GTPlanet vs. Wham! - Last Christmas - Round 2

  • Thread starter Daniel
I'm in Germany, so I initially had hope that I'd be okay.

Then I realized Germany listens to American music.

Looks like I'm staying away from the City-Galerie during Christmas.
The person who brought this to GTP (RouWa) lives in Germany, so you're wrong on two counts ;)
Yeah. I pretty much realized assured destruction on my part the moment I thought any further.

That said, I don't listen to the radio here, nor does the City-Galerie play music in general, so still chillin' at hopeful.
Do we get a list of participants and when, where and how they're eliminated from the competition?
I'm in Germany, so I initially had hope that I'd be okay.


In December MTV and VIVA are going to play the video almost every hour. So does every radio station. Last year the song was even used in two TV commercials. The only way to avoid the song, is to avoid TV and radio.

I think it's a little bit easier to win here on GTP. In a German forum a user found out the identity of another user, called him on his phone, immediately played the song and recorded the call as a proof. Such hilarious actions make the thread far more entertaining.
I wasn't sure about participants, but yes for eliminations. Do you think you could inject a post after the second one so I could put in a list?
I'm in.

And I promise I won't post an autoplaying video like last year.

Though I totally would if it weren't against the rules.
Original Participants:

Solid Lifters
Alex p.
HKS Racer
Crash Bandicoot
Lord Voldemort
Rykon Zero
Driving Park
Rotary Junkie
F1 fan
Sir Tuddle

Whammed! User Log
slashfan7964___- 05/11 - "Lost on day one." Took a while to say it :lol:

Steele_obsidion - 06/11 - Retail Store

Lord Voldemort - 08/11 - Container Store

astrosdude91 __- 15/11 - Mall

sar593________- 18/11 - "In my own house"

Neal__________- 20/11 - Outside a shop. Proceeded to tell son that swearing is a no-no.

Tesla_________- 21/11 - Decided to tell sibling = decided to get Whammed!

CARCRASH ____- 27/11 - Now has a hatred towards British Radio.

Jimlaad43 _____- 28/11 - Look out for a UK GTP member allegedly Whamming! out in public.

mattythedog___- 28/11 - Whammified! by evil father with radio.

haitch40 ______- 28/11 - Whammified! by evil mother with radio.

klassykid9801 _- 29/01 - Whammed! × 2.

Sir Tuddle ____- 29/01 - Whammed! in Chinese class.

ryanb98_______- 29/01 - An advert for Xmas music came on the TV. Started to buy it but got Whammed! instead.

crooky369 ____- 29/11 - ♪Dun, Dun, Dun. And another Brit gets the Wham! And another get's Whammed!,another gets Whammed! Another Brit gets the Wham! Hey, who's gonna get Whammed! next? Probably another Brit!♫

disinfected ____- 29/11 - "I'll never get Whammed!", he said. "Not in Oaklaho- oh 🤬."

shem_________- 30/11 - Unfortunately, shem was sober when he heard the song playing. Tough luck :indiff:

MintBerryCrunch-02/12 - In car with sister andOhmaigawdwhythehelldoesyourmumhavethesongonheriPod?

FishyJuice______- 02/12 - An advert came up selling Absolute Christmas Vol 6³ x 2 x ∞³. Fishy couldn't mute/runaway/commitsuicide in time :(

RouWa ________- 04/12 - Played the Hardcore way and got Whammed! (We play the easy version :P)

DQuaN_________- 05/12 - Christmas tree in boot, Wham! on radio.

AOS-__________- 05/12 - Whammed at the classic location of work.

Axletramp______- 05/12 - MTV. That is all.

SRV2LOW4ME __- 05/12 - GT. That is all.

Brando-K ______- 05/12 - That's what you get when you go to EB Games!

pezzarinho17___- 05/12 - Whammed! twice in 24 hours. Ouch.

