GTP's "weekly" DC: We all go ecollogic and design a "green" car!

  • Thread starter Cano
Damn you Cano why didnt you introduce me to this earlier? I'm in for sure. I mean, how else am i going to get through the 3 hours of chemistry in summerschool?
Well while I was staying up to watch the Champ Cars last night I decided to finnally start designing this thing. The drawing's pretty hideous But it got me some idea's going. At the front is a small solar panel that supplies some of the cars power and in the back is a small L4 that is tuned for maxiumum fuel economy. I'm also going to think of a way to incorperate a more hybrid-ish type system. NOT MY ENTRY
This is what I have so far. It's just the engine design for a MR car; perfectly designed for the task at hand; creating an engine with as close to 0 (or 0) emissions as possible. This engine has no exhaust pipes sticking out of the back of the car, and functions very similarly to a normal engine (except that it can run seemingly limitlessly without the need to stop at a gas-station). Here it is; although slightly crapily drawn, along with a translation of my bad handwriting:
1. Fe + H2O Fuel Tank (Iron and Water)
2. H + O2 Fuel Mix
3. Pump
4. Engine
5. Steam
6. Cooling System
7. Water
D. System is based on electrolysis, in which water is split into Hydrogen and Oxygen. This runs to the engine, where it is combusted, sent through a cooling system, and back into the tank as water.


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the whole thing just recycles the elements it uses to produce power, its interesting, and as I know not much about quimics, I shal say that, in paper, the concept looks and sounds very good. Could some one revise this?


Im thinking of my stuff now...
Umm just quickly, what are you using to make the hydrogen combust? What is powering that? How much fuel/electricity/whatever does it take to combust the hydrogen?

On a side note isn't hydrogen slightly to explosive for a car engine?

But good idea:tup:
this isn't an entry- but there's nowhere else to show it off.. so here.. its my blade redesign..

I though I'd just comment on this and say it looks great. Maybe you should do another one and add some colour to it:tup::D:)
Umm just quickly, what are you using to make the hydrogen combust? What is powering that? How much fuel/electricity/whatever does it take to combust the hydrogen?

On a side note isn't hydrogen slightly to explosive for a car engine?

But good idea:tup:

If you look at it, the water provides the oxygen for the combustion in a perfect mixture with the hydrogen; that's how it fuels the explosions. Sure, it does get a little hot for a normal engine, but that's why it has yet to be created (need a metal that can stand up to that as well as some kind of oil).

This is an attempt at a better drawing of my car. I've taken the solar pannel off the front as it's probably too small to really power anything. So I'll draw up the innards of it tonight maybe and work it all out.
so what.. lets see- i could make that little insight instead of gas-electric.. well.. propane-electric. i'm thinking of converting my neon to running on propane.. i just don't know the long term effects of it, so i need to do some reserarch..
well, propane is a fossil fuel, so when it burns it's not exactly "green" (granted, it's not gasoline, but still). The gas/electric idea sounds good from my end; and they do have cars that use the air for fuel now...

OK, really poor scan. Anyway, It's the Iso Hybrid Concept. It's got an inline 4 in the front which produces about 60kW of power and is VERY fuel efficient. There is an electric motor powered by a generator which rubs against the wheel and uses the friction to power the 20kW electric motor. The electric motor does most of the work when cruising but under heavy acceleration the inline 4 does alot of the work.
ok- just FYI- i finished the blade .. airbrushed in photoshop.. and here is the result.. i'm not fully happy w/ the rear light tho :dunce:

where is the light? :P ok ok, im kidding. You know suzie, you really should redesign the thing and make the front fender the same height as the rear one. that would look better.

what in the hell is this thread doing out of its section? well... I guess there is an explanation for this. I hope it will be back there, tough. Now, I have almost finished my entry for this, it will be on tomorrow.

Nuclear Van.

8000000 mile road trips on 1 fuel rod. wowwy.

i failed to mention that there is a button that allows some radiation into the passenger cab.

get a tan while you drive! w00t w00t

:dopey: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
that is very cool, Id buy one XD
now, to hell!! here is mine. It's called the "Go" and its a study of design and how form could follow function and also, an absolutely zero emissions, very efficient and very fast car with room for 4. The design was all based on function, having an individual electric engine in each of its fenders, powered by a big high-efficiency battery mounted in the middle of the car. The thing is WIDE if you count the fenders (wich turn with the wheels) so it can seat four, and as 4 engines prople this thing, it can reach speeds of 120+mph. It has a rear-view camera and a titanium structure resitant to hits, wich shows in the interior as part of the decoration. The door over the rear camera is the pug where you connect the car for recharging its bat. The cabin tilts backwards and the runningboards are mobile, so there is no much difficult in getting in and out of the car. Xenon Ilumination and plane wheels with direct ventilation for the dics brakes, and colours limited to sahdes of gray and a very elegant dark green finish this thing off. Im crazy.




Cano, you're not helping to motivate me to finish my car this week! Hot dang, not an original concept, but certainly an original design. You've got my vote. :)👍
well you and every one else that wants to enter have to hurry becaseu if we dont get more entries in two or three more days, this thing will be closed and the poll will be posted.


two more days people. at least tel me "im on my way, dont shut it" and we'll wait
ok, as you may know now, the poll for this opne is posted. go to the voting section and vote! and also go to the new drawing competition in, yeah, you guessed it, the Drawing comp section!

Hey Cano, sorry about this comp... got a little busy, I got some concepts but nothing close to being posted. I see your tighting your grip and reforming stuff around here, that's great. 👍
nuclear radiation also allows for the growth of another foot for the clutch!


GREAT drawing cano. :bowdown: