GTPlanet vs. Wham - Thread of the Year!

  • Thread starter Daniel

The only music I heard was in the washroom - just some whamless music.

Anyway . . . let me start from the beginning. This was the same place we went to last year - the famous Chinese all-you-can-eat buffet. The place was packed. The only sound was a mass confused babble of chomping, laughing, yelling and clatter of humans pigging out.
Someone must have complained about the music, or else some sage came by and told them that music makes people more hungry.
Finally I had to take a leak, strolled off to the loo, entered and - bam! Music.
Now I've stopped short with a hand on the zipper. This wasn't looking good. Cocked an ear - turned out it was some oldish (judging from the quavery voice) Chinese crooner crooning some ancient-sounding Oriental ditty that sounded Christmassy for some reason, but in no way was even vaugely like Georgie boy.
So there I am pleased with the way this adwhamture is going, nodding to the music while I try to aim Willie and make him spit out the red-wine with which I had gargled my food down, when suddenly a thought struck me.
I was in a washroom! A loo! Bathroom, toilet, john, whatever. . ..
A final spurt, a quick wash of hands and I fled the place.
So, okay, there wasn't a peep out of George, but I wasn't taking chances.

Still alive and kicking. 👍
Currently driving through a Christmas light show

And you're a damn lie if you think I'm tuning to the Christmas radio channel. I'm not risking getting Whammed
We did Christmas at my mom's house today. On the way home tonight I fell asleep. My wife turned on the radio to stay awake. It was all Christmas music. I wrote up halfway home to Bing Crosby. I sang along and thought nothing of it. Then the song ended. They had a station identification. It was Merry Mixmas 94.5 FM. Then the next song started.

And that was when I got whammed.

You win this battle, Wham! but the war is far from over. I'll see you again next year.

To add insult to injury, the next song was "Do they know it's Christmas" by Band Aid. Bing Crosby singing Happy Holidays, followed by the two most horrible pop Christmas songs of the 80s? Who does that?
No, as in why did the original creator choose the group 'wham' in the first place?
The song 'Last Christmas' is the most pointless song created for the holiday, and with so many covers, you'll hear the same lyrics over and over. Why not target source material?
I've only 2 more 5-5.5 hour shifts until D-Day.

Looks like I may not even get 20 whammers for Christmas.

Sad feet, sad panda. Commits Sudoku.
I am seriously lucky, went to three different stores yesterday and they were all playing Christmas music. Got swifted twice, but not whammed!