GTPlanet Scale model thread

  • Thread starter bondy_1625

Came across Maisto's 1/24 scale Corvette C7 Stingray convertible in yellow and 1/24 SRT Viper in black at Rite Aid. Didn't buy either since I already had a C7 convertible in white from the assembly kit line and the 1:18 SRT Viper in black (Would have bought it if it was red)

Want to go around to other Rite Aids and see what they have... :crazy:
Cmon Icy - please provide a bit more detail other than a photo, e.g. brand & scale. Tiil then "no like" from me!

Edit: @ Cano - applies to you too.
Eh, scale... it's a bit bigger than a 1/43, all made of tin (tires included) but not japanese nor american, as those things usually are. From what little results I've had from my research, I think it's a rip-off, or if I'm really lucky a re-edition of a spanish Payá tin model that's been produced on and off since the 50s. I found it years ago in the usual flea market (: