GTPlanet's Social Groups & Photo Albums Closing

  • Thread starter Jordan
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Thanks for all your hard work, Jordan. I'm excited to see what the new site will bring, and to see what the new mobile site will look like. :cheers:


Good to hear about the new mobile site. I access GTP a lot when I'm not at home on the PC, so hearing that doing so will be more convenient is great. 👍

Basically, you'll be able to create private, invitation-only threads, with all of the features and functionality that implies, including full compatibility with mobile devices.

I love the full compatibility with mobile devices part because ever since I've upgraded from my HTC Sensation to my HTC One, I've been having some problems with the current app. So I've been hoping for an update for quite some time now.

And about the so called invitation-only threads as a substitute for our private groups... In the group page, we were able to create certain discussions about certain topics - like mini threads. How will this work in the new sistem? Will we just post randomly in one thread or will we create like an invite-only subforum and then create some more threads in that about a topic we want to discuss?
Will there still be a mobile version of gtplanet? I would hate to zoom so close to the page just to click into them links.
Will there still be a mobile version of gtplanet? I would hate to zoom so close to the page just to click into them links.
GTPlanet Mobile Apps End-of-Life

GTPlanet’s iOS and Android apps will be removed from the App Store and Google Play Stores on Friday, September 6, 2013, and will not be available to download after that date.

Of course, you can continue using the app on your mobile device until the new site is launched, at which point the app will no longer function. The mobile apps will be replaced by the new site itself, which is fully responsive and highly optimized to offer a full (and fast!) experience on all types of smartphones, tablets, and PCs.
tl;dr - GTPlanet will work as a mobile site if you come here on your mobile.
Thankyou. :)

Can't Wait. Can we have a screenshot, Jordan? Pretty Please? :lol:

If it makes you feel any better, the mods haven't seen it, either. Can't wait for the mobile version, as that's 75% of my posting...kind of like two new releases at once!
Quick question about embedding YouTube said you can just copy and paste we still have to use youtube tags or will it just recognize the youtube URL and automatically embed it? If that's the case, to regularly link it without embedding it, would you just use URL tags/URL button? What if it doesn't automatically embed it (makes it a clickable link)? Will there be a YouTube button in the quick reply/advanced reply similar to the link images button?

Can you go a little more in depth about this?
Quick question about embedding YouTube said you can just copy and paste we still have to use youtube tags or will it just recognize the youtube URL and automatically embed it? If that's the case, to regularly link it without embedding it, would you just use URL tags/URL button? What if it doesn't automatically embed it (makes it a clickable link)? Will there be a YouTube button in the quick reply/advanced reply similar to the link images button?

Can you go a little more in depth about this?
You'll still need to use YouTube to share videos, but that process will be easier as well. You can just copy and paste the URL to the video, and it will automatically be converted to an embedded player. (And yes, you can still just link to the video if you don't want to embed it.)
Seems pretty in-depth to me.

Just paste the video URL. It will automatically be converted to an embedded player. No Youtube button or tags needed - but you can wrap it in URL tags to link it if you prefer not to embed it.

It works that way on WordPress, by the way (like the GTP blog). Paste this:

And it automatically becomes this on the blog:
That's what I thought, but I just wanted to make it all clear. Thanks Famine.
If it makes you feel any better, the mods haven't seen it, either. Can't wait for the mobile version, as that's 75% of my posting...kind of like two new releases at once!

:) As Classified as Kaz's details on the ammount of Skylines in GT6. :lol:

Really excited :D
This is so exciting :dopey:. My favourite site is about to get better! Thanks so much for all the work you've put in, and will undoubtedly continue to put in, Jordan. We really appreciate it.

One quick question: Will the forums retain their clean appearance? I've been to an assortement of internet forums, and GTPlanet's are way, way better looking than anything else I've seen.
Thankyou. :)

Can't Wait. Can we have a screenshot, Jordan? Pretty Please? :lol:
No screenshots, sorry! :P

Is my leader board going to be affected?
If the images in your threads are hosted in your user gallery, then, yes, it will be affected. Just make sure you have a copy of all your images backed up. When the new site comes online, you'll be able to re-upload them to your post in just a few minutes.

And about the so called invitation-only threads as a substitute for our private groups... In the group page, we were able to create certain discussions about certain topics - like mini threads. How will this work in the new sistem? Will we just post randomly in one thread or will we create like an invite-only subforum and then create some more threads in that about a topic we want to discuss?
I'm not going to go into too much detail, but you'll essentially have an "Inbox" of private threads you're participating in. They can involve one other person or dozens of other people (it will fully replace the PM system, actually). You can keep the group discussion in a single "private thread", or you can have several different topics going with that group of people if you want - it's entirely up to you.

I should also mention there will be no more limits on the number of private messages you can store (and you can search through them, too!).

One quick question: Will the forums retain their clean appearance? I've been to an assortement of internet forums, and GTPlanet's are way, way better looking than anything else I've seen.
Thanks, I think so too, though I'm a bit biased! :dopey: And yes, the new site will be very "clean" in appearance.
One more thing: When you say "soon". You dont mean "Soon" -Kazinori Yamauchi Soon correct? It will really be soon? ;)
Great job Jordan! Can't wait for the new site!

I'm glad that the new site will have photosharing, because my ipad has decided that it doesn't like the new flickr, and safari crashes when ever I go onto it. (my ipad and phone are the only ways I usually go onto gtplanet, rarely is it an actual computer)
Basically, you'll be able to create private, invitation-only threads, with all of the features and functionality that implies, including full compatibility with mobile devices.

Was this on the news page? Because I haven't seen it anywhere except Janco's post.

Apparently it'll replace the PM system. Seems an interesting concept, not sure how it'll work though. Guess it sort of makes sense, though as far as I know it's never been tried before so it'll be unfamilliar territory for pretty much everyone.

Though I guess my hopes for "group moderators" were partially disappointed.
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I'm not going to go into too much detail, but you'll essentially have an "Inbox" of private threads you're participating in. They can involve one other person or dozens of other people (it will fully replace the PM system, actually). You can keep the group discussion in a single "private thread", or you can have several different topics going with that group of people if you want - it's entirely up to you.

I should also mention there will be no more limits on the number of private messages you can store (and you can search through them, too!).

That's cool, so it will be kind of like facebook? Where you can have group chats/message threads?

I love the unlimited messages part, limited messages storing space was probably the thing I most disliked on the site.

Was this on the news page? Because I haven't seen it anywhere except Janco's post.

It was the 4th reply in this thread. I quoted it, as you can see 👍
Hmm. Shoudl be interesting how it works. Will I have to keep reinventing people to a new, certain thread? Say I have a conversation and I make a new thread, do I have to invite those again? That could be difficult to get used to.
Due to all the new simplicity that's being added, I have a question. Will the forum automatically place in colour settings for our posts based on our settings? I know it's a feature many have asked for, but forum software couldn't allow for it, will this still be the case?
That would be interesting. I'd like to know too.
Will the forum automatically place in colour settings for our posts based on our settings?
I hope not. Some of the font/color combinations are very annoying/difficult to read so the more difficult it is for people to change them the better, IMHO.
Due to all the new simplicity that's being added, I have a question. Will the forum automatically place in colour settings for our posts based on our settings? I know it's a feature many have asked for, but forum software couldn't allow for it, will this still be the case?
No, that won't be a feature.
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