GTPlanet vs. Mariah Carey [2022]

  • Thread starter Daniel
Any press coverage is going to boost airplay. :scared:
I'd definitely suggest turning the volume down and ripping your speaker cables out before clicking a link like that. Maybe ram cotton buds or knitting needles in your ears just to be on the safe side.
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I'd definitely suggest turning the volume down and ripping your speaker cables out before clicking a link like that. Maybe ram cotton buds or knitting needles in your ears just to be on the safe side.
This is supposed to be the one place that Carey should not violate, as per the rules.
This is supposed to be the one place that Carey should not violate, as per the rules.
I didn't realise it worked like a get out of jail free card. Good to know; I'm keeping this thread open at all times when I go shopping now so I can pretend I was looking at my tablet when the song hits. Righteous!
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I work in a grocery store, so avoiding it is impossible for me. But dare I say... I actually like her voice when she's not hitting the bird whistle notes, so I don't mind the song.

Also, just the fact that this Mariah Carey thing has reached meme status automatically has me against it. I have a natural hatred for anything popular, so on that principle alone maybe I'll download the song and listen to it on constant repeat in the car. Crank it up for everyone to hear.
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Little late to the party, but count me in!
Welp, that didn't last long at all. You'd think after it happening twice before, I'd be more skeptical of PSN chats.

Still wanna see if I can win the "Retail version" that I just made up, since I still need to do Christmas shopping, and with my new job. Totally not because I'm salty or anything. 😉
I hope none of you works here.

I'm listening to Radio 3 exclusively for the duration. Apart from getting some, much needed, culture I'm looking good for immunity this year.

I just have to look out for the supermarket. They've put up a cardboard Christmas tree.....
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It says in the rules that remixes don't count, so I hope I can try out this mashup without committing hari-carey.

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More & More, I am so glad that antivirus program I have comes with built-in ad skip for youtube. Only worry I have is that not only is my younger sister visiting, but we are also going to see our Grandmother on thanskgiving. Absolutely praying Mariah Carey has not replaced her church hymns, otherwise I'm screwed.
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I gotta admit I was almost tempted to peek at the trailer out of morbid curiosity but then sanity mercifully set in as that would've potentially been one of the most embarrassing ways to go out on this thread. :nervous:

I'm starting to see the QOC everywhere I look covers up avatar and hopes no one else notices
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I entered the coffee shop at lunch for an ice cream and heard a familiar tune. Luckily, that was a cover version.

I entered the coffee shop after school for an ice cream and heard a familiar tune. It was too familiar. I listened closer. I’m out. :(
Morituri te salutant. 🫡

On the bright side, now you can watch that animated movie. 💡
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Watching the Macy's Thanksgiving parade and Ms. Carey is supposed to appear. I plan on turning off the TV at that point 🤣
We recorded the parade and when we heard that, my wife started laughing.

Thankfully we were both getting a bit annoyed at all the Broadway musicals they were playing. When Neil Diamond showed up, we turned it off.

The dog show better not play AIWFCIY. :lol:
Hm, I've been doing this since almost the beginning and it seems my memory of the rules has been warped. Wasn't it just for December? Could have been changed when we dropped Last Christmas but I still play that one too to up the stakes.

edit: Mariah on the parade reminded me of this, and even checking back to 2010 it was November. Welp.
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It would appear that plans have been changed (Mostly due to my Grandmother trying to take it easy) so crisis there averted. Still betting that tomorrow is when it cranks up and more will get carey'd into an early Christmas coma.
I'm planning on listening to the whole Mike Patton projects as most of them are filled with noises. Hopefully this helps cancelling that cursed song whenever it plays.
Not that I really am playing this year or anything, but I was doing dishes this morning and just wanted something on in the background.

Not sure what I was expecting when I did this, but it blasted me right out of the gate.

DO NOT, ask Google to play Christmas music.

To make things better, I got Wham'd on the second song. It was so fitting. It almost brought a tear to my eye.