GTP's Star in a Reasonably Priced Car (Episode 21 is up!)

  • Thread starter Joey D
Tut tut TB, I expect better from you. The AUP specifically states "You will not knowingly post any material that is false, misleading, or inaccurate."

Famine is an ex-hockey player.
I still turn up and wave a bat about a bit. Mainly just training sessions though.
Why don't you guys do standing starts on the TTGT like they do on the show? It is possible in the game even though most think it isn't. :)

AKA goal keeper?

Done that too. All you need to be a hockey keeper is a rough knowledge of free hit positions, defensive format, the ability to hold a bat and to be complete psycho.
Time to get a watch.:lol: just kidding

I'd say it is going to be challenging sureboss's no.1 spot judging by the previous best lap we saw mid-replay which was 8 tenths off.

Who knows? This is tension.
Done that too. All you need to be a hockey keeper is a rough knowledge of free hit positions, defensive format, the ability to hold a bat and to be complete psycho.

Being incredibly fat to the point of covering the whole goal also works.

NINJA EDIT: I'm not saying you're fat, in fact, before TB mentioned I didn't even know you actually is.....

* runs away *
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And now, the moment, you've all been waiting for. Famine's lap was a One Minute....Twenty Eight Point Four Seventy Nine, which makes him our new leader :cheers:
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Nicely done, Famine!

As long as everyone keeps using a wheel, I'm happy. :D
Episode 9 - VEXD

Our 9th guest for star in a Reasonably priced car is a one of the stalwarts of the UKGTP, Give a warm round of applause to a man who is forever, VEXD!

What has brought you here to GTP? How long have you been a member?

I have been here since late 2004, so nearly 6 and a half years now. I don't post much, do I....
I came here looking for info on GT4, as at the time I had a desk job, the kind of desk job that let me spend all day browsing the net. I googled GT4 info, and GTP popped up at the top of the list. I had a look at some stuff, then decided to register as I couldn't get anywhere in the forums without doing so. I used my DJ name and then started trawling through stuff. I found the WRS, which was running in GT3 at the time, and joined that. That's where I bumped into Small Fryz, and it's his fault I've been here ever since, really. Flamin Galarr....
We were reasonably close in the WRS results on a few occasions, though he is definitely faster then me when he makes an effort.
It was that competition that kept me coming back to the site, and I followed it up by butting into a UKGTP lan that Wastegate was running, as I wanted to see how I would fare against real purpl....-err people.
That's where I met Famine and Daan and Sukerkin (where are you Mark?) etc, and GTP has been my home and homepage ever since. See, it's all an Aussie's fault.

How has GT5 been for you?

I have loved it from day one, though I do find some things frustrating, and hope for more change, but all in all, it does what I wanted it to do.
I get to drive cars I can't really afford to crash in real life, I get to race my friends from all over the world, apart from Mikey, who's internet connection sux, and I get to find out just how poor I am at the game, when I stack up against the other online laptimes.....
I just wish they would add more premiums, bring back the sensible trax, like El Capitan, Special stage R11, Red rock valley, and MIDFIELD, I mean cmon! where the hell did MIDFIELD go? No-one expected that to go anywhere.....
I would also like to be able to change the wheels on the standard cars, even if I can't get into them and have a look at the doorhandles....
It is a bit of a let down to think we waited all that time, and then got a PSP port.

Seems like a silly question to ask given your love for Honda's, but what has been your favourite vehicle to drive at the moment?

I have a lot of favourite cars, and I like to drive in various ways with them, depending on how I feel.
The Murcielago SV is nice to listen to, and do races in in cockpit view, that I don't have to try too hard to win. I like to drive that for a bit, then maybe watch the replay and take pix.
The F40 is nice to just jump into and cruise somewhere, like the Ring, and I enjoy doing that in the Cobra on comfort tyres too. I like the way the sun moves around the interior in an open top car like that.
I spend a bit of time in the Civic that closely resembles my own, but that's mainly to surprise people online.....
I love any NSX.
There is some sort of secret fascination with the Colt CZ Tarmac too.
Oh yeah, and it took me 4 months to get a 22b, and then PD put it in the online market at the same time. Now I have 2. I'll have another one if anyone wants to send me it.....

What about tracks? Are there any particular favorites you have?

The Nurburgring 24hr.
I really like Cape ring, but it doesn't get that sort of commendation right across the board. Most racers hate it, or feel it should be on a bedroom floor, made of plastic and attached to the power supply, not in GT5.
If you want VEXD's ideal racing scenario, for the ultimate test of myself, it's cockpit view, in the Calsonic GT-R, in pouring rain, at 11:30pm on the Nurburgring 24hr circuit, with time dilation of ZERO.

Have you played around with photomode at all? If so, how do you like it?

I would love to know what to do to stop making my pix look like something I took, but I don't have the time to learn all the fiddly little controls....
I have taken a lot of pix, and have messed around for hours before, but a general pattern will be that I take a good one, then modify it until it loox awful, and then come back two days later, check the gallery and delete it.
Have a look at the shared pix on my profile if you want a poor example of photography...

What is your favourite GT game and why?

GT5, because I can race against my friends from all over the world, from the comfort of my raceseat. On top of that, I can chat to them, and shout while I race. None of this was possible concurrently before, and so that's why I prefer this game.
However, in an ideal world, I'd have element of all the ones that came before it too, but hopefully, Famine already told Kaz to get on with that, and I haven't got to wait long.

Are there any other video games you enjoy playing?

I got into Modern Warfare 2 while I was waiting for GT5, as that's what everyone else on my friends list was playing, but it honestly hasn't been in my PS3 since release day, last November.
I have enjoyed all the God Of War games immensely, the Uncharted's and of course, every Metal Gear Solid since PS1. That's my second favourite franchise, but it's not exactly the kind of game you can drop in and out of, like GT.
I still rate the battle of Snake versus The End as one of the best set pieces in gaming history, but then what do I know.
I still have a SNES, and of course, amongst Street Fighter II Turbo and Mortal Kombat carts, you will always find the grand-daddy of all games..... Super Mario Kart.

Switching over to real life, I present another silly question with a likely obvious answer: what do you drive? Is it in the game and if so, how does it compare?

I own two Honda Civics, one is an EG, and one is an EJ.
Neither are in the game, as both my cars are underpowered compared to the GT versions. In fact, I don't think the EJ is even in there.....
The EG has been barry'd err... tinkered with, and it has a bit more go than the standard model, but it is still not as powerful as the Civic Sir II that I pretend is my car in-game.
In terms of handling, they are very very similar, and I hope to be conducting some more tests tomorrow, when I get the EG back together, as there will be new boots fitted, and I want to see if I can replicate that sensation of grip in GT.
What did impress me, was the accuracy of the startup sound. It is absolutely pitch perfect.
For my job, I deliver cars to people, and therefore I am lucky enough to have driven a lot more cars that have counterparts in GT5, such as Ford, VW, Alfa, Fiat, Chevrolet, Jaguar, Mazda, Mercedes, Renault, Toyota, Volvo and BMW.
The highlights are the C-class Merx, the ST Foci and of course, the BMW M3's.
I also have a few friends who like to do trackdays in the summer, and have deeper pockets than I, so I have had my hands on an EVO VIII, Nissan GT-R and a Ferrari F430, which managed to lunch it's clutch after only two laps once, but I wasn't driving it that day. No, seriously, I wasn't.
Those supercars are audibly represented almost perfectly in GT5. They feel weighty in the case of the GT-R's too. Yay.

Whats your favorite car and what is it about it that you like so much?

I like the RX-7, as I like the flow of the body. Where are the straight lines... hmm?
I would own one, if they could graft a 3.2 out of an NSX into it for me.
I couldn't be doing with changing the rotors every 60K.
But with a Mazdaspeed A-Spec kit on it, in black, the Rex is gorgeous.

What's your other hobbies?

I run my Honda, drive GT and work. That's about all I have time for. Mrs VEXD takes up the rest of it. I do like to play snooker, but don't tell Sureboss, or he'll want to try and beat me at that too.

Anything else you'd like to say or are you still VEXD? :P

Just thanx to GTP really.
It has introduced me to some great people, some honest bods, and some real 🤬
But I have enjoyed it mostly.
I have been given premium three times, and had to ask around to find out who was so generous! Where else can you still find human kindness like that?

As I said, it is both my home, and my homepage, and will be, for as long as people put up with my grumpiness.....



You did it in One...twenty...eight...point...One Eighty Six. That makes you our new leader :cheers:
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I didn't realize you were still around :dopey:
You must post what? once per year? :lol:

Seriously though, great interview and I look forward to laughi.. er watching your lap :cheers:
Great interview 👍 I'd put money on you "accidentally" painting the C4 Championship White. If you beat Sureshot and Famine will you still be VEXD? ;)
Read my sig dood.

Oh, and there's a 🤬 missing out of that transcript btw.

Nice to see you too, chips.....

Oh, and there's a 🤬 missing out of that transcript btw.

And I'm told to keep my pantyhose on :lol:

Its been added, foo.

So has the video 👍
Nice lap :cheers:

Love the one wheel burnouts out of the corners :lol:!!

Wait till you try driving the thing.
Or go buy one, and try to beat my lap time.
It's like, "if I apply throttle, it turns.... if I don't, it understeers.... and this is FWD??" :boggled:

Anyway, thanx for nice comments.

Well done David, quality lap 👍 I think that one can definitely be filed under "drive it like you stole it" :lol:
Well done David, quality lap 👍 I think that one can definitely be filed under "drive it like you stole it" :lol:
Methinks "Drive it like The Stig would!" is beter.:mischievous:👍
This leaderboard is starting to look quite impressive.

Keep it up guys.
Awesome idea! Saw this in Daaaaaaaan's Sig 👍 Some good reading.


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