GTP's Member of the week no.1 - Introducing Mr.OzzyGT

Pushrods, OHC, or side valve?

Brunettes or Redheads?

Paper or plastic?

Manual or auto?

Tired of this or that questions?
Yeah, like he's going to honestly answer that one.

Heres a question, your interested in architecture, that's something I have some interest in as well. What area of architecture are you mostly interested in, for example, I did constuctiona nd construction design in college for three years. We covered everything from wooden hut's to high rise flats to bridges to tunnel systems for sewage flow etc. What area interests you the most, captures your imagination the most and why?
Why is it taking so long to answer our questions?
Man you are going to have to answer a lot in your next post!
I don't think it's polite to ask why he's taking so long to answer the questions, he's only just logged back on since he answered the last lot, and besides he's answering the questions voluntarily.
I suppose that's true, I meant to put this smiley :D next to it to show I was kidding, but I didn't for some reason.:indiff: But he is going to have a lot of questions to answer if he decides to.
Anyway, to add to this growing list,
What are your five favorite cars?
Hey, you no answer mine. But good 7th grade joke! I have a few too, but cant remember and dont want to steal any of your attention
Just be cool man, cool is the right may also wanna look a little bit intelectual, depending on the age of the girl of course, and try to be as outgoign and "protective" as works everytime for me :sly:

Ohh and fashion also..try to keep updated with it ;)

German cars, Nissans, and the group C cars from GT4 ;)

sorry about the double post :guilty:

Hehe Im screwed...
Then again when I went to lunch with 3 girls today (which was very interesting) they said that girls like someone whos sensitive but not gay which apparently I am. So if I stop acting like an idiot for the amusement of the general public I should be fine... ;) Thanx
LOL!! my bad, I must have missed it due to 3,000 questions that I had to answer at once :D, anyway I'd choose brunettes just because they look more like a "bad chick" I guess, redheads look more kinky though :embarrassed:

Wow, i never thought my self as kinky.. (I'm a readhead but not a chick)
I have a friend (classmate) who's a redhead, she's not kinky. Hmm... is she? How would I know? Hmm... wish I could find out :sly: just kidding. I choosie brunette too, but over blonde, brunette and red I choose black.
Wait... Im a redhead! Cool. Except I'm like very dark red. ASIan HAir! Black red and brown. Loox hot in sun!
Rogue Ssv
I have a friend (classmate) who's a redhead, she's not kinky. Hmm... is she? How would I know? Hmm... wish I could find out :sly: just kidding. I choosie brunette too, but over blonde, brunette and red I choose black.
Wait... Im a redhead! Cool. Except I'm like very dark red. ASIan HAir! Black red and brown. Loox hot in sun!
N0 WAI!!! I'm a readhead too!!! DARK RED! zomg! We must be brothers.. o wait thats scary :scared:
No were not are you half Taiwan and Irish?
Anyway Im starting another tangent, PM me for things like that; I dont want to get re-banned. Permanently.
Ozzy, what happens when crazy girls start to like you? Sigh if you want the full story I can ask GT4Rule to forward to you...if I ever see him. though I dont think you do.
My hair so gangsta It never dyes. Get it? DYEs? like, dye? Dies? Dye.. ah never mind. Anyway, lets get on topic and if I have more question I return later.
Sorry to go off topic guys but I dont know where else to post this:

About a week ago I sent a PM to Jordan about this thread and whether it can have its own sub-forum next to the rumble strip. Jordan has yet to reply so tonight I fired this off to Duke:

"Hey Duke,
If you check out The Rumble Strip you will notice that I have started a set of new threads titled 'member of the week' I intend that this set of threads will continue on for many weeks to come. The guys on here seem to have taken to it quite well and some have suggested that it gains its own sub forum purely for archiving purposes so that members can look back on previous weeks with different members asking different questions. The whole point behind these threads was so that we all get to know more about each other on a more personal basis. If all of the threads can be kept together and archived efficiently, it would make life a lot easier.

I have all ready PM'd Jordan about this about a week ago and there is still no reply, so as a Moderator in the rumble strip I was hoping that you might be able to come up with some kind of compromise.

thanks in advance


So now it is a matter of waiting to see what will come of this...

Back on topic now....

How many girlfriends have you had? How old were you when you lost your virginity? were you disappointed :lol:?
How many girlfriends have you had? How old were you when you lost your virginity? were you disappointed :lol:?

You're assuming he has :sly:

In a life or death game of Paper, Scissors, Rock. Which would you pick?
Daddy or chips?

How long is a piece of string?

Lindsey Lohan: puppy fat or skinny?

If you could have any one superhero power what would it be?

Autumn, Winter, Spring or Summer - and why?

What brought you to GTPlanet in the first place?