GTS Difficulty - Too easy to Gold

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz
I wasn't sure if I was going to write this, given the amount of downtalk about the level of difficulty on these tests. But then i decided that I shouldn't really care what anyone thinks :cheers:

I was very skeptical of this game in general, but due to whatever I might miss from older GT games (I've played every single one except GT Concept), I have been quite happy with it actually. Even though I have only done one online race so far, mostly focusing on golding campaign events and doing livery editing.

When it comes to the campaign events I have only had time to play through about 75% of the driving lessons so far. I'm not a total noob at this, but I sincerely got the same feeling which I got with previous GT games. The frustration of missing the gold mark by 0.010 seconds, getting into trouble by not "paying enough attention" and end up screwing up something like a simple turn time and time again, a genuine good feeling when I aquire the gold medal.

It might have become a bit easier than previous games, I haven't played GT in a few years now as I sold my PS3 when I upgraded so I haven't cross checked anything, and I can't be bothered to hook up my PS2 to play GT 1-3 really. But even so, keep in mind that the games have developed as well, handling, braking, acceleration etc. etc. This might have an impact as well.

Bottom line is, I have golded everything on these particular events so far, I can't continue until I do. Dunno how much time i've spent as I don't have the time to play more than a few hours every evening (If I'm lucky), and have only had the game a few days. Still I have had to do a lot of replays on some of the events, so I actually think it's quite balanced so far (personal experience). Also, I'm not using a wheel. Even if it is supposed to be a sim, it is also a game. Wouldn't make sense to focus on a group of hardcore players and make the game too hard for everyone else really.

I'm quite happy that the game is achievable for the likes of me, even if I don't use an expensive wheel set up or spend tons of hours on practicing every little bit of every track to get perfect laps all round. I'm holding back a bit on the online races due to a general feeling of not being good enough and due to the rules of perfect driving (I do get into accidents from time to time, it's hard not to), this even though I managed to get a 2nd place on my first race!

Even though I might not gold everything as fast and easy as some of you on every event, it doesn't make me any less of a fan of GT :)
I wasn't sure if I was going to write this, given the amount of downtalk about the level of difficulty on these tests. But then i decided that I shouldn't really care what anyone thinks :cheers:

I was very skeptical of this game in general, but due to whatever I might miss from older GT games (I've played every single one except GT Concept), I have been quite happy with it actually. Even though I have only done one online race so far, mostly focusing on golding campaign events and doing livery editing.

When it comes to the campaign events I have only had time to play through about 75% of the driving lessons so far. I'm not a total noob at this, but I sincerely got the same feeling which I got with previous GT games. The frustration of missing the gold mark by 0.010 seconds, getting into trouble by not "paying enough attention" and end up screwing up something like a simple turn time and time again, a genuine good feeling when I aquire the gold medal.

It might have become a bit easier than previous games, I haven't played GT in a few years now as I sold my PS3 when I upgraded so I haven't cross checked anything, and I can't be bothered to hook up my PS2 to play GT 1-3 really. But even so, keep in mind that the games have developed as well, handling, braking, acceleration etc. etc. This might have an impact as well.

Bottom line is, I have golded everything on these particular events so far, I can't continue until I do. Dunno how much time i've spent as I don't have the time to play more than a few hours every evening (If I'm lucky), and have only had the game a few days. Still I have had to do a lot of replays on some of the events, so I actually think it's quite balanced so far (personal experience). Also, I'm not using a wheel. Even if it is supposed to be a sim, it is also a game. Wouldn't make sense to focus on a group of hardcore players and make the game too hard for everyone else really.

I'm quite happy that the game is achievable for the likes of me, even if I don't use an expensive wheel set up or spend tons of hours on practicing every little bit of every track to get perfect laps all round. I'm holding back a bit on the online races due to a general feeling of not being good enough and due to the rules of perfect driving (I do get into accidents from time to time, it's hard not to), this even though I managed to get a 2nd place on my first race!

Even though I might not gold everything as fast and easy as some of you on every event, it doesn't make me any less of a fan of GT :)

Absolutely great post, I enjoyed reading it!

