GTPlanet Scale model thread

  • Thread starter bondy_1625
Well, best of luck to you, Furi. May you get some of the money you invested back, that is bound to come in handy...

On a different topic, I see all these 1/18 and 1/24 (or some size close to that) CMC & Co. masterpieces, but I don't see enough love for the more simplistic (and much cheaper, in some cases that is) 1/43s. Well, I'll chip in one of my own cars for that regard, something I bought yesterday but couldn't transfer to pictures then (mother's birthday and other things got in the way before I could do that);

(Taking that rear end picture was a proper hassle; the camera took a damm good while to focus on that instead of focusing on the background behind it...)

My only second Corgi, and my first Vanguard Classics model. Well, there's not much to it, being a bare-bones Mk.1 Ford Fiesta, but what is there is done with a nice sense of care and passion for cars. It's no glamorous 1950's Maserati F1, but it moved quite a few more people that such a car could ever manage... The mirrors actually came in separately, meaning that I had to use these gorilla-like hands to grasp tiny-arse side mirrors, to then plug said mirrors in their dedicated holes. At the very least, I didn't have to glue them, because only God knows how mediocre I am at handiwork... Also, I'll tag @a6m5 here just because I know this story harks back to his "fun" times with smaller Tomica models and place-it-yourself parts. Am I right, a6-san? :sly: :lol:

Ah, and I can't forget my (quite frankly) favorite part of these things;

Ye ol'colorful stats/background story card, the proof of the lil'Fiesta's status as a limited edition car and a lovely mini-history lesson about how limited Henry Ford II's vision about car ranges was sometimes... Job (well) done indeed, Ford and Corgi. 👍
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but I don't enough love for the more simplistic (and much cheaper, in some cases that is) 1/43s.

I sort of understand where you're getting at.

My thoughts on that matter is that if I'm about to spend a good chunk of money on a model car, it better be a cool-looking one... like a race car or some car I'll probably never own IRL....Or at least one I can't find in 1/64 or as a look-alike toy.
I sort of understand where you're getting at.

My thoughts on that matter is that if I'm about to spend a good chunk of money on a model car, it better be a cool-looking one... like a race car or some car I'll probably never own IRL....Or at least one I can't find in 1/64 or as a look-alike toy.

Minichamps has a lot of cool and unique racecars as far as 1/43 ranges go. Budget didn't allow its purchase, but I spotted an old Opel Manta painted with purple and pink dots in 1/43 size. It's no Nurb 24 Manta, but I'd say it can tickle most collectors' fancy...

Of course, if you do have the budget, you could always take aim at the Talbot Lago which is part of the Mullin Museum set. That's a good starting place too.
Can't help but notice that Welly's website is...out of date. No signs of the F-Type coupe or the Range Rover Sport on their website, but I've seen them on eBay. And just recently, I noticed there was a Impreza and Silvia. Didn't know they were making tuner cars now.


Noice. More low priced cars to mod!

Edit: exoto 1/18 jaguar xjr-9 prototype













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Finally, after over a month and a half, my Spark 991 GT3 RS (#217/911) has arrived! It was shipped by sea, for some reason. :boggled:All that waiting and I am still unsure about opening it or not. If GT Spirit makes one, I can save a ton of money by getting theirs instead. But on the other hand it's nice to have a super rare model in my collection...


What's in the box:
That looks awesome. Stunning detail and it really hovers! 👍

That steering wheel touching the seat would bug the hell out of me though. Any plans on fixing it, or doesn't it bother you?
Doesn't bother me and don't fancy messing about with it and messing up the magnets :scared:
Can't help but notice that Welly's website is...out of date. No signs of the F-Type coupe or the Range Rover Sport on their website, but I've seen them on eBay. And just recently, I noticed there was a Impreza and Silvia. Didn't know they were making tuner cars now.


I sooooo want!!! :eek::drool:

They will great customs scales. Getting some ideas now...💡 Now what stores will be selling them? Hopefully I can find them here in Las Vegas or even in California.
Oh man I want that GT3 RS sooo bad, 991 and the 997 4.0. Plus that stealth Mac F1 is :drool: worthy! But I can't get them now at the moment, so I will look away with angst with my wallet and racing games.....:(:guilty:

Oh yeah, by the way, this is for those who custom 1/24 and 1/18, especially the former, for personal uses. When Medigo showed us the 1/24s S15 & STi, it was in one of those cars that come in two colors and all four cars in one case. I know they are popular for store and booths who sell them, but how to get one....

How do you obtain them without going to sites like M&J Toys and other wherehouse stores that cater to only distributors? Can you score them on Amazon and eBay without pressure?
I love the colour of the RS! I just couldn't afford anything now after the purchase of the FXXK. :(
I hear you, after this GT3 I am taking a break from the model collecting for a while.

The seller of this Spark 991 RS messaged me about his Spark 911 R for sale. He want's close to USD $700 for it. :(
I hear you, after this GT3 I am taking a break from the model collecting for a while.

The seller of this Spark 991 RS messaged me about his Spark 911 R for sale. He want's close to USD $700 for it. :(

lol $700?

I have seen some pics of it and it looks amazing, but I won't buy one even at half price, considering I only paid $310 for the BBR Ferrari shipped.
Autoart Mclaren F1 Stealth GT5

Had a breakthrough in post-edit processing.

















All it really took was to crank up the red and greens in the highlights, and voila, everything is hella light.

I'll be honest and say that I only come to the thread to look at pictures and this [post] is mainly why.
lol $700?

I have seen some pics of it and it looks amazing, but I won't buy one even at half price, considering I only paid $310 for the BBR Ferrari shipped.
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. The GT3 I got has gone way up in value since I ordered it (which is why I considered selling it), and some colors are going for close to $2000 on ebay! I'm certain this seller of the 911 R is anticipating high demand and pricing it high right away. I get the feeling the seller buys just to sell (he has 3 911R models for sale) and that sucks for the people that are trying to collect them.
I do my best to entertain our eyeballs. Thanks a bunch, Shemsicles.

If I wasn't so against material possessions I'd definitely consider a collection of replicas. I do love the replica scale trucks and have often considered purchasing with the intention of modifying them into raid vehicles, but alas, t'was not fitting to my lifestyle.

I'm sure your pics will continue to enthral me and that will have to suffice for now.
So I've just bidded on a tiny little 1:64 R92CP since there's no way I'm gonna pay 200$ for a 1:43 model or find the 1:18.

Meanwhile, the quest for the Mp4/2 Solido is still going...
I REALLY regret an auction I've passed two months ago, where this was sold for about 70€.
Now the only solutions are DOUBLE or more that price!
Since now we got the same price tag as the Mp4/5 from Truescale...what's the most reasonable buy?
IF and ONLY IF the Solido was cheaper, I would go for the Solido no doubt for priority, but now...

Mp4/2B Solido
Childhood dream, iconic car
Have only 2 late 80s turbo cars
Sponsors are painted on the chassis, no decals
Very requested model
Seems like a durable model over time
Cheap details and build quality overall, except the chassis, it's just plastic
The quality/price is unjustified, the massive price tag is just for the high amount of request
This models seems not so rare anymore...
May drop in price or be produced by another manufacturer

Mp4/5 True Scale Miniatures
Better looking car than the Mp4/2
Resin, high details
Looks stunning, and quality/price whise looks pretty fair to me
I've a good number of NA Formulas from that era but not a big issue
Resin means decals and locked wheels
Possible TSM QC issues (Solido control quality may not be better than this)
They say: it's a fragile model and TSM tyres may melt over time

Suggestions needed!
Hi! I thought I would show off some of my recent purchases, since I haven't done that before XD

A few Kimi Cars and 2 Erebus Merc's (all 1:43 scale).

PS - Sorry about the terrible quality clips... :nervous:


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