GTPlanet vs. Wham! Episode IV: No More Hope

  • Thread starter Daniel
I'll be hunkered down in my nuclear bunker for the weekend so I should be safe for at least the next couple of weeks. But I'm being sent to Aberdeen on December 6th, which is briefly going to ramp up the difficulty level to Hardened.
I... I've even Whammed! I was sat, happily waiting to get my hair cut, and they had a music channel on. Then the adverts come on, and an advert for yet another 'Now that's What I call Christmas!' comes on, and before I even register what's happening, they play an extract of the dreaded song...
I had a close call today, I went to a shopping centre to see "Gravity". Never have I been more grateful for my earbuds, as they were playing Christmas music.
I read your story like it was an old western tale. It fits quite nicely! :lol:


Glad you got the picture. What's happening here? People being whammed left, right and center. :scared: The Universe is on a killing spree. No mercy.

I'll be hunkered down in my nuclear bunker for the weekend so I should be safe for at least the next couple of weeks. But I'm being sent to Aberdeen on December 6th, which is briefly going to ramp up the difficulty level to Hardened.

When it get's 'Hardened' is when it's going to be extremely difficult to avoid the whammen.
Hmm I feel this is about to become tricky.
Nipped into the supermarket for milk (a must for coffee) and jelly beans with the kids in tow. Instantly heard Christmas tunes being played.
Striding out down the aisle towards the milk I'm muttering to myself, c'mon kids pick up the pace as they are slowly falling behind. Make it to the checkout milk and jelly beans in hand still safe. The current song is coming to an end, the panic starts to set in and I look down at the items in my hands. I can live without the jelly beans but the milk is a must, should I stay or should I go leaving the items behind.

No goddammit I'm not about to let Wham get in the way of my coffee, next tune comes on. Phew safe to fight another day.
..........XsnipX............I'm muttering to myself, c'mon kids pick up the pace as they are slowly falling behind...........


...................XsnipX.............. The current song is coming to an end, the panic starts to set in ................... should I stay or should I go.............

Classic whammaphobia. Strong symptoms.

No goddammit I'm not about to let Wham get in the way of my coffee, next tune comes on. Phew safe to fight another day........

Victory was sweet wasn't it?


People are going down faster than they can be struck off.
Truly dark days. We are forced to venture out, fight the cold, look longingly at the delights within brightly lit stores, yet knowing that temptation will only lead to disaster, outcast once again from the fold. And into the majority.
Because only a few will be truly left standing, knowing deep in their hearts that they were never whammed.
Who will these be, the chosen few?
Victory was sweet wasn't it?

Yes, yes it was. I felt vindicated in my decision to tough it out and hope for the best.

People are going down faster than they can be struck off.
Truly dark days. We are forced to venture out, fight the cold, look longingly at the delights within brightly lit stores, yet knowing that temptation will only lead to disaster, outcast once again from the fold.

For one fleeting moment after the supermarket I considered Whamming myself to be free from the pain and the constant threats thrust upon us. But no I shall remain strong and fight to the end in the knowledge that the inevitable Whamming is waiting to pounce when not expected.
I was just thinking, woulnd't it be funny if a certain TV channel started playing that evil ad?

That was a beautiful story @photonrider

Yesterday marked the "officially in Christmas" time. The decoration lights came on and all shops activated their awful dusty jolly season playlist. LUCKILY, my work place seems to be a bit tight with the music, only playing licenced tracks once every other hour, everything else is covers from covers and standard noise. I might just make it this year!
I said it before, but imagine if McDonald's decided to use Last Christmas as a song in one of it's advertisements. Because of how much they advertise, there would be no hope for anyone. :sly:
I saw the Now ad on Comedy Central a bit earlier, I pressed the mute button just in time...lucky escape! :sly:
That was a beautiful story @photonrider

You're welcome. :) :cheers: Your enjoyment is my pleasure. There have been a few more hilarious close shaves since then; I'll recount them as time goes by. This thread is going to get heavy with the various stories from the gangwhammed to the whamicicidal.

The infestation of this earworm now spreads rapidly.

What places to watch out for? We need a list. I'll start:

Places to avoid (Wham-heavy areas.)

1. GTPlanet.
2. Anywhere radios are involved (cars, diners, shops, malls . . . bedrooms)
3 GTplanet.
4. The entire Internet.
5. TVs
6. Phone calls from friends (a.k.a. closest enemies)
7. Streets.
8. Home.
9. School.
10. Work.

There has to be more . . . think! :nervous:
Because I am secretly an evil person, I am planning on Whamming a whole bunch of people.

Watch this space.