GTP_WRS Online: Parity Racing: Deep Forest Reverse - 1975 or older - 12/13 April

  • Thread starter WRP001
A quick question about the "target time". Should it be a time that we can hit regularly, or should that time be a potential "magic lap".

It should be a time that you cannot go under. Your magic lap can be very close to the limit, but shouldn't be under.

Using my case as an example: My regular laps when I first jump in the lounge are closer to 1'27 then 1'26 and fairly inconsistent. After about 15 minutes of warm up I'm in the mid 1'26 regularly. When I really get a feel for the car and track I start running consistently between 1'26.1 and 1'26.4. When I hit my magic lap I've managed a 1'26.0XX but just once or twice so far. I've never hit a 1'25.9XX and if I did I would drop the car a touch. If I tracked and added up all of my PR splits, it's possible it would be a 1'25.9, but I haven't run that lap yet after many laps of practice and I'm very unlikely to see it. If I do see it I'll drop a performance point or two with power limiter and/or ballast.

During the race with draft (or practice if you follow someone close) you very well could see a 1'25.9 and that's OK. I hit a best of 1'25.97 today but was being tugged along by Pekka at the time. Once I was in the front the best I could do was a low 1'26.
It should be a time that you cannot go under. Your magic lap can be very close to the limit, but shouldn't be under.

Using my case as an example: My regular laps when I first jump in the lounge are closer to 1'27 then 1'26 and fairly inconsistent. After about 15 minutes of warm up I'm in the mid 1'26 regularly. When I really get a feel for the car and track I start running consistently between 1'26.1 and 1'26.4. When I hit my magic lap I've managed a 1'26.0XX but just once or twice so far. I've never hit a 1'25.9XX and if I did I would drop the car a touch. If I tracked and added up all of my PR splits, it's possible it would be a 1'25.9, but I haven't run that lap yet after many laps of practice and I'm very unlikely to see it. If I do see it I'll drop a performance point or two with power limiter and/or ballast.

During the race with draft (or practice if you follow someone close) you very well could see a 1'25.9 and that's OK. I hit a best of 1'25.97 today but was being tugged along by Pekka at the time. Once I was in the front the best I could do was a low 1'26.

Amazing, perfect answer man, I'm working on my car, should have a final on the signups by tomorrow night.
I'm cashing in some chips to take part in this one. 👍 Tim knows what I'm talking 'bout. :lol:

Signing up reserve for now, and trying to imagine what car would be better for me than the BRZ that I prepared for the combo a few days ago...
I attempted a BTR with clutch usage. I think I got a 1'26.7 on a very sloppy lap.

In hindsight, a rear engine Porsche is probably not the best starter car for racing with the clutch.

I don't think I'll be available at the timeslot anyway.
I'm cashing in some chips to take part in this one. 👍 Tim knows what I'm talking 'bout. :lol:

Signing up reserve for now, and trying to imagine what car would be better for me than the BRZ that I prepared for the combo a few days ago...

I'll be on later tonight (maybe 8:30 Pacific) if you want to run some laps. Just stick with the BRZ if it's a fun drive and is at the correct pace.
Man, all these weekend races look great. If they were run before 10am central I could make every one, its hard to blow the middle of the afternoon though. Oh well, have a good time everyone.
22:15 - Reset track and begin qualifying

No need for qualifying with this formula, as we are all pre qualified at the 1' pace
The first heat race is for everyone to check their pace within the group, so grid order is not so important, after that grid order can be based on previous race result.
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During the race with draft (or practice if you follow someone close) you very well could see a 1'25.9 and that's OK. I hit a best of 1'25.97 today but was being tugged along by Pekka at the time. Once I was in the front the best I could do was a low 1'26.

The effect of draft on lap times is not the same with Parity Racing (DeadNutsEven) in our experience. You will have drivers of varying skill and different handling cars. Some guys will be a little slower in the straights some a little faster. If a faster guy who corners a little better, gets behind a slower driver who has a little more straightaway speed, it's possible to get a tow all the way down the front straight at a much higher speed that you would in a spec race.

Likewise, if you are a little slower through the corners but someone a half second ahead is a little faster, you can pick up his tow and get up to his speed but not faster and gain a two through the twisty bits of the course and then with your superior straightline speed, pass him on the straight sections.

On top of that, because it's Parity Racing and generally very close, it's possible to leapfrog through the pack sometimes in the right circumstances and gain time that way.

So it's not unusual to see laps several tenths faster due to the draft. All we have asked our guys to do is make a concerted effort to qualify their cars and give them a thorough shakedown ahead of time, and then monitor their "draft free" laps to see how they measure up to the target. We've made mistakes and had guys DQ themselves in the past as sometimes the heat of competition brings out skills in us we didn't know we had but never because of laps run in the draft.
Man, all these weekend races look great. If they were run before 10am central I could make every one, its hard to blow the middle of the afternoon though. Oh well, have a good time everyone.

Well we have EU guys that can't race before 21:00 and unfortunately we can't fit it to everyone's schedule. I'd prefer all event at 9:00 PM Pacific, but I'd be racing with myself.

No need for qualifying with this formula, as we are all pre qualified at the 1' pace
The first heat race is for everyone to check their pace within the group, so grid order is not so important, after that grid order can be based on previous race result.

OK, what we'll do is just reset the track at 22:00 and we'll start race #1 at 22:15 or when all the guys from the other series show up (whichever comes first). No formal qualification period, but in effect that's what it'll be because the system will put you on the grid based on your fastest lap after the track reset.

@Johnny: I think that's basically what I said and explained. Draft laps can be faster than the target, but practice laps without draft should not exceed the target time. Not sure where I missed anything? We've done at least a half dozen practice races with 5-6 guys during our practice session and we've seen guys under 1'26.000 in draft and I've stated that's fine. Tons of fun by the way, but at this track passing isn't going to be easy even with the draft. The cars with a really good exit from the final corner have a good shot at a pass... my car is the heaviest on the list so far and takes the final corner like a barge so I'm going to have to just take advantages of mistakes in order to get by. :sly:

PS> Those of you with TBD for your car choice should specify you cars and specs relatively soon please.
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Some pics of last night practice races.






Nice pics!

I'll be up for some more practice and practice races in a little over an hour 20:00 GMT if anyone else is interested. A good time to finalize your car choice/specs if you haven't already.

I think this open choice is overwhelming a few of the car lovers in the group. They are like a kid in a candy store and can't decide which treat to get even though the cashier is waiting impatiently with a line forming quickly. :lol:

PS> I'm hoping to get some good video highlights from the races this weekend. Then you guys can go out and use it to recruit other drivers. We'll probably run the next one of these parity events in two weeks on Saturday, March 2nd, but not 100% sure yet. We'll announce something at the end of next week.
Im a bit late to the party but Ill try and pick a car quick, I think the nissan gt academy version would be a good choice, havent tried it around here yet, Ill try a few cars before tomorrows race. good idea though plus the different cars will make good for pics 👍
Well we have EU guys that can't race before 21:00 and unfortunately we can't fit it to everyone's schedule. I'd prefer all event at 9:00 PM Pacific, but I'd be racing with myself.
Didn't mean to imply that you should change anything, was just saying.
Didn't mean to imply that you should change anything, was just saying.

Understood and wish you could join us for these or our weekly races. Would be nice to see you on track again... it's been a long time.
I'll be in the lounge too. I might dial up Daytona and practice for the enduro qualifying until someone shows up to practice at Deep Forest.
Lounge is setup for Deep Forest and n0ize and I are running laps. If we get a few more guys we'll run some practice races.
Just seen this... should look in here more often. Signed up with the closest thing GT5 has to my own car - Focus RS '02. Should be a riot. 👍


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PS> I'm hoping to get some good video highlights from the races this weekend. Then you guys can go out and use it to recruit other drivers.

I spend my spare time making videos for youtube about gt5. Mostly aimed at people learning the game, but I think this race might be really fun, so ill make a video for it and post it on sunday.

