GTP_WRS-Online : Special VIII - The 3D3 Japanese Grand Prix

  • Thread starter Hydro
Mohit DC'd, then Tim and I as well. Done for the night. 👎

Rewatching real-life quali, and then the race. 👍

See you tomorrow for whatever adventure awaits us. :odd:
Ya, but the answer involves a ton of cursing and I'd hate to have to report myself after posting it :sly:
But honestly, there is no current backup plan for this one. That's why it Will work :D
I'm hoping it does work. I'm hyped for the race.

Just as long as I can keep the car on the darker bits of Suzuka. :sly:

In that short race we ran after qualifying, I screwed up and clipped the grass trying to push out a gap and forgot the tires get dirty after touching the grass. :ouch:
I've just registered I hope I can race? I don't mind starting at the back.... or a private q today?
Sure but no more private quali.
You'll be starting behind GTP_PASM.
Here's the quali table.
Great thank's speedy. Hope the servers are ok because I can't get into my lounge at the minute!
Sure but no more private quali.
You'll be starting behind GTP_PASM.
Here's the quali table.

He will start behind gooners (last) as jb's handicap is higher. 2.3 vs 2.2
Ok, with JB all 15 spots are accounted for and registration is closed. If anyone cancels a spot will open so feel free to register as reserve.

If any confirmed drivers have to cancel please post here ASAP.

The race will take place in GTP_3D3_A with Mics disabled. Watch thread for lounge open notice.

Don't expect any special consideration if you show up last second as far as DCs or connection issues. Come early and work those things out.

E.g. If you show up last second and have invisible driver issues you'll be a spectator.
I've got the main lounge setup for pre-race practice. We'll most likely end up moving to the A lounge with mics-disabled about 30 minutes prior to the race assuming everyone shows up. We'll post updates to the thread.

Keeping our fingers crossed on the servers today. :scared:
Will there be any live stream for the race guys?

Good luck to everyone 👍

No, Speedy cancelled so no stream.

Marc has gone to setup the A lounge. We're going to be migrating over there in about 5 minutes. I'll post an update when the A lounge is ready.

UPDATE: A lounge (GTP_3D3_A) is open. Head directly over there from here forward. Guys in the main lounge should head over, but not all at once... spread it out over the next 10 minutes.
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I really am hating the online service at the moment.

PS. I hope you guys have a great race without troubles!
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I dropped out at lap 33, since I felt I was a hazard. :(
Sorry to those I affected.

Now watching from the lounge. Go Marc! 👍
And I dropped out on lap 27 or so.

May have been something in my connection that just got booted at midnight.
Amazing win Marc! Untouchable pace!

Great job Kevin with the podium!

Race report up soon.

EDIT: Want to thank all of you for coming out :cheers:.
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I won't get a chance to look at the replay tonight, so I can't accurately detail exactly what happened to me on lap 7/53.

After that, I made too many small mistakes to catch up, but was still running lap times that were matching the leaders.

Overall, even though I finished 4th, I'm a bit disappointed in my result.
Just a reminder to those that may have not read this requested courtesy from the GTP WRS-Online : Comprehensive Guide before...

Standard Courtesies with respect to other Drivers

Entering and leaving the lounge during qualification or during the race is distracting so please follow these guidelines:

Retiring from a Race
If you have to retire from a race, quietly exit to the pits and/or lounge.
Do not type a message in the chat window of the lounge.
If you want to leave a message post in the event thread.
If possible stay in the lounge and don't exit until the race is complete.

I know we had a couple of unfortunate D/C's today, this is not in reference to those.

Thank you for reading:

Preliminary Race results:


Once tire checks are confirmed, we can make it official 👍
There appears to be a new replay glitch :banghead:
In all of the stewards replays (that have checked so far) my car is on race softs for the entire race. I know I changed to hard tires, I was very aware of the change in grip for the third stint, and on top of that my replay does show me on race hards for the finish.
In the interest of complete transparency here are the pics of my tires in all of the stints and a link to my replay for anyone to watch:









IMG_0139.jpg 3D3 J GP Full Edit: still uploading - give it 15 minutes ;)

I'm sure Kevin's heart sank a bit when he watched his replay and thought I had screwed it up and would have to be Dq'd - he was the first to see it - but I was sure I did switch, however I honestly was worried that the replay would be wrong on my end as well.
Thanks for the update PD 👍
Congrats on the win Marc 👍, also well done Mohit and Kev on the other steps of the podium:tup:👍 ;).
Congrats to Marc on the win. Great drive from start to finish. 👍

Well done by Mohit with the second place as well.

Honorable mention to Dale, who was happy to have gotten into the 33's earlier this week, and managed a best lap in the 31's. Great job, Dale. 👍

I'm both glad and fortunate to have ended up on the podium. My battle was more with the car and the track, not necessarily with other drivers. It seemed that it was impossible to stay close to anyone that was similar pace or a bit faster, as the dirty air puts too much risk in the equation.

I dropped 3 positions from the start. I had decided to use TCS 3 for the start, and I just bogged down and did not get the same pull as everyone else. So I settled into 5th and by 4 or 5 laps in, I settled into a groove. I even dropped to 6th at one point, as Pekka got by me on the main straight. But a spin at Degner 2 put him back behind me again.

