GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
Apparently got cover Whammed by Ariana Grande today. I say apparently because I couldn't hear the song clearly cause it was a large indoor crowd, and someone I know pointed it out after I had mentioned the competition, though not in as much detail as I could have. Still haven't been fully Whammed. Makes me think that my first cover Whamming might have actually been from Ariana Grande, because both were at school.
I heard a cover today, but not the real deal. I'm half expecting my days to be numbered since my mom has been listening to nothing but Christmas music lately.
I had a very, very close call while managing the Song of the Day thread. :lol:
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Got school talent show whammed by mom. She was on Facebook, and watching some of our West Virginia relative videos.

Damn, my cousin can sing!
Never have I been more glad for my Acer to have a display problem. Because of it, I had enough time to turn my volume and barely saved myself from being whammed :lol:

Nice try (You know who), but you'll have to do better then that :sly:
When I thought about it, I don't even mind hearing the Wham Jam at work.

I can probably list off 8 other christmas songs I'm absolutely tired of listening to.
I found this thread a couple weeks ago and didnt "sign up" so I thought hell this cant be hard. And since I hate everything related to Wham I would enjoy playing along. I thought it would easy not hearing the song, since I dont listen to radio and the song is not on my phone or Ipod and I dont do Christmas shopping in the mall where the song would be played...But today.....I walked into a co workers cubical....and she is the kinda of person that has lights/stockings and decorations all over her office...While she was talking the song came on...I instantly stopped her to make sure it was the song...then I start cursing....she is looking at me like "what is wrong with you"..I started to explain all pissed and my hands waving in the air about "these guys said I couldnt go without hearing the song.........." and she is looking at me in disbelief.....I finaly said "Forget it" and I walked out...I felt defeated
Mariah Carey's one of them probably. I don't pick up on names very quickly, but I think I remember one of the radio hosts mentioning her name after one song before.

There's this one live recording of a concert, it's some guy's cover of Santa Claus is Coming To Town, but his voice either cracks a lot or the person handling the audio kept cutting out his microphone too early during some point in the song.

Then there's that one corny happy song that describes the day the lord was born- on Christmas day!!!.
I found this thread a couple weeks ago and didnt "sign up" so I thought hell this cant be hard. And since I hate everything related to Wham I would enjoy playing along. I thought it would easy not hearing the song, since I dont listen to radio and the song is not on my phone or Ipod and I dont do Christmas shopping in the mall where the song would be played...But today.....I walked into a co workers cubical....and she is the kinda of person that has lights/stockings and decorations all over her office...While she was talking the song came on...I instantly stopped her to make sure it was the song...then I start cursing....she is looking at me like "what is wrong with you"..I started to explain all pissed and my hands waving in the air about "these guys said I couldnt go without hearing the song.........." and she is looking at me in disbelief.....I finaly said "Forget it" and I walked out...I felt defeated

The violation one feels upon been whammed out of the blue is only aggravated when it happens in the company of someone who doesn't know what is happening.

Because then you try to explain why you're feeling like someone whammed a broomstick up your--- well, anyway, explaining it only makes if worse because now you've got a perfectly sane person looking at you like you lost your mind.

You have. Otherwise you wouldn't be doing this.


Tomorrow's my staff party. Goodbye, friends. It was nice knowing you when I was sane.
When i do get whammed, someone can feel free to edit this picture for my avatar purposes. Spongebob reasons.


I also have plans for an avatar for when i do survive.
Apparently i have been bestowed by luck today.

So me and my dad went to the toy store for a "Year End Shopping" aka HotWheels hunting....:P

We found a 2015 release Batmobile, Snoopy, A VW Kool Kombi (the woody wagon lookalike?), a T-Hunt CJ-7, and a Lotus Esprit!

And by the time we left the store, i can hear the echoes of the beginning of you-know-what. :scared:
I immediately ran outside the building just before i tripped on my own shoelaces :dopey: :dunce::lol:

On another side note, I nearly got whammed by a Chaparral 2X, if you know what i mean.... :grumpy:
THIS IS IT! I'm going to make it!
I have not had the time to keep regular reports, but I also did not had the time to be exposed to the commercial Christmas, hence why I've been surviving this long.

THIS IS IT! I'm going to make it!
I have not had the time to keep regular reports, but I also did not had the time to be exposed to the commercial Christmas, hence why I've been surviving this long.


I wouldn't be so confident if I were you. The world is a nasty place these days, Whamnappings and Whammicides in the nights; Whamups in the day, it's not even safe in your own home. Radios turn into deathtraps, and the internet becomes a busy narrow hill road with nowhere to go in the case that the Wham Gang come barreling out of a turn full speed at you... :P And other GTPlanet members, don't even get me started on those viscous beasts. Ruthlessly placing Youtube links in their posts, and trying to make you think that their online session won't contain it... It all makes me wonder why on earth we do it, and also contemplate other important things such as how many Christmas hats can someone place on their head until their neck breaks from the weight.

For me though, I'm currently satisfied at my progress, I've gotten further than I did last year!
I wouldn't be so confident if I were you. The world is a nasty place these days, Whamnappings and Whammicides in the nights; Whamups in the day, it's not even safe in your own home. Radios turn into deathtraps, and the internet becomes a busy narrow hill road with nowhere to go in the case that the Wham Gang come barreling out of a turn full speed at you... :P And other GTPlanet members, don't even get me started on those viscous beasts. Ruthlessly placing Youtube links in their posts, and trying to make you think that their online session won't contain it... It all makes me wonder why on earth we do it, and also contemplate other important things such as how many Christmas hats can someone place on their head until their neck breaks from the weight.

For me though, I'm currently satisfied at my progress, I've gotten further than I did last year!
And there goes my plan...
Does hearing that part while running and having your ears covered by your hands count?
I forgot to mention that, to be honest :ouch:
If You heard words from the original then you've had your three strikes.

Yeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr out!
I gotta get pictures printed today so I'm just going to avoid all human interaction and just have my headphones on all day.