 it will be very consistent.
At 8500 the speedo #s will speed up significantly after you shift as you have run past the optimal power band and the acceleration slows prior to shifting.
Some where around 7800 is the optimal point for this one.
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Happy Birthday Chris :cheers:

For optimal shift points I always use the same system, and Monza provides a great testing ground.
Watch your speedometer increasing as you approach the shift point. When you shift, One of three thing will happen:
If the speedo numbers speed up immediately after you shift then you have shifted too late.
If the speedo numbers slow down after you shift then you shifted too early.
If the speedo stays consistent, then you've nailed it.

This works way better if your speedo is in KM/h 👍
Try shifting the McLaren at 6000 / 7500 / 8500 and you'll see what I mean.
At 6000 the speedo #s will slow significantly after you shift as you are too low in the power band.
At 7500 it will be very consistent.
At 8500 the speedo #s will speed up significantly after you shift as you have run past the optimal power band and the acceleration slows prior to shifting.
Some where around 7800 is the optimal point for this one.
Thanks for the tip Marc, very helpful.👍

Cheers Chris, Mike, Christophe.:cheers:
Happy Birthday Chris :cheers:

For optimal shift points I always use the same system, and Monza provides a great testing ground.
Watch your speedometer increasing as you approach the shift point. When you shift, One of three thing will happen:
If the speedo numbers speed up immediately after you shift then you have shifted too late.
If the speedo numbers slow down after you shift then you shifted too early.
If the speedo stays consistent, then you've nailed it.

This works way better if your speedo is in KM/h 👍
Try shifting the McLaren at 6000 / 7500 / 8500 and you'll see what I mean.
At 6000 the speedo #s will slow significantly after you shift as you are too low in the power band.
At 7500 it will be very consistent.
At 8500 the speedo #s will speed up significantly after you shift as you have run past the optimal power band and the acceleration slows prior to shifting.
Some where around 7800 is the optimal point for this one.

Nice tip 👍 very useful, and your right, right before 8k is right on the money except for 6th gear which seems to slow down the speedo a touch
Nice tip 👍 very useful, and your right, right before 8k is right on the money except for 6th gear which seems to slow down the speedo a touch

That's because PD doesn't know the tranny trick ;)
The upside is you only need 7th once, for the main straight and I've consistently shifted immediately after the SF line there - crossing at 272 (273 1 in 10 tries).
I'm back to struggling again. Can't be my previously saved best time once again. I think it's mostly due to frustration from earlier and being too cautious.

This time the lap is dirty on the first chicane. :ouch:

Overheated my wheel and still no clean faster lap.
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Likely the last splits for me. I've gone faster but I always manage to mess up T3 in some way, shape or form.

Can't believe what I did last my pursuit of setting an even better time, and my euphory of even doing so, I saved a better lap ontop of my best lap so far. When checking it was clearly a 'dirty' lap, leaving me with nothing now.....:banghead:

I know I should be able to do this again, but I am not sure if I still will find the time....This is something I need to learn, to keep my cool when I think I have run an awsome lap....
Can't believe what I did last my pursuit of setting an even better time, and my euphory of even doing so, I saved a better lap ontop of my best lap so far. When checking it was clearly a 'dirty' lap, leaving me with nothing now.....:banghead:

I know I should be able to do this again, but I am not sure if I still will find the time....This is something I need to learn, to keep my cool when I think I have run an awsome lap....

Did exactly the same thing saved a slower lap over my fastest lap, accidentally hit save ghost instead of load and then picked my fastest lap and saves over it. Luckily I put in a few more laps faster than that one
T1: 30.968
T2: 37.885

Now for the hardest part, combining everything.:scared:

Well, I no longer have any saved replays!! :grumpy:

I have been having an issue where, whenever I try to race on any Suzuka variation, my system locks up and I have to power cycle the PS3 to get back on to GT5. A pretty strange problem and I haven't heard of anyone having the same thing.

I decided to delete the Game Data and re-install it last night/this morning, saving my save data prior to doing this. Once everything had been re-installed, I noticed that I didn't have to re-load my Game save as this was unaffected, however I now no longer have any of the saved photos/replays/custom tracks. My items and garage are fine.

Not sure I'll get another session now, but on the bright side, it appears I can go racing at Suzuka again :)

Tough luck, hopefully you'll get another go at it.👍

I removed your splits from the leaderboard.
Yay! Wes is back... :sly: Great splits mate, not that I'm surprised. 👍
Karma's tough sometimes. :ouch: Splits from Frustrating Friday session. Almost 0.30 better to T2, but lost 0.27 in T3, for 0.03 better at the line.


Good luck to those still running, this will have to be my submitter.
I find myself running more laps even though I told myself I was going to submit and not torture myself trying to get a faster lap.