We don't debate in the Magazine,
ibo - that was already done - and wow - quite the debate!
This thread was put up a year ago for just such a debate - though it seems that Dad's are always busy - doing that
hidden work, with no time to debate.
Yup - Father's day is on the way.. . . make sure everybody around you knows! (If you're a
You don't
have to be a Father; there's a difference. Even insects can be Fathers -
but it takes a special person to be a Dad.
Belated Congratulations,
spunwicked ( damn - I'm going to be late in other ways, today,

) You must totally enjoy being a Dad now - there's no feeling that can compare with the feeling of a Dad looking at their new child. It fills your heart with the kind of joy that cannot be expressed in words - though maybe a picture can capture some of the Happiness expressed.
As for Men's Hidden Work!!!!!
Yah! We do a lot of hidden work. It's not that women work harder or men work harder; it's just that the spotlight never gets turned on us - the hundreds of little things we do as Men (and Dad's) get shoved under the carpet of being taken for granted.
Never mind the Dad's that left their families and were forced to go to war.. . .
As for the Dad's Corner - I'll be updating the OP, soon, with the names of all the Dad's we collect in here. Dad/son-daughter combos that play videogames together are specially welcome!
I have three kids that all battle me at different games. It's a total blast. Losing isn't good though. Don't let 'em knock you off your pedestal! If you do fall off - recover quick by buying a round of ice-cream; that usually gets the hero-worship going again.
Cheers, and talk soon.