GTPFIA GT Omega GT1 World Cup Congrts to our champion Veloci_2NR!!

  • Thread starter Jav
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Just had a near fatal experience with my modem. I was referring the fatal part towards the modem. Almost smashed the damn thing. It wouldn't let me online wirelessly and it was also having trouble using a land line. I had to reset the whole damn thing! Pisses me off how weak these things have become. And I only have had this modem for about a month. A whole month before it screwed the pooch until I threatened it to replace it with a switch, then it worked just fine! :lol:

At least I didn't have to rely on customer service as I have learned in the past that usually, they are useless, regardless of what "rank" their customer service is! Did all the troubleshooting myself!

So yeah, what is going on with tomorrow's race?


Here are some tips to try to have minimal lag in a room. As host you have many options to make. A lot won't affect your experience online, but here are some tips.

-Try to use the highest race quality possible (usually recommended).

-Do not use fixed host status. Fixed hosts status is used for better network stability, at the cost of connection quality. So, you'll have more lag issues with a fixed host status, but is less likely to be disconnected.

-Another down side to the fixed host status is that if, for some reason, the host gets disconnected, everyone else will be disconnected, resulting in almost an hour wasted and a whole bunch of DNF finishes.

-Turn off the voice chat feature. Using voice chat will deteriorate the race quality.

-Use the best ISP service in your area (the standard is around 2 MB down and 800 KB up).

-When playing online, try not to have any other device utilize the bandwidth on your network in a heavy manner (i.e. a PC downloading a large file). This will slow down performance and may interrupt your connection.

There are other things you can do to make the experience better, but this requires the tinkering of you router's settings. Because routers and modems are all different in the software spec (firmware), it is impossible to write a universal guide for them.
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YEAH me too.. Dont want to waste couple of hours practicing for nothing :)

Game is clearly broken atm so i say put a hold until patch arrives.[/QUOTEN

No way man we need to see if we can open a room shortly and see how it goes from there yeah?
Here are some tips to try to have minimal lag in a room. As host you have many options to make. A lot won't affect your experience online, but here are some tips.

-Try to use the highest race quality possible (usually recommended).

-Do not use fixed host status. Fixed hosts status is used for better network stability, at the cost of connection quality. So, you'll have more lag issues with a fixed host status, but is less likely to be disconnected.

-Another down side to the fixed host status is that if, for some reason, the host gets disconnected, everyone else will be disconnected, resulting in almost an hour wasted and a whole bunch of DNF finishes.

-Turn off the voice chat feature. Using voice chat will deteriorate the race quality.

-Use the best ISP service in your area (the standard is around 2 MB down and 800 KB up).

-When playing online, try not to have any other device utilize the bandwidth on your network in a heavy manner (i.e. a PC downloading a large file). This will slow down performance and may interrupt your connection.

There are other things you can do to make the experience better, but this requires the tinkering of you router's settings. Because routers and modems are all different in the software spec (firmware), it is impossible to write a universal guide for them.

You know, thinking about it I don't think it's network lag but rather a hardware problem. It's just like when your PC gets bugged down, memory issues? Maybe the hardware can't cope with the changes that 2.02 made, maybe we should try switching off tire wear and using the stock rims on the standard cars?
You know, thinking about it I don't think it's network lag but rather a hardware problem. It's just like when your PC gets bugged down, memory issues? Maybe the hardware can't cope with the changes that 2.02 made, maybe we should try switching off tire wear and using the stock rims on the standard cars?

very plausible just like my iphone 3gs, the new firmware is slow as ****!
You know, thinking about it I don't think it's network lag but rather a hardware problem. It's just like when your PC gets bugged down, memory issues? Maybe the hardware can't cope with the changes that 2.02 made, maybe we should try switching off tire wear and using the stock rims on the standard cars?

Maybe, but I'm not convinced it's a hardware issue. True, this problem seems to be evident when the rooms are big, which can be related to the amount of memory available, but it can also be related to any number of network problems. For instance network bandwidth, server speeds and capacity, workload, ISP, geographical location, DNS resolution (although you may not even be able to get online if this was the case), etc. So unfortunately, this appears to be a problem that is out of our reach to fix. Remember, this bug was around before 2.0 (I have experienced this bug before and after 2.0) and is really starting to surface as of late to more and more players.
Maybe, but I'm not convinced it's a hardware issue. True, this problem seems to be evident when the rooms are big, which can be related to the amount of memory available, but it can also be related to any number of network problems. For instance network bandwidth, server speeds and capacity, workload, ISP, geographical location, DNS resolution (although you may not even be able to get online if this was the case), etc. So unfortunately, this appears to be a problem that is out of our reach to fix. Remember, this bug was around before 2.0 (I have experienced this bug before and after 2.0) and is really starting to surface as of late to more and more players.

