GTR2 Official!

  • Thread starter McLaren
So our Discord server is doing a special even in celebration of the 24 Hours of Daytona:

The 2.4 Hours of Daytona

The event will use a range of late 80's and 90's IMSA protos and GTs and will have qualifying kick off at 3 PM EST

Hope to see some of you there!

Does anyone know a safe place to download some tracks from? Trippteam is down atm which is a big shame as it is a great resource. RaceDepartment doesnt seem to have the tracks I'm looking for either.

Looking for Aussie tracks like Sandown, Eastern Creek and Oran Park.
One of the reasons why I haven't been reluctant to develop for or enhance my GTR2 mod collection is because GTR2 is relatively scarce for mods today due to some shady websites offering material. I will not share any names, but one site I usually went to for GTR2 mods keeps secretly taking me to shady websites upon downloading. So I stopped going to (that site) and mostly stopped my GTR2 development and mod downloading because of this. The other reason is because hardly anyone makes any quality mods for GTR2. I would still work with GTR2 and the first rFactor since I can still handle both games on my PC properly, as I can barely do Assetto Corsa and don't have the PC for games like Project CARS 2 or DiRT Rally 2.0 (for example). In other words... this is basically all I have unless I get a really capable PC for gaming for most of today's PC games. Not having a reliable, non-shady website for GTR2 mods only makes things not fun and not intriguing.

I unfortunately can't help you find any proper sites to find GTR2 material, but I mostly wanted to share my mind on the GTR2 mod scene as it is today. Even a game as old as GTR2 is still great to play even in this day and age. Nice to know people still play GTR2 even in 2020.

Thankyou! I'm not sure how to access that but I'll give it a shot.

One of the reasons why I haven't been reluctant to develop for or enhance my GTR2 mod collection is because GTR2 is relatively scarce for mods today due to some shady websites offering material. I will not share any names, but one site I usually went to for GTR2 mods keeps secretly taking me to shady websites upon downloading. So I stopped going to (that site) and mostly stopped my GTR2 development and mod downloading because of this. The other reason is because hardly anyone makes any quality mods for GTR2. I would still work with GTR2 and the first rFactor since I can still handle both games on my PC properly, as I can barely do Assetto Corsa and don't have the PC for games like Project CARS 2 or DiRT Rally 2.0 (for example). In other words... this is basically all I have unless I get a really capable PC for gaming for most of today's PC games. Not having a reliable, non-shady website for GTR2 mods only makes things not fun and not intriguing.

I unfortunately can't help you find any proper sites to find GTR2 material, but I mostly wanted to share my mind on the GTR2 mod scene as it is today. Even a game as old as GTR2 is still great to play even in this day and age. Nice to know people still play GTR2 even in 2020.

I'm kinda in the same boat as you unfortunately. I only have my laptop which can run stuff like GTR2 quite well especially with the 10th Anniversary HD mods. I'm hoping to upgrade but I'm between jobs atm as I've been ill so that doesn't help at all. Maybe my best route to playing some of the newer games would be to get another Xbox as that'd be far cheaper then the equivalent gaming PC. I won't be able to use mods but with the likes of ACC coming to console it could be still a lot of fun. What I really enjoy about GTR2 is that it represents the era of GT racing which got me into following sportscar racing so I have some very very fond memories for that time and being able to race the calendar with those cars reminds me of those golden times. And for a game of this age that HD mod looks quite good for what it is.

Its a shame NoGrip closed down. I never had any issues with downloads there and the forum was a really good community so that was my go to. Just wish I had've found it earlier.
Don't bother with Trippteam's new method. Basically you need to download a whole new file sharing program, and also share 300MB worth of stuff to get access. Unnecessarily convoluted way of sharing mods.

This site is what I used to go to (, not sure how much of the links are still active though.

It's a shame a lot of the good old sites are shutting down for all the old ISImotor sims. That was truly the golden age of simracing. I look at all these sites now for Assetto and wonder if in 10 years they will all suffer the same fate. It's a shame to see all the hardwork those modders did just disappear :(
This is about the same as when Sports Car GT was the top-level sim racer. Sometimes, I play SCGT again for simplicity's sake. That is even as it was eventually surpassed and succeeded by rFactor. I know only one site that still offers SCGT resources, even though SCGT is pretty much dead.

GTR2 is still very relevant even if very few support or play this game anymore. As much as I love rFactor 1, GTR2 has a little extra that makes it unique from rFactor, even though I think both use the same game engine. For me, I think it's the combination of the visible sun and weather effects in GTR2 that helps. You can also credit the fully AI-driven (or "B-Spec," if you will) races. GTR2 is still a great game even today. I even take advantage of RACE07 and GTR Evolution. I would still probably play GTR2 today even if I had the PC to play Project CARS 2 or even a better PC to better play Assetto Corsa or even BeamNG.Drive. So any relevant and non-sketchy websites you can find GTR2 on, take advantage.

Oh... and keep enjoying GTR2! :)
I just remembered... some GTR2 mods are on RaceDepartment that were previously on NoGripRacing. So you may want to try your luck there. RD is completely clean for what I know.
I just remembered... some GTR2 mods are on RaceDepartment that were previously on NoGripRacing. So you may want to try your luck there. RD is completely clean for what I know.

Thanks. I've looked on there and not found the Aussie tracks I was looking for but found some fictional tracks that look interesting.

First gameplay from our FRM Touring Cars mod. BTCC 2011 (WIP) by Jsmee with a 33 car BTCC 2011 set. This will not be included at initial mod launch and is still WIP. Snetterton 2011 is heavily updated with lighting, AIW, trackside objects.

Race ended for me a little earlier than I thought, an error at Nelson put me wide and contact from behind broke a toe link. These things are sensitive to hits on the wheel and it's a fine balancing act to get right, both in physics development and driving.

Captured with OBS, edited with OpenShot, gameplay on an X1 controller.

Release planned for January 2021 with the FRM Super Touring pack.

Mod will be available from the FRM website (WIP), and selected other forums.
Once I practiced modeling 3D tracks, I felt like implementing them into games to get some perspective. I was studying certain existing courses in GTR2 using 3DSimEd. I haven't mastered trying to properly code in courses, but I am slowly learning. My concern right now is just building and implementing these courses. To be safe, I am using most of the default FIA GT cars if/when I properly can implement tracks. I have one mod that features different cars listed under the FIA GT 2003 and 2004 lists. I am still strictly sticking to the "vanilla" cars.

I want to thank GTPlaneteers like Wolfe for some advice on track making from the "What Games Are You Playing Now?" thread when I mentioned GTR2. I think what makes the track modding different in GTR2 is that you have to account for sun placement along with wet roads. There are some reasons why I still sometimes prefer GTR2 over rFactor, even though I love rFactor. I may also try to implement courses into RACE07/GTR Evolution.

Those of you who haven't yet played GTR2, please add it to your collection of racing games if you are a racing game fan.
I played it again after more than 10 years and it's so good. Great graphics, great physics, great handling. Sometimes I wonder what other devs did all those years if older games are so good.
Hi there! I recently am installing a load of mods in different versions of my GTR2 and I recently reinstalled the GRID mod from the EEC community. But I noticed I think it is quite out of date, or at least finicky compared to the SR-GRID mod, but any links that I find to download that mod is down, does anyone has a link or download for me to try? Thank you in advance.
Big bump :)

Just picked up the simbin mega bundle from steam summer sale for my potato laptop & I mean POTATO.
1080p 60ish fps with medium/high gfx settings, depends on which game I play out the bundle.

I used to have most of these back in the old pentium 4 days on disk but they're long lost, (ran better back then than they do now on my laptop lol), didn't own a ffb wheel back then either.

I've used a hex editor instead of a patch to enable the porsche/ferrari cars that were taken out of the steam version so that's sorted & I've set my thrustmaster tsxw wheel rotation to 240 as this is what I read on race department regarding how all the old sims were set/based on (some people use 540).

In the thrustmaster control panel I've left everything default as advised & adjust ffb settings in game, although some people say turn off spring & damper but others say the old sims don't use it anyway, not sure so all default.

A particular problem I'm having is with gtr2, when I adjust the ffb & return to the track my ffb dissappears, so I have to press alt+f every time to reset it, couldn't find a solution for this looking all over the web apart from possibly downloading the 10th or 16th anniversary pack, which I don't think my potato laptop can handle.

Any help/ideas/recommendations would be greatly appreciated regarding gtr2 or any game in this bundle for that matter


Also deciding to pick up automobilista as well but that might be asking to much from an 10th gen i3 1005G 1.2 with 4gb ddr4 ram 3200Mhz & a integrated intel uhd graphics card 128mb (2gb shared) :)

Might aim a little bit of this request at @Scaff's way regarding any GT Legends tips as I know he likes it & uses a T300 :)
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Hi all:

Well, this GTR2 thread is a desert, so I thought best way to end 2023 was posting some GTR2 video. Yes, some of us still play GTR2. Enjoy and Merry Christmas!

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Does anyone know a safe place to download some tracks from? Trippteam is down atm which is a big shame as it is a great resource. RaceDepartment doesnt seem to have the tracks I'm looking for either.

Looking for Aussie tracks like Sandown, Eastern Creek and Oran Park.
Maybe Here is what you're looking for
Many thanks. I've gotten a lot of downloads in the past from NoGrip and unfortunately it is no more. I'll have a look and see what I can find.
Hi guys i am completely new on pc and i ve just found this lovely old simulation that grab my attention.
Unfortunately i am not able to open it due to some reason (please see picture).
I tried opening the folder and i found the file but what next?


  • 20240924_124203.jpg
    183.7 KB · Views: 7
Hi guys i am completely new on pc and i ve just found this lovely old simulation that grab my attention.
Unfortunately i am not able to open it due to some reason (please see picture).
I tried opening the folder and i found the file but what next?
Which version of Windows are you running? Try running it in compatibility mode for Windows 7/8.

I'm running windows 11 potato laptop with an onboard uhd card & it runs fine, I even use the power & glory mod with it as well. I am through steam though, not sure if this makes a difference or not.

I just installed it & everything works, bought the simbin mega racing bundle + automobilista 1 complete edition.