GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel
Location, Wham smiley posts deleted. Why? You were given the solution twice.

Clearly your cache.

Make that three times.
I think @TB had something to do with that. Ok. I know it.
I haven't the foggiest idea of what you speak, sir.

Haven't flown out yet. :grumpy:

Tomorrow. Son's appointment was today. Any bets I'm Whammed at Universal? :lol:

God, it is only Thursday. I've spent all day thinking it's Friday.

I'm willing to bet you don't get whammed there.
Went to the fuel station today, music billowing from the speakers... Fortunately I don't know what any of it was, because the music I put on was louder. Until I went in to pay, which is when I found out that they were just playing normal, completely non-Christmas music, and I suddenly felt like an absolute tit.
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Not that it matters anymore but I got whammed again today at work.
The most dissapointing thing is that the guys had a radio station on that would play it. I'll take it up with them on Monday.
The last few days have been a little tense. In the autoshop at school we listen to the radio, and just yesterday someone decided to switch the radio station to a Christmas station... A cover of the dreaded song was playing thankfully, but still made my ears bleed. As I'm walking to my locker for my next class, there's ANOTHER cover playing in the cafeteria... and just now I was almost tricked into getting whammed by a certain persons signature... I've never been happier for Youtube commercials :crazy: Remember folks... Nowhere is safe...

Still in the running though!
*opens whatsapp
*sees there's a voice message
*plays the voice message
*a group of girls I know was singing Last Christmas (their voices only, no music playing in the background)

does it count as whamming? :scared: If so, I got whammed at 11:18 am GMT +1
*opens whatsapp
*sees there's a voice message
*plays the voice message
*a group of girls I know was singing Last Christmas (their voices only, no music playing in the background)

does it count as whamming? :scared: If so, I got whammed at 11:18 am GMT +1
It was a "cover". It doesn't count.
Since I first got Whammed! in late November, I think I've been Whammed! at least another 30 times. Basingstoke town centre seem to like Last Christmas along with every other cheesy Christmas song you can think of. I usually have my earphones in but when I'm ordering my lunch in Subway having earphones is not practical.

Last Christmas I avoided it well,
but the very next year I heard it a lot.
Next year to save me from tears,
I'll have lunch somewhere different.
It's that time of year now, mass paranoia on GTP, just seconds waiting for WHAM! to happen...

They played a tiny amount of Last Christmas on Radio 1 earlier, not the whole song but only maybe two or three seconds of it, enough for another whamming though,

Wham Count: 2

That said I have yet to hear the full song played on Radio 1, I listened most of today and they played other xmas songs but not that...
Oh FFS, don't tell me BBC Radio 1 has ads on it that have that song! :grumpy:
That's me gone... :( :(

Just walking down a road near centre of town and there's a random fruit stall with a speaker system and over the sound of my headphones I could hear it. Obviously had to check, and was nearly knocked over by how loud it was... To add insult to injury the shop I go in was playing the Taylor Swift cover as well... I was not a happy Duck...
That's me gone... :( :(

Just walking down a road near centre of town and there's a random fruit stall with a speaker system and over the sound of my headphones I could hear it. Obviously had to check, and was nearly knocked over by how loud it was... To add insult to injury the shop I go in was playing the Taylor Swift cover as well... I was not a happy Duck...
I believe the saying is "a Wham! a day keeps the doctor away". :P