GTP_WRS : New Drivers and Promotions.

  • Thread starter Sjaak
:: Division 1 ::

Division 1 Silver (1.334 - 1.666):

GTP_Glen / "Glenalz81" / UK (1.528)

:: Division 2 ::

Division 2 Gold (2.000 - 2.333):

GTP_Ph7shr / "Ph1sher" / USA (2.227) (Verified)
Thanks guys! Will be starting anytime soon here!!

Also big thanks to Brandon for helping me out with everything! Can't believe I'm put at a higher division than you!

Now my goal is too get into division 1 in a couple months!

See you over on the thread!! 👍

Also just want to say, it feels pretty cool that I'm in this thing with like oink, pasm, tidgeny, wrp, and much more as I love watching oinks vids and I see you guys just flying around the track making it look so easy!
Sometimes the announcements of promotions lags the announcement of new members by several days, or sometimes, there just aren't any, due to how the math works out.

Patience, d00d. :lol:
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Alright. I was about to edit my post saying I was being a little too impatient anyways. :lol:
Congratulations to all new drivers!
wish i could participate these days... havent touched the G27 in months. :(
Final Qualifier Results:

:: Division 3 ::

Division 3 Gold (3.000 - 3.333):

GTP_Striker / "Zuel" / USA (3.303)
GTP_hiStream / "hiStream" / Sweden (3.327)

Division 3 Bronze (3.667 - 3.999):

GTP_clock / "GTP_clock" / Australia (3.890)

:: Division 5 ::

Division 5 Gold (5.000 - 5.333):

GTP_Clue / "AgentChickenMCGT5" / GBR (5.063)

With this, we close the GT5 registry to new entrants.

In all, we had 935 entries in the registry.
Latest round of promotions (one more to come, after final GT5 event is official):

GTP_Vagabond (Vagabond) D1 Silver -> D1 Gold (1.24645 -0.42021)
GTP_Insatiable (millross) D2 Gold -> D1 Bronze (1.91165 -0.42169)
GTP_Roomboter (Roomboter) D2 Gold -> D1 Bronze (1.97377 -0.35956)
GTP_Wins ("ItsAllAboutWins") D2 Silver -> D2 Gold (2.19503 -0.47163)
GTP_Rikson (Rikson) D2 Silver -> D2 Gold (2.29173 -0.37494)
* GTP_AspecBob (segovia) D3 Silver -> D2 Bronze (2.97996 -0.68671)
GTP_otxjto (otxjto) D3 Silver -> D3 Gold (3.19013 -0.47654)
GTP_RaceRyder (GTP_RaceRyder) D3 Bronze -> D3 Silver (3.65408 -0.34592)
* GTP_Straffestef (Straffestef) D4 Silver -> D3 Bronze (3.96314 -0.70353
Good going Chris, you certainly deserved it. 👍 congrats to everyone else I their promotion and welcome to the new fellows.

Nice work Vaxen, 935 entries, that's a lot of processing. Thanks for the hard work 👍

My aim is to get D1 in the next round of promotions to end gt5

2.006 I think one more event should do it :)
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welcome to the new drivers and all the promotees!

Well done Chris! good to see you got it before gt6, you deserve it! see you on gt6 :)
To quote George Takei... "Oh My!"

Thanks for the accolades guys. :cheers:

Have you ever received a gift that, although you absolutely love it, you feel on some level you don't really deserve? I've felt that twice this year; once when my missus bought me my CSW for my Birthday... and right now. I'm the mere mortal dressed up in an alien costume and hoping they don't notice.

Honestly though, I never really thought it would be possible for me to get in to Club Alien. Gratified, pleased, ecstatic...? They don't really cut it... I do really feel like this is a major acheivement and I'm over the bloody moon quite frankly.

At least I'll be ready to drive Kaz' lunar rover! :P

I owe my heart felt gratitude to all who make the WRS happen: Kevin and Vaxen (what is your name by the way?) primarily but not forgetting the 3D3 guys Tim, Lucas and Marc and also Sjaak, Christophe and Pekka for their contributions. :cheers: And of course every single competitor in the WRS who has kept the spirit and atmosphere alive, raced cleanly and fairly and continued to make GTPlanet the best online community around.

This was probably an overly effusive acceptance speech but having started in Division 3 Bronze back in GT5P, its been a long and most enjoyable drive to get here.

Congratulations to my fellow promotees, particularly Matt and Dennis for making it into D1. 👍 Welcome to the new members too. I hope you get stuck in and enjoy it, its great. 👍

Racing On!!