the model itself - $33.45
paint - 3 1/2oz tins of True Blue Pearl at $3 ea. - $10 (tax)
glue - I used about half of a $2.50 tube of glue - $1.25
airbrush - $26 spread over the 4 models I've used it on - $6.50
tools... hmm, hard to gauge. It is mostly things I've already had, although I did purchase a drill bit and a pin vise for this project $9.99 for the pin vise, $1.25 for the bit. I would just say $15 for tools
$66.52... Sounds about right. Using the link provided above for the Minichamps Carerra GT, I'm still on top by almost $20, plus my model is 1:12 and that is 1:18, not to mention mine is far more detailed. The negative aspect is I am down about 50 hours, but I think the pride of workmanship is worth that, at least to me. However, pride of workmanship might not be worth 50 hours of your life. In that case, continue to purchase built models. It is whatever works for you. Some people just want something to display; I understand that as I also used to buy 1:18.