Yeah, but it was nothing like this. I've never experienced this on GT5 before now matter how crappy the room would be it would never be like this...

Magz you up for some F1 fun? Let me know and I'll get a server going!
Yeah, but it was nothing like this. I've never experienced this on GT5 before now matter how crappy the room would be it would never be like this...

Magz you up for some F1 fun? Let me know and I'll get a server going!

The biggest problem is that there are so many variables that can be causing it and the fact that we (the players) can't even start to troubleshoot it. So it's up to Polyphony to fix it. I just hope they do it right this time.

I've also noticed that the updates do create more problems than they actually solve, so it can also be a software thing. Whether it's the physics engine, the net code, or whatever. The point is the problem is too broad and open, and it is so closed that we can't even begin to figure anything out.

Software, hardware, or network, doesn't matter. Needs to be fixed.
The biggest problem is that there are so many variables that can be causing it and the fact that we (the players) can't even start to troubleshoot it. So it's up to Polyphony to fix it. I just hope they do it right this time.

I've also noticed that the updates do create more problems than they actually solve, so it can also be a software thing. Whether it's the physics engine, the net code, or whatever. The point is the problem is too broad and open, and it is so closed that we can't even begin to figure anything out.

Software, hardware, or network, doesn't matter. Needs to be fixed.

Yup! You are right! I just hope they are aware of it and are adressing it.
i think we should at least try it as Jav said with tire wear off etc.

Have mandatory in and out pit stops. :)

I did some racing today and there was some lag, but some of it was server and some with peoples connections.
I'm still opening the room for Div2 tomarrow unless someone says different. Just need to know how the races will be ran.👍
Have mandatory in and out pit stops. :)

I did some racing today and there was some lag, but some of it was server and some with peoples connections.
I'm still opening the room for Div2 tomarrow unless someone says different. Just need to know how the races will be ran.👍

Jesus.. 40 odd laps of just flooring it, id be wrecked! At least with tire wear you got to take it easy.
I'd say let's have a vote. Majority rules.

A.) Continue with tomorrow's race with no changes.

B.) Continue with tomorrow's race with changes to compensate for the tire wear issue.

C.) Postpone the race until after the next update and further testing for results of lag issues.

But it's not up to me.
Jesus.. 40 odd laps of just flooring it, id be wrecked! At least with tire wear you got to take it easy.

Lol yeah, just dial in a super stable setup and floor it through the corners with your tires screaming and glowing red.
We really should all enter a room and see if we are affected before the race starts.......and not find out about it during the race Tommorow.
We'll see, we will just do a 5 lapper before the main race. If there's any amount of lag the race will be postponed.
Neither have I! I'd imagine evryone would go with softs all the way as they are plain faster, no strategy just keep it on the road and pit every 6 laps!
I did a 12 person race on tuesday and I only remember 1 car that was lagging....but it wasn't that bad....just everytime he was in a turn his tires would be smoking...

I vote to postpone the race only because I'm in Orlando till Thursday 👍
Unless jav has an extra ps3 I could use :)
I did a 12 person race on tuesday and I only remember 1 car that was lagging....but it wasn't that bad....just everytime he was in a turn his tires would be smoking...

I vote to postpone the race only because I'm in Orlando till Thursday 👍
Unless jav has an extra ps3 I could use :)

Was that the same race i was with you? For whole 4 laps i was afraid to overtake.
Just played about an hour of rfactor with the enduracers mod. It feels so much more fulfilling when you finish a quick lap lol. One thing i realized is that in GT5 because there is soo much steering lock you can basically steer your way out of any oversteering. Not so much in rfactor where the cars actually have a race cars steering lock. Meaning theres some things you just cant save lol!

edit: damnit we missed Jav's birthday!

how about if the GT5 race fails we all hop on rfactor! Havent got iracing yet because I doubt I'll have time to play it in the future.
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Just played about an hour of rfactor with the enduracers mod. It feels so much more fulfilling when you finish a quick lap lol. One thing i realized is that in GT5 because there is soo much steering lock you can basically steer your way out of any oversteering. Not so much in rfactor where the cars actually have a race cars steering lock. Meaning theres some things you just cant save lol!

edit: damnit we missed Jav's birthday!

how about if the GT5 race fails we all hop on rfactor! Havent got iracing yet because I doubt I'll have time to play it in the future.

I would definitely go for that!
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