Since you don’t have a wheel I asume you use the DS4 controller? Are you using motion control? Im on a DS4 controller as well and the motion sensor steering in GT:Sport works really great, I recommend giving it a try if you haven’t already. :)
Absolutely great post, I enjoyed reading it!

Since you don’t have a wheel I asume you use the DS4 controller? Are you using motion control? Im on a DS4 controller as well and the motion sensor steering in GT:Sport works really great, I recommend giving it a try if you haven’t already. :)

Thank you :)

I use the DS4 controller, haven't tried the motion control yet - But I just read a few posts about it actually. Will give it a try next time i get some game time! Although I have a feeling I might end up spending my evening doing some classic GT livery editing, again :lol:
No. You don't need a middle road when you have events with various levels of achievement. That's the whole point of having more than one level.
Yes you must because if people cant get gold ever they dump the game, i dont like it either but its the reality, look at Destiny 2 compared to 1.....
managed to gold the entire campaign mode but I wouldn't say it's 'easy' but that's just me


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Some took me 10-15 tries. Hardest thing is changing vehicles every other challenge. I think/hope they will release more in updates.
Games in general have gotten easier over time and i think part of it is age/maturity. Look at the original PS1/Sega Genesis games. Some of those games were impossible - or maybe I was a stupid little kid back then hahaha

managed to gold the entire entire campaign mode but I wouldn't say it's 'easy' but that's just me

I'm stuck on 35 and 36 in the driving school -__- Best I can do is silver on those two and have tried more than i can count
Maybe they need to make it easier going by this post: Link

Personally think at the moment it is at a good level and in reach for a lot of people and you need to drive somewhat decently to get it. If this makes more people try and improve to get Gold then I think that is a good thing. If they made the Gold times the level of the tutorial videos then that would make things harder probably for a lot of people and for some of us will it still will be too easy though. I think with the friend rankings and worldwide top 10 stars, it gives people looking for an extra challenge something to aim for compared to older GT games. IIRC PDI employed YAM23, imagine if he set all the times close to best of his ability :scared:, then that would be seriously hardcore difficulty for even the best drivers.

I haven't played the game much but I find that them adding worldwide top 10 rankings something extra to aim for. I find I struggle on the simple braking and accelerating tests compared to ones with corners to get into the top 10. I seem to have Fernando Alonso's Honda engines and Romain Grosjean's brakes but the best chassis. I got surprised that I was a few times in the top five worldwide using DS4 on some of the tests after only few minutes of retries. Probably helps the physics and controls are better so easier to drive to the limit compared to some of the older GTs and most of us are now more experienced so I think even if they made the times slightly harder than previous GTs in terms of margin for error, it will still be too easy.

I look forward to the Lewis Hamilton events, hopefully there will be Ayrton Senna events too that are hard. They don't need to make it easier them events as won't be a requirement to get Platinum in the game so hopefully they make it at least as hard as some of the hardest events in older GT games.
Games in general have gotten easier over time and i think part of it is age/maturity. Look at the original PS1/Sega Genesis games. Some of those games were impossible - or maybe I was a stupid little kid back then hahaha

Nope, they were harder. Sonic, Crash, PS2 era GTAs, even the PS1/2 GT’s were way more difficult than their PS3/4 contemporaries. Like MUCH harder. The amount of precision required in many scenarios of Sonic/Crash and GT was much less forgiving than today. As far as GTA, same thing, but who can forget losing all of your weapons every single time you got wasted or busted? And the lack of checkpoints was unbelievable. When I played through the GTAV storyline I thought it was a snap. Modern games seem to be longer, not harder. Uncharted 4? The hardest part was persevering through the entire campaign just to complete the game. Wow.