If anyone wanted to use it for posting around also like you said then that would be great for me also :D
Glad you'll join us Chris! (vagabond). Love to see your video work paul (oink).

The practice races today were just Bart (PASM), Daniel (n0ize) and myself, but they were still a blast. Bart's car choice is just awesome. He motors up the hills in the early part of the lap and I could pass him on the back half down the hills. Noize somewhere in the middle. Really back and forth like that for the majority of the laps. Fun stuff and I hope everyone gets a taste of that tomorrow, but quite intense as we were inches apart at time.

Noize kept getting faster for a while as he got better at the combo and had to adjust his car to slow it down... I suspect most of you who haven't done too many laps are going to be in the same boat. At some point you stop moving along the steep part of the learning curve and your laps stabilize... so put in a little time before the race so you are at the correct pace and it'll be great.

See you guys tomorrow.
It looks highly likely that we are going to be over 12 drivers this week and with the close racing we'll definitely want to minimize lag so we're going to run the parity event this week in the mic-disabled "A" lounge: GTP_3D3_A.

Make sure the lounge is on your friends list and if not send a PSN FR at least a couple hours before the race so the admins can be sure to have time to accept it. I'm pretty sure everyone signed up currently is on the list, but double check to be sure.

Because we're using a shared lounge the driver limit is 15. Luckily there are only 15 including reserves at the moment. This isn't the type of event that someone can just pop in at the last minute given the target lap time so I'm closing the event for new registrations as of now.
Darn, chances of making it just dropped. I'll stay reserve, but don't be surprised if I can't make it. Normal weekend errands and activities.

It goes without saying...have a great time, guys. 👍
I wont be able to make it tonight, i've toook myself off the reserve list.
I just registered. Going into lounge 3D3_A now to get my pacing right.
I just registered. Going into lounge 3D3_A now to get my pacing right.

👍 I'll drop in there in about 45 minutes.

EDIT: The lounge (GTP_3D3_A) is open and there are already 4-5 guys. 👍
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I hope most of you enjoyed yourself.

I did even with that first feature race being ruined by a phone call. I apologize again to those of you who got caught up in my mess when I tried unsuccessfully to exit the race.

With 13 on track it was basically chaos, but fun chaos... at least for me. There were times when I was involved in an incident early and ended up racing with a couple guys for the last three places for a few laps (Vagabond and MadMax), but actually once we got situated into our own battle it was quite fun and respectful racing.

The last race 14 lap battle with Bart and Jon was really fun too.

All in all, I'd say a successful first run of this format and I'm sure we'll all get better with this type of racing as we get used to it. I certainly want to do it again and hope you guys do too.

I had fun, and I hope I didn't ruin anyone else's!

It's that sort of chaos that makes short lobby races fun in their own way. Takes a bit of getting used to, and I for one hope to get more chances to do so. Harder to stay two wide/ leave room with the car differences, so I was possibly a bit ambitious that way today.

Hope I didn't force Cote wide, for example.
It's better than shuffle races.👍

I didn't have as much fun as I would have liked myself but there's a lot of potential. I'm sure next time will be better for me. It was quite hard to get the car specs right, I think I got it spot on myself though eventually.

To be honest I didn't notice much of the chaos, I was only involved in race 3.
Looked to me on replay like Cote got the worst of it a couple times. The first race lap 1 there was a chain reaction with Mike, Chris and then a tap in Cote's rear quarter panel sent the elise into the grass. Tough way to start and nobody waited around for him so he was alone the rest of the race.

My car was such a tank that contact didn't impact it much... except when I drove into Pekka when he was sideways on track at 180 km/h... that had an impact. :lol: But Chris Pekka and I kind of grouped back up together and made the most of the remaining laps.

I think that's what we're going to have to watch out for. There are going to be incidents, but guys need to kind of stop and wait for the impacted driver so they have someone to battle with -- even when nobody is really at fault. These races are fun in when in a battle, but being at the back by yourself isn't. Winning or whatever is the outcome is irrelevant, it's the journey that matters. Like I said, we'll learn and get better at this, but for a first run I think it went pretty well.