DiabolicalMask__- 06/12 - Yo dawg, we herd u liek cars so we put a radio in yours and played Wham! on it.

lbsf1__________- 06/12 - Possibly got Whammed! at Sainsbury's. Awaiting confirmation of official Whammed-ness.

photonrider ____- 06/12 - It's not as bad as slitting your own wrist, but Whamming! yourself is pretty close to it.

ParkourVeyron__- 06/12 - No, PV. shem's mushrooms don't undo Whams!

spunwicked ____- 07/12 - Seems like the UK has a pandemic. It's called 'Getting Whammed!

Zamado75 _____- 07/12 - Was Whammed! with the Whammness! of a Double Whammy!

Dylans1o_______- 08/12 - Whammed! at school, of all places.

Omnis__________- 09/12 - First of the GTP Staff to get Whammed! Good thing he's Emeritus or lots of people will get banned :scared:!

Dennisch _______- 09/12 - Here lies Dennisch. The radio was too far away.

Rit_____________- 10/12 - Received a lovely gift of DOUBLE WHAMMING! /overthetopannouncervoice

tuga703 ________- 12/12 - "About to leave the room and BAM!" More like "About to leave the room and Wham!"

boiltheocean____ - 13/12 - What a lovely prediction, bto!

dhandes________- 13/12 - Shoulda kept sleeping! :P

DG_Silva________- 14/12 - Whammed! by another community. This is why GTP is cooler :sly:

terminator363____- 14/12 - Don't blame yourself (or flip tables (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻). I should add 'teachers' to the list of people who get a kick out of Whamming! people.

Tibbz___________- 15/12 - Most people hate maths because it's hard, boring, or the teacher's an ass. Tibbz hates it because he got Whammed!

Slick Rick _______- 15/12 - Mother was watching Coronation Street and Last Christmas was on in the background. TV/Whamception!

Justin__________- 15/12 - Justin survived this long into the competition and said he'd be out in November.

dchPSUone_____- 16/12 - Said to have been Whammed! weekly since mid-November. Harsh.

Driving Park____- 16/12 - Whammed! in dorm room. 15 days from the deadline as well.

Centura_______- 16/12 - Whammified in the car.

LancerEvo7____- 16/12 - No, I don't think you mentioned 🤬. Can you repeat yourself please? :P

Alex._________- 16/12 - Tenpin Whammed!

MazdaPrice____- 17/12 - Poor Mazda, went to a staff party without cutting his ears off so he heard the inevitable.

ECGadget _____- 17/12 - I'm guessing Radio + Evil Parent = Wham!

rocko100______- 17/12 - Enjoyed the attention of everybody on the school bus because he screamed after hearing the song. It would've been better to swear under your breath like Neal. You don't have any questioning toddlers around to hear it :sly:

Danoff________- 17/12 - Office Christmas party. 'Nuff sed.

C-ZETA_______- 17/12 - Currently has the most evil parent of GTP by laughing at her own sonLOLUGOTTEHWHAMTEEHEELAUGHLOLROFLMAOWTFBBQ

Dance Commander_- 18/12 - It was inevitable. Expected if you will. DC went into a Sainsbury's. Time? Oh, it doesn't matter. Going to a supermarket = Wham!

DustDriver____ - 18/12 - Between Queens of the Stone Age and LMFAO?! What the 🤬?

ROAD_DOGG33J- 18/12 - After listening to so many covers, ROAD_DOGG's ears started bleeding and left the room. He went back into the kitchen getting some paper towels to clean up most of the blood, he got Whammed!

uMadson?_____- 18/12 - Whammed! by a taxi radio. uMadbro?

Apokalipse____- 19/12 - Karma comes back to bite Apok in the arse for last year's mass-Whamming! - And we all said Amen! :sly:

F1GTR_______- 19/12 - Whammed! at the bar. Drowned his sorrows in a burger.

Rykon Zero___- 19/12 - Living in Germany = Auto-Wham!

SlipZtrEm_____- 19/12 - Miss SlipZtrEm lost a couple of weeks ago. Decided to be evil and Wham! SlipZ intentionally.

Stormtrooper217- 21/12 - Heard the intro and ran out. Mother claimed it was Wham!

Alex p._______- 22/12 - First he was like :cool: then he was like f7u12.

Weigert_______- 22/12 - So y'all need to hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband cause they're Whammin' everybody out here.

Stevisiov______- 22/12 - Did your friends Youtube the song near you like last year? :sly:

beeblebrox237__- 23/12 - School played Last Christmas during morning announcement. I don't see how Wham! can be an announcement though. To each his own, I guess.

Stiggy ________- 23/12 - Whammed! by an ad for Absolute Christmas Vol 6³ x 2 x ∞³ or something like that.

MadMax86 ____- 24/12 - Boom! Pow! Wham!

Timppaq ______- 24/12 - Christmas Eve Wham!

noisiaturismo ___- 24/12 - I don't see how Wham! can be an announcement. I don't see how it can be music either...

McRoflSandwich_- 25/12 - Only 5 days away from safety yet Whammed! at work. So close yet so far :(

Dragonistic _____- 25/12 - Whammed! at girlfriend's house. What happens if you get Whammed! next year? Best 3 out of 5? :D

Mr. S __________- This is my I never use VidZone :P

Danny _________- 26/12 - Just confiming that everybody hates Asda, even if you're not from the UK.

PureAwesomeness- 26/12 - Goes to show that most teachers are evil (no offence to prisonermonkeys, PA and shem).

Akmuq_________- 26/12 - The second person of the season to join has finally been Whammed! Good job to everyone who has lasted this far!

Vandenal ______- 26/12 - Said to be UnWhammable! Then again, the Titanic was said to be unsinkable. :P

the_stig_1 _____- 27/12 - Asda's probably not in Australia, but we'll blame it anyway.
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Fire me in the list as well then. Forgot to say in my first post. Cheers! :)
I won last year, suprisingly. I'm in for this year. Has anybody thought of making a video titled something else (killcam, formula 1, etc) and have it playing over the video? :D

I'm probably going to lose.

Only because of my work.
I never actually took part last year, but I probably should have as I didn't hear that damn song once during the previous run-up to Christmas.

Consider me in then, although I will lose for sure, I just know it.
Never heard this song before, not that I can remember anyway. Probably the only way I can get whammed is this forum.

I'll play, but I think I'll win easily :D

Count me in. Never heard that song.

(At last! Living in Mexico has a perk!)

I also haven't heard the song before, ever, so winning might be easy. I'm in anyway.
Hence the song in the first post :D It's not gonna be fair if you don't get Whammed! because you never knew you did.
I'll have a go... But unless I get a MP3 player soon I will most likely fail

(The only Christmas song that is going to be played by me alot is Fairytale of New York)
I actually beat Wham! last year. It's relatively easy...

  • Do all your Christmas shopping online. Amazon, Play, Hawkins Bazaar, Firebox and the Uk supermarkets have online stores too. My exception was the local butcher who supplied the turkey (goose this year - support your local, quality businesses)
  • Don't leave the house at all.
  • If you do, drive there. Have a CD burned of Christmas music without Wham! - that's all that'll be on the radio anyway, so you may as well resign yourself to this fact. Incidentally, the Baron's radio doesn't actually work unless we're parked under a repeater so this is even easier.
  • Don't watch MTV. I hate MTV - I don't get why you'd want to pay to watch sound - so this is no trauma either. Try to avoid all other TV as well, especially "Christmas Specials".
  • Try to avoid being anywhere near your local branch of Snappy Snaps.

Incidentally, it's not officially "Christmastime" unless you've heard both Jonah Lewie's "Stop the Cavalry" and The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl's "Fairytale of New York" - the only song containing the words "faggot", "slut" and "arse" that plays unedited, in full, at all times of day.