Yeah, they still haven't fixed the AI aggression issue. The first couple of turns are just a cluster because instead of them trying to pass each other they just all slam on their brakes. It is nice to see that they're actually fast this time around though, and I wouldn't say they hurt the quality of the racing at all.
Being consistent is DAMN HARD in this one too. I'm still trying to find a steering wheel setting I'm comfortable with (you can adjust the dead-zone, sensitivity), and the force feedback settings are kinda weird to me. There's hardly any response from car movement, but go over a rumble strip and it's like you just ran over a cow or something, and the different vibration settings don't help much.
I will report a couple of bugs here though;while racing with Joey I experienced a little bit of frame-rate slowdown at Austin with no AI, but it was very brief and not very noticeable, and some easily noticeable frame-rate slowdown at Melbourne with AI, however it was only one instance when there was a very large wreck on the first lap and it was only for a second or two. My PS3 crashed when we entered a race once too, but that was probably just my PS3. I've experienced absolutely zero lag, which is a huge deal to me. I'd rather have brief, barely noticeable, frame-rate drops than cars jumping and twitching unrealistically like in GT5, they always maintain a smooth predictable pace.
As far as difficulty level, I'll have to check out 2 of 4, because once I did finally get my consistency down to good level I was still only averaging a speed somewhere from 8th-13th. I could've gotten a little faster, but it probably wouldn't have been something I could maintain over a whole 20-30 lap race, so that's about what I'm looking at there.