GTP_WRS-Online : Special IX - 2.4 Hour Nürburgring Mixed Class Enduro - March 14/15

  • Thread starter PASM
Am coming home now from a last minute. Is there a way to watch the race tomorrow? Do i have To get into The lobby? I sort of remember @PASM publishing a YouTube link for another race but can't remember it for the life of me...
Am coming home now from a last minute. Is there a way to watch the race tomorrow? Do i have To get into The lobby? I sort of remember @PASM publishing a YouTube link for another race but can't remember it for the life of me...
not sure if there will be free spot in room (both of them), but be here around, Bart will post link to live stream of that race again tomorrow. :)
one last question: does the driver change have to be finished before 1:30'00.000 or is it the limit to enter the pits?

OK, first read carefully ;) question answered

  1. To begin the simulated driver change enter the pits as normal during the driver change window (race clock between 1:00:00 to 1:30:00).
Just to be positive: Race starts in 4h 10m right? Sorry for the silly question but I almost missed wednesday race...
Well my rotten Saturday just carried over to Sunday.:( I was really looking forward to this race and now I can't make it.
I am very sorry to cancel so late , hope you guys have a great race.
Driver Briefing, Sunday, March 15, 2015

Feature Race - Start Time

Starting Grid for the 2.4 Hours of Nürburgring

Schermafdruk 2015-03-15 17.16.48.png

Registration tables are now locked. If you wish to cancel, please reply to the thread.

Good luck to everyone and more importantly, have fun racing :cheers:


Please, everyone make sure you have read everything in the OP. Contrary to the support races, the one and only formation lap will be led by the LMP field, followed by the GT field. The GT pole sitters (@mcsqueegy and @Kjeld Lund) will follow the LMP field by about 10 seconds.

The simulated driver change is the same for everyone and should be 5 minutes long. If you mistakenly go too early, you can self-penalize by going to the pits the next lap and do the remaining time. The same system of self-penalizing should also apply to the track limits. Please do not make it a habit to run wide in for example turn 4. If you go over the white line with 3 or more wheels, lift off the throttle for a moment.

To prevent crashes between drivers going into the pit, and drivers overtaking coming out of the chicane, we have created rules for a safe pit entry. The full car should be inside the white lines all the time, from the start of the white/red surface till the end. The only exception is if you endanger another driver by moving over. In that case, move over to the pit lane entry at the earliest safe opportunity.

Another important note is that the start of your simulated driver change starts the moment the lollipop is raised. So, that is AFTER the tire and fuel service is complete.

After 2:24:00.000 (not 2:40:00.000) on the timer, the next time the leader passes start/finish, the leader should announce the checkered flag in the chat. Everyone should save the replay after the race, since it will not be exportable.

Simulated Driver Change

There will be one mandated (simulated) driver change during the race which must take place in a specified time window. To simulate the change a driver will pause during a regular pit stop for 5 minutes. The time window is long enough that it will throw some interesting dynamics into the race and it will also allow the participants to take a small break during the race for a stretch, drink or a real life pit stop during this challenging event.


  1. To begin the simulated driver change enter the pits as normal during the driver change window (race clock between 1:00:00 to 1:30:00).
  2. Begin the pit stop as normal allowing AI to take over and then selecting tires and added fuel amount and select OK
  3. After that screen is dismissed hit "Start" which will show the options buttons ("resume", "chat", "options" and "exit").
  4. As long as you see those option buttons you will not be released from your pits. Do not click any buttons including chat or you will be released when you dismiss that screen.
  5. The AI will drive the car into your pit stall and begin your normal pit stop. At this point you should be watching the race timer and the crew member with the release flag.
  6. When the flag man RAISES the release lollipop, your 5 minute wait officially begins. So, that is AFTER the tire and fuel service is complete.
  7. Note the race clock time (or current lap time) and write it down. Manually add 5 mins and write down this time which is when you can leave the pit.
  8. Take a break, stretch, pat your dog and do whatever else makes you feel refreshed.
  9. After the target time has been reached on the race timer hit start and proceed with the remainder of your race.
Driver Change Verification and Infractions:

