GTP_WRS Week 67 : NASCAR WRS Style

  • Thread starter EDK
I've just been tallying my times and I realize something, the times displayed at the end of the replay as your fastest lap (centre screen under your screen name) is not the same time displayed as the fastest time in the top right hand corner. For instance my time on the leader-board ends .340 but it displays .325 at the end of the replay.
You always use the time indicated on the top right of the screen. It's in the rules & regs.
Was hoping to do better this week, oh well.
Submitting with fastest lap in fastest race, 1'00.138.

Good luck to all.
Dan Holland gave a nice walkthrough here (I even changed to use km/hr for this one :) ). The best brake point is just beyond the end of the concrete section on the left hand side. I stay wide against the wall, brake and downshift to 4th, then slowly turn in and downshift again to 3rd just before those yellow rumble strips.

Thanks for the advice LinPark, I'll give it a go this evening just before the deadline, I'll take out something :mischievous:
Submitting with a fraction faster, fastest lap. By one one thousandth.:D


I did have a faster, fastest lap but not with a good enough 1st lap.
It was one and a .381.
Submitting with a slightly improved fastest lap,


Best of luck everyone 👍
Submitting with my "bad to start with and not one 🤬 tiny bit improved" lap as on the board :lol:
Well, I spent about 3+ hours on Saturday night and improved to a quite respectable time. Then spent 2+ hours on Sunday night to arrive at probably my limit until I see Dan and Animera's replays. :) Just submitted with what turned out to be my second fastest 1st lap and fastest overall final lap - can't wait to see the results tonight so GOOD LUCK to everyone!!!

I did not have much time to commit to this one, a short session yesterday and another today.

I did achieve my modest goal, however, and am submitting now, with the following fast lap.


Good luck to all in the results.

Submitting with current splits.

I had an hour session today and went a few tenths quicker, only to forget to save the replay at the end :ouch:
I haven't really spent any more time on it since my poor first few attempts, although I really enjoyed this week's theme. Good luck to all.