GTPL Crew Official Events Thread

  • Thread starter Katiegan
The turn out last night was great. I think we had at least 20 people for most of it, and it was pretty civilized.


The only incident was about 20 minutes in:



It seemed like it was dark the whole time which kind of sucked.


We need to have these more often. I've been itching for a car show for a while now, and last night was a lot of fun! Thanks, @Marcus Garvey

Time zone differences have always been a challenge for events that I host. I'm torn back and forth between a number of factors.

As folks probably have discovered, I play with a number of real life friends that make up a fairly regular core group. Most are current or former GTPL members; some still fly the GTPL flag and some no longer do. The folks you may find with the LSAT crew are largely GTPL members, some still active, and their children. While cofounded by another GTPL member and myself, I now rarely fly the LSAT crew flag. Be certain, however, these are friendly folks if you happen to find them online.

Why I bring this up is to shed some light on the factors in my decision making during the planning stages of events. Most of us are middle aged professionals, some of us have kids of our own and some of them even have kids of their own. At this weekend's show we had ages from pre-teen all the way to nearly 60. Some of them with children already out of university, and some with kids just about to enter. And there's a couple with toddlers in there. A large portion of my struggles stem from the above, in trying not only to accommodate folks who will not be available until after normal working hours and/or after they put young children to bed, but also to assure that some of the kids themselves can attend. This particular show weekend had Saturday out of the question for a number of folks, so the Friday night time was selected to allow the kids to be able to hang out for a bit but also be late enough that the West Coast folks could make it after work and those with young children could get them down for the night prior to the show. Crying babies are a buzzkill for everyone.

I am hoping that in the future a Saturday afternoon time may be possible to include more folks from other parts of the globe, but that will certainly preclude attendance for some of the folks with younger children. Furthermore, as areas creep out of winter and Saturdays begin being used for outdoor activities, amiable time windows for many will dwindle. We'll see how it goes next time.

Again, many thanks to all in attendance. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves as well as I did, and hopefully everyone got to meet some new people, see some new cars, and experience some new things to do in the game.

And thanks for all the interest!

..if there is any interest in something again already this weekend (probably Friday since I've already booked Saturday for Survive The Hunt) I can get a lobby open.. let's call it a few hours earlier than 3AM and people are free to come and go as their schedule/bother allows, see what happens?
As always for those who don't follow along the main thread;

GTPL & Associates Car Show
Friday 3/30
Room will be open by 7PM EDT, with gathering to begin between 730-8PM EDT

Current plans are to host in the same 'private' public lobby that I usually have going. If that appears to pose a problem, alternatives will be explored at that time. This will be a low energy, relaxed car show. There are no vehicle restrictions. If you want the world to know you're the kind of person who rocks gold leaf and dollar signs, have at it. I won't stop anyone from making fun, though. This is, as everything I've hosted; a peaceful gathering. Don't 🤬 around. I'm a pretty lazy individual, so if there is any outrageous clowning towards other players, superstreet has permission to kill the perpetrator until they are dead.

All are welcome, no invites necessary.​
As a reminder, the room is to be open round 7PM EDT, which is approximately 4 hours from the time of this post. Show to follow, commencement depending upon arrivals and in-game time.

All are welcome. See you tonight!

GTPL & Associates Car Show

Friday 3/30

Room will be open by 7PM EDT, with gathering to begin between 730-8PM EDT

Current plans are to host in the same 'private' public lobby that I usually have going. If that appears to pose a problem, alternatives will be explored at that time. This will be a low energy, relaxed car show. There are no vehicle restrictions. If you want the world to know you're the kind of person who rocks gold leaf and dollar signs, have at it. I won't stop anyone from making fun, though. This is, as everything I've hosted; a peaceful gathering. Don't 🤬 around. I'm a pretty lazy individual, so if there is any outrageous clowning towards other players, superstreet has permission to kill the perpetrator until they are dead.

All are welcome, no invites necessary.​