I managed to make up several positions as other drivers were involved in incidents, the largest of which involved Shawn and Tim around lap 8. From there, I had some close moments with Shawn, Rob, and Mohit. Shawn and Mohit managed to overtake me at various points, while Rob got close but then dropped back.

I ran through lap 18 on softs, and changed to hards with a full tank for a long middle stint. I went back to softs for the last stint, with just 3 liters of safety stock fuel over Bob's recommendation. My last stop was around lap 37 or 38. I had nice pace on the hard tires, but the car started to get tricky and I narrowly avoided a couple of spins, so decided to bring it in for softs, since I was in my window.

My only spin of the race happened around lap 30. I was behind Rob going into 130R, and did not lift or brake as I should have. I did a full 360 spin, kept it on the black stuff, and only lost 5 seconds off of my normal lap pace around that time. :crazy: I had a few bobbles here or there, in turn 1 and Degner 2, that required brake pedal intervention, but nothing completely out of control.

In my final stint, I was able to hold my gap to the leader pretty much constant. By around 10 laps to go, I was glad to still be setting strong laps, and know that it was unlikely I would be lapped, unless I made a major error.

Running this type of event gives you an appreciation for what the F1 guys go through to put on the show for us. I'm sure the difficulty is but a small percentage of what they actually face, making their performances that much more impressive.

Thanks to Marc for having the vision to put this together. And thanks and congratulations to all the participants, whether or not you were able to finish the race. This was one of the best events I've been a part of, in all my 5+ years here at GTP and WRS. 👍 👍 :cheers:
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Race report:

Missing quali meant I had to start 12th on the grid. Going in I didn't set my targets too high, and this eased a lot of pressure on me. Chose Hard tires for the first sting. It was a long wait for the lights to go green, and as soon as the timer read 3 minutes, I started off, straight into the back of RaceRyder :D. He seemed to have missed the start and though I swerved to avoid him I hit him a little bit.

Despite that I was 10th exiting the first corner, getting ahead of RaceRyder and Gravitron. Passed Scassatore on lap 3 turn 1, where he spun on the exit. It was a heart in mouth moment though, because as he was spinning he hit my rear left tire :eek:, but I anticipated it to quickly adjust to make sure I didn't lose any time.

The next few laps I kept climbing up the grid, helped by a few incidents that took place with other people. Recall seeing Allibubba, MadMax, and I think Jtv wounded, and also narrowly missed Porsche (all I could see was smoke). Passed Robiker on lap 6 I think, just before 130R using the massive slipstream I got.

Lined up a nice pass on EDK (mirror image of my pass on Robiker two laps ago), on lap 8/54 to take 3rd, and was pleasantly surprised. Maintained my position till lap 17 till Hydro pit, putting me up to 2nd, and on lap 18 when WRP001 pit I was in 1st :drool:! It was short lived though because I took my first pit stop on lap 20, exiting 10 seconds behind Hydro. Was confused to see WRP001 not in the mix, but apparently he had spun. All in all, it was a great 1st stint, just 10 seconds behind the leader, with the hard tire out of the way!

Second stint was all about maintaining my pace, while keeping the leader in sight. , This stint was all about hot lapping, and both Marc and I were churning out near perfect laps, lap after lap. There were a 2-3 hairy moments were I took too much kerb and started sliding. But somehow, each time I kept it together. I was in a zen like state :lol:. Initially, Marc had much better pace than me, increasing the gap to 14 seconds, but as the tires came to me, I started cutting down the lead, and by lap 34 the gap was down to 8 something seconds!

It was at this time I started thinking about the win. I knew Marc had to pit earlier, and had to use the hard tires for ~18 - 19 laps, while I would go on the soft tire, pit later, and put in lesser fuel as I had a shorter final stint. I started rubbing my hands with glee (figuratively of course :dopey:, didn't dare take my hands off the wheel or my eyes off the screen).

Then disaster struck on lap 35 :ouch:. A backmarker wouldn't let me pass him at the end of lap 34. I kept trying to line up passes but was being defended against aggressively. This went on for most of the lap, and while exiting spoon right behind, the huge loss of downforce caused me to spin out. I have the experience to know that there would be a lack of downforce, but it was the first time in the whole race I left that "zen state of mind" and let frustration fill me up. My worn tires didn't help either. By the time I recovered, got into the groove again, and went through with the second round of pitstops, the gap had gone up to 27 seconds!

Even though the win was pretty much out of the question, I didn't feel like giving up. Kept doing quali laps, kept cutting Marc's lead down slowly, but steadily (he was on hards while I was on softs), and finished the race 2nd, bringing the gap down to a respectable 14 seconds.

Congrats again Marc, you drove a near perfect race 👍. Hopefully I kept you on your toes.

Nice job Kevin on 3rd. You didn't have lightning pace (based on your fastest lap), but your 3rd place proves consistency > speed, especially in such a long race.

Great job by everyone else too. This wasn't an easy combo, so a big 👍. You guys have made my time in WRS a great one :)

I loved this combo, and would definitely love a repeat next year (could do the same thing with Monza and Nurburgring 💡). Thank yous to the 3D3 moderators and stewards, and cannot wait to see what else is in store for the next Special event (no pressure ;)).
Although I finished dead last (forgot to turn off TC after the start! DUH!) I had a great time trying to stay out of the way! When I was in traffic the challenge was very rewarding. Thanks Marc and the 3D3 crew for putting this idea together!
















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