GTP_WRS : New Drivers and Promotions.

  • Thread starter Sjaak
Outstanding!!!! Congratulations to all the promotees and also welcome to the newest members of the club.

Sincerest congratulations to both Matt and Chris - for me, you both set a benchmark for speed, consistency and gentlemanly conduct. You are both significant factors in what keeps me coming back here. I salute you Sirs, in the best possible way 👍
Congratulations Chris! :cheers: Seeing how close you were to being in D1 Gold before, I knew it was only a matter of time.

Welcome to Division 1 Matt and Dennis 👍

Congrats to all the other promotions, and welcome to the final batch of new drivers.

Turns out my handicap is finally below 2.0 again. Not technically a promotion as I'm already in D1 Bronze, but it sort of feels like one. I'd love to make it into D1 Silver one day...
That's good of you Jon, thanks mate. :) The feeling is mutual; it would be great to see you back in more regularly again. 👍

And thanks Matt. 👍
Chris. I told ya you would be D1 gold in the next round of promotions. :P Congratulations!! Very well deserved indeed. 👍

Matt and Dennis, welcome to the wonderful world of D1! :cheers:

Brandon, wow! D2 Gold! Well done! 👍

Looks like I came a bit short of a promotion myself. My handicap went down from a 1.598 to a 1.396! I'm gonna have to give it everything I got this month to have a chance. Since last week's results aren't official yet, that will be a great start. :D

Welcome all new drivers and congrats to the other promotees! :cheers:
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To quote George Takei... "Oh My!"

Thanks for the accolades guys. :cheers:

Have you ever received a gift that, although you absolutely love it, you feel on some level you don't really deserve? I've felt that twice this year; once when my missus bought me my CSW for my Birthday... and right now. I'm the mere mortal dressed up in an alien costume and hoping they don't notice.

Honestly though, I never really thought it would be possible for me to get in to Club Alien. Gratified, pleased, ecstatic...? They don't really cut it... I do really feel like this is a major acheivement and I'm over the bloody moon quite frankly.

At least I'll be ready to drive Kaz' lunar rover! :P

I owe my heart felt gratitude to all who make the WRS happen: Kevin and Vaxen (what is your name by the way?) primarily but not forgetting the 3D3 guys Tim, Lucas and Marc and also Sjaak, Christophe and Pekka for their contributions. :cheers: And of course every single competitor in the WRS who has kept the spirit and atmosphere alive, raced cleanly and fairly and continued to make GTPlanet the best online community around.

This was probably an overly effusive acceptance speech but having started in Division 3 Bronze back in GT5P, its been a long and most enjoyable drive to get here.

Congratulations to my fellow promotees, particularly Matt and Dennis for making it into D1. 👍 Welcome to the new members too. I hope you get stuck in and enjoy it, its great. 👍

Racing On!!

Congrats Chris. I know we have had our differences in the past and all, but I must say that I am genuinely very happy for you and your accomplishment here. Along with your willingness to help others along, your skillset here is without question what got you to this point and I greatly admire you for that. In my opinion, getting promoted to Alien status couldn't happen to a more deserving person. Its great to see you finally make it to the promise land.

To all the rest of the promotes, congrats to you all as well, a very deserving round of promotions as well. Keep up the great work and keep reaching for the top.
Thanks guys, and congratulations to all other promotees, especially Chris. I'd like to add something about you, Chris, but I think it's all been said already!

Wow, a double promotion, that's quite a way to end GT5... and I won't have to provide replays now for quite a while! :D
WOW i made it into D1

First of all contratz to all who promoted and the new guys. Specially to Chris making it in the alien division. Well deserved.

Never thought it could make to D1 when i first start out back in GT5P and i qualified in D3B. But like they say, practice makes perfect, although the real perfectness is in D1G.

I specially what to thank the people who helped me improve my driving skills. Brandon (crazytortise) who helped me a lot back in the Prologue days, unfortunately not really active anymore. Miss you mate. Aresh (Calcifer12), also not really active anymore but was a good help as well and also miss you. And recently Ramon (eclipse) helped me out, but looks like he's disappeared from the surface of the earth since the previous academy. And everybody else who helped out over the years in one way of the other. Dissipate my progress i notice i have to drive frequently to maintain my speed.

Thanks for the congratulations from everybody. Looks like you receive more congrats once you made it into D1 and even more once you reach D1G. Chris can confirm it :)

For some reason i can't take rite of Matt. We both promoted at the same time or to follow each other in the round of promotion :)

And of course thanks to the WRS staff, who makes al this possible for so many years. Really appriciate it. I know how much work it is and how much of your own free time you have to invest :bowdown:
Congratulations Chris, brilliant achievement and thoroughly deserved! Great to have Dennis for company, again, well done old chap :D

Thank you to all in this thread for the nods in my direction, it's great to be up there! I've got a big challenge on my hands now in the gt6 qualifier :-)

Hope to get a few goes in d1 colours before this all wraps up. Cheers folks :cheers:
Well I should really scroll down on my phone more often, just saw this.

Welcome new people, some really fast drivers coming in.

A huge congrats to Chris, you really deserve it and it couldn't happen to a better guy.

Congrats to all the other promotees, a lot of people finishing strong, nice job.

Thanks to Vaxen for the commitment to the WRS.
Congratulations guys! Awesome job Chris, Dennis, Erik, Stef :cheers:

All of you worked really hard for it, fully deserved 👍
Congrats to the promotees... especially to Chris for getting in to D1G (not bad for an old D3 driver ;)) and to Dennis (I know how much you wanted this mate :))

Course you're going to have to run equally quick in the GT6 WRS Qualifier now... no pressure ;)
There'll be a GT6 based WRS qualifier soon enough and I can slip back to D1S where I feel a it more comfortable and leave only 1 Chris in D1G ;)
Thanks Chris. 👍 I challenge your assertion however.... I'm not sure I wholly accept that I belong in D1 Gold. (Noooo, its mine, its mine, you can't have it back!) I'll be more than happy to just get in to D1 at all in the GT6 qualifier. :)
Good lord, if there were ever two guys that needed to be in D1G it's the Chris twins...what are you two on....actually whatever it is please stop taking it immediately and go polish yer yellow cups :cheers:
I think you've proved you belong there more than I have.

All I did was put a good time in on the one qualifier. You've run weeks and weeks and weeks of WRS gradually dragging yourself to up D1G - that's a huge amount of commitment and a great achievement 👍

I remember Maz and Dan doing it in GT5P... in fact I think Maz got his promotion just before GT5 came out a bit like yourself with GT6.

I do think D1G is a strange division though, and I've always felt like a bit of an imposter - trying to compete with Ramon and Zocky in the early GT5 WRS's was a serious challenge :lol: And every Seasonal TT I feel humbled by the amazing pace of the real Alien level drivers - I think there's probably a bigger gap in ability between the top and bottom of D1G than the top and bottom of any other full division.

Having said that, I'm still proud to have 'GTPLanet Division 1 Gold' in my signature, and to see my GTP tag on the 2nd or 3rd page of a Seasonal TT :D

Again, well done Chris :cheers:
Say, where do I start with the new drivers and all? Sorry, but Im like, literally new to this whole thing.
Welcome to the new members and congratulations to all promotees. 👍

Mmmm, what I see here ..., a new D1G promotee, Chris?, Chris!, I'm glad you reached the unreachable star. :D ;) :P

I see another Don Quixote too, a D1B promotee, a bit crazy, riding a scrawny horse, but all courage, basic ingredients for a future D1G, congrats Dennis. :D :ron:
Welcome to the new members and congratulations to all promotees. 👍

Mmmm, what I see here ..., a new D1G promotee, Chris?, Chris!, I'm glad you reached the unreachable star. :D ;) :P

I see another Don Quixote too, a D1B promotee, a bit crazy, riding a scrawny horse, but all courage, basic ingredients for a future D1G, congrats Dennis. :D :ron:

Oh stop Ramon your making me blush :we:
Hey guys new to GTP but not to GT, looking forward to getting on track you guys and see how i stack up.