  • All driver changes will be reviewed and penalties applied for improper execution before the results will become official.
  • If you do not serve the total 5 minutes a double time penalty will be applied to your finish time. e.g. if you serve only 4 minutes then 2 minutes will be added to your finish time.
  • If you accidentally leave the pits early you can avoid a penalty by returning to the pits and serving all of the remaining time on the *very next* lap.
  • Any driver that doesn't attempt a proper driver change will be DQ'd and removed from the official results.
Rolling Starts By Class

LMP cars will leave the grid first and get into a staggered formation. Pole sitter on left side and alternating all the way back. Target speed is 62 mph / 100 kph. GT cars should form up the same way shortly behind. Both fields should close ranks after exiting the final corner on the formation lap. Maintain formation lap speed until the start/finish line when the pole sitter will accelerate to race pace. All other cars should accelerate when the car in front accelerates. There should be no overlap with the car in front of you during the start. The GT pole sitter should time the start to maintain a safe gap to the LMP cars.

Mixed Class Racing Rules

Both classes must share the road and show some courtesy to the other class!

LMP Class Ground Rules:

  • Be Patient: Your job is to get around the GT class responsibly. Do not dive bomb a GT class car under braking putting them in jeopardy if you make a mistake. Understand where you car holds the advantage and utilize those areas to execute passes safely.
  • Have good situational awareness. If GT class drivers you are approaching are engaged in close battles don't expect them to stop their battle and let you go by. You may have to slow and pick your passing lines carefully. You may lose a gap you've built over a competing LMP driver, but that's the nature of multi-class racing. Everyone has a right to the road and everyone is going to get stuck behind a slower car at some point in the race.
GT Class Ground Rules:

  • Be predictable. Pick your line and and hold it. Don't suddenly change your line thinking it will allow faster cars to pass. You will just surprise them and mess up any plan they've already made to get around you. If you are taking a corner on the inside hold that line on exit and allow the LMP car to pass on the outside. If you are on an outside line in a corner, maintain that line on exit.
  • Have good situation awareness. Understand which cars and how many are around you. Is there one LMP class car attempting to pass or a pack of them. Where do the LMP cars have a big advantage over you (straight, under braking, mid corner).
  • Do not block: GT drivers do not have to move aside for an approaching LMP car, but they are not allowed to "block" or interfere with an LMP car trying to pass.
Remember every driver has their own style and approach to the course. You should take advantage of practices and support races to get to know your competitors and their driving styles and their skill level regardless of which class they are racing. Some drivers have more car control than others, some are more comfortable maintaining close proximity to other cars and some may back off with other cars around.

This event is for fun and drivers of all skill levels are welcome. If you have a problem with that then this probably isn't the event for you. Unintentional mistakes are going to happen, but this is a very long race and you have plenty of time to recover (light damage). However, at the same time, all drivers are expected to drive at a pace in which they can consistently control their car and not jeopardize other drivers. Do not drive faster than your ability to control the car. If during practices and races you are not able to consistently control your car you may be removed from the race and/or demoted to a lower race class at the stewards discretion.

  • Safe Pit Entry: Drivers must keep all four tires within the white lines on pit road entry and must avoid contact with walls. There is no specific speed limit on entry, but the driver may need to slow significantly in order to stay within the boundaries and avoid wall contact. If the boundaries are crossed or wall contact is made the driver can avoid penalty by lifting off the throttle completely for 2 seconds after the car is released from the pits to "self-penalize" otherwise a 10 second penalty will be incurred after the race.

  • Safe Pit Exit: As always, when exiting pit road the driver is responsible for a safe entry onto the racing line and must "yield" to oncoming traffic. Any incident resulting from an unsafe exit will result in a drive through penalty (30 secs) for the driver exiting the pits.
Race End

  • At 2.4 hours (2:24:00.000 on the race clock) the "white" flag will be waved.
  • The first time the overall race leader (from the LMP class) passes the finish line after 2.4 hours the checkered flag is waved and the leader's race is over. I.e. the first lap completed after 2.4 hours completes the leaders race. After passing the start/finish line the leader should immediately slow to 50 mph / 80 kph and announce the checkered flag (press start and type "Checkered Flag"). No car should pass him at any time going forward. Any close finishes at the line will be reviewed with replay for the official results. Note: if in doubt, finish your lap and the results will be reviewed.
  • After the checkered flag is announced all drivers should complete their current lap and their race is finished when they next pass the finish line. They should line up behind the train of cars that have already finished moving at 50 mph / 80 kph. When the last car passes the start/finish line we will announce race end, then everyone should proceed to parc ferme located at the run-off at turn 11. We will then record the results and then allow everyone to exit track and save the replay.
  • If you are in the pits beyond the start/finish line when the leader takes the checkered flag you can complete your lap *only* if you can exit pit road before the leader passes the pit exit. You cannot past the leader on the parade lap.
Can I still un-sign up for the race? Don't really feel up to it today.

As I can't fill in the form anymore, I guess I'll use this post to say that I will not be attending.
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Took me 3 tries to sign into PSN, got into game, took me 2 more to join lobby, took over 1 min to load. Got booted in half a lap, not going to put myself through the misery, sorry.
Awesome Race Everyone! I had an early mistake costing me to fall way back in the GT Class, but got back into the front pack! Including a 3 car battle between @GTP_Patrick1 And @Iceman220 :cheers: Awesome racing their! Almost got @jammy21 at the end, but not enough. Believe I got 3rd in the GT Class,but either way awesome racing! Lots of fun! Looking forward to the next event

Congrats to @PASM for winning the LMP Race! And congrats to @mcsqueegy on your GT Class Victory! Well Done! :cheers:
@PASM was just a little bit too fast for me today!
Even if I disregard all the issues I was involved in during the race that cost me time, you still would have won by about 10 seconds, and I get the feeling that you wasn't even pushing on the last stint...
Congrats to @PASM and @mcsqueegy for the class wins. 👍

I'm going to be completely honest and admit that I didn't enjoy racing tonight; it eventually got to the point where driving was a chore and I didn't really want to continue.

I've become really tired with GT6 for a number of reasons, but the main one is the physics. I've never been a big fan of them, but after spending a lot of time playing other racing sims (iRacing and Assetto Corsa in particular), the cars in GT6 just do not feel right at all; the high-end racing cars are especially bad. Because the tyres hardly ever lose grip beyond the limit, one has to push extremely hard to go fast; the smooth style I developed in the other sims just results in being slow in GT6. The problem is that when pushing hard, the cars behave like pigs; they'll switch between understeer and oversteer with almost no warning.

There are two things that keep me coming back to GT6. One is GT Academy - I'm still hoping to make it to Race Camp this year - and the other is this fantastic community. Since I joined two and a half years ago, I have had some incredible fun racing in the various events hosted on GTPlanet, so I have no intention of giving up GT6 just yet.

Hopefully I'll race with you all again soon. Peace.
I saw you. You run out of fuel.

Race was fun. I enjoyed. Thanks to WRS team :cheers:
Well done all.
I was approaching you pretty fast eventually but I knew I was about 3-5 liters short, GT6 had me have the first stall in the pits so I had very little time to get the correct amount of fuel in my car.
Fun racing everyone, I enjoyed my first endurance event! I was a little worried about the strategy since my tyre wear was somewhat worse than when i practised, but most cars were doing the same I think.

I hadn't known to use the other beam during night either, and after a couple off track moments I slowed down a little so I could actually finish the race :lol:

Thanks to Bart and all the admins involved for making this event such a success :bowdown:
Yes you did. You made my end of race exciting.
I was approaching you pretty fast eventually but I knew I was about 3-5 liters short, GT6 had me have the first stall in the pits so I had very little time to get the correct amount of fuel in my car.
That was a satisfying result, I'm really happy with the win in Room A. In the early stages I started to doubt my strategy, which was a 9 stopper. I noticed Matthew and Andromeda doing longer stints, so I knew I had to compensate with the quicker laps on the lower fuel load for the time lost in the pits. I think in the end, the 7, 8 and 9 stop race strategies were really close. It is fun to see the different strategies in practice. :D

I had a couple of moments where I nearly lost it in the chicane. I also had a big moment coming out of the pits! I had the first pit stall, so that meant that I came out of auto-drive at an odd angle. So to prevent going over the white line, I had to steer right every time, but with full power in first gear, that doesn't go so well :dopey:

Somewhere after the driver change there was a moment where Andromeda was a mere 2.5 seconds behind, but I think he was a pit stop due at that point.

For those of you who aren't done with this combo yet, there is an afterparty at the Wednesday weekly races. See you all there.

Thanks for the great event everyone! :gtpflag:

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