As far as GTS, I worked through some of the license and track events, and got gold more easily than in the past. So far I can gold them on the second or third try but we’ll see what’s in store as I progress. What was freaking difficult were the most basic tests like braking.
managed to gold the entire entire campaign mode but I wouldn't say it's 'easy' but that's just me

I'm stuck on 35 and 36 in the driving school -__- Best I can do is silver on those two
Nope, they were harder. Sonic, Crash, PS2 era GTAs, even the PS1/2 GT’s were way more difficult than their PS3/4 contemporaries. Like MUCH harder. The amount of precision required in many scenarios of Sonic/Crash and GT was much less forgiving than today. As far as GTA, same thing, but who can forget losing all of your weapons every single time you got wasted or busted? And the lack of checkpoints was unbelievable. When I played through the GTAV storyline I thought it was a snap. Modern games seem to be longer, not harder. Uncharted 4? The hardest part was persevering through the entire campaign just to complete the game. Wow.

As far as GTS, I worked through some of the license and track events, and got gold more easily than in the past. So far I can gold them on the second or third try but we’ll see what’s in store as I progress. What was freaking difficult were the most basic tests like braking.
I think you mis-read what I said. I completely agree with you ;)
I absolutely think things have gotten a lot easier. I'm clearing gold times with 1-4+ seconds to spare, more if I become obsessed with wanting to do things as close to perfect as possible. I miss the license tests from GT3 as those were far more challenging. :indiff:

The only tests that consistently give me trouble are rally trials; I don't particularly care what times I set with these, I just want to gold it and go on about my day.
Watched a few of the youtube videos of people doing the driving school and most of them were struggling to gold. People on here need to realise that we are above average players mostly inside the top 5% or +2 SD. It is meant to be a challenge for the 0 SD players and that is exactly what it appears to be.
Pffff the dirt stuff sure is annoying to get gold, the start of that last row in driver school takes me a long time each one. I just cannot get used to the hovercraft physics. I get there eventually though but this is just ridiculous.
I like it easier. Maybe I have OCD or something because seeing Bronze or Silver brings me great sadness. And I never understood the License tests being ranked.. Like it's a test, you should pass or fail.
managed to gold the entire campaign mode but I wouldn't say it's 'easy' but that's just me
Did you get any license questions? I'm only spending time there to get the license from FIA.

On topic: yes, it's too easy to get gold with a wheel. I did have to do a few restarts with the rally-part (my own fault since I did not know the steering went from almost lock to lock in rally-mode), but other than that it's kind of straight forward to get gold in driving school and track-learning. Track learning (on tarmac) is way too easy. I drive several seconds faster than the gold requirement.
I never target the gold, but beating the friend at top ranking, it's more interesting
The license test could be more difficult, but it ends with intermediate difficulty, i guess the expert license tests will come as update
Did you get any license questions? I'm only spending time there to get the license from FIA.

On topic: yes, it's too easy to get gold with a wheel. I did have to do a few restarts with the rally-part (my own fault since I did not know the steering went from almost lock to lock in rally-mode), but other than that it's kind of straight forward to get gold in driving school and track-learning. Track learning (on tarmac) is way too easy. I drive several seconds faster than the gold requirement.

am I supposed to get license questions? i don't recall receiving anything FIA-related in-game.
I googled and saw this article about FIA Digital License (wasn't aware of this) but there are costs tagged to it. Have yet to boot up the game for today but will check in the stores later when I get off work.
am I supposed to get license questions?
I don't know :P I just know that Polyphony have said you are entitled to a FIA-license if you finish some tests. I thought it was just driving school and track learning, but I've finished both in gold and not seen anything. So I guess we have to finish the challenges as well.

I wish Polyphony/FIA could tell us more about the license.
Maybe someone's already said this but I think the difficulty level is fine- some challenges are easier than others but it usually comes down to whether I make mistakes or not. And I'm willing to admit that some frustrated the hell out of me.

That frustration, though, stemmed from what I would say is a fundamental issue with how counterproductive and pointless most of the challenges are. Most task you with overtaking a large field of cars in an absurdly short period of time. While that can often be challenging, it also rewards (and often demands) the the type of impatient and unsportsmanlike driving we commonly see online. The very style of driving they should be trying to discourage.

The game never shows you how to skillfully set up a pass on a competitive opponent- you're always up against either slower cars or weaker / rubber-banