I feel like I want to quit online racing forever. I'm hardly competitive anymore, I'm TOO consistent to the point I sacrifice speed for it, I'm not having fun, and I'm tired of being the slowest guy out there.
This is a sport for the steering wheel people, not me. I'm very close to just giving up all of it. I just... don't know what to do.
Don't know why I'm only seeing this a month later

'because you've just been popping in and out you idiot and not really reading anything' a voice in my head said.
Anyway felt like responding by writing this EDIT: 5000 word essay.
if your not finding it fun maybe giving it a rest will help. I've found in the year I've been taking part that I've had my low's wondering what am I doing trying to compete with these guys. Some weeks I pull my hair out in frustration wondering what the hell how are they doing that. 🤬 it can make me 🤬

Then I end up remembering some of the reason's why I joined, I like playing GT but got so fed up with the arcade races and online TT's, I needed something more fun and more enjoyable, The guys here are all

and don't care how fast you are, It's nice clean racing most of the time

, the challanges the guys set each week are... pièces de génie d'art exceptionnelles, (has PD nicked a few idea's for Gtsport? ) They can drive you nuts some weeks, others weeks they seem to suck you in. What ever your reason's where for joining, try and go back to that point. What I noticed was I slower becasue my mind-set / state of mind had changed from when I joined. Back then I didn't care where I came on the leaderboard I was just giving it a go. In the races I was too nervous and kept spining

but got the car round and drove on to have some nice battles for last

. (cutting this short and getting to the point). Being consistent isn't bad, in races it can pay off and over time you'll get the speed and not notice it. until it's to late and you get pushed up a division. Don't worry about being competitive just drive for the fun off it, for the reason you play GT. If you can get back the same state of mind as when you started you might find it easier, like I did, to have fun and not really care how fast you are compared to everyone but still try to give it your best go. And of course more guys that take part the more fun it is 👍.
I voluntarily ban myself from writing anything for a month because of this brain-fart as they say... over here

. Apart from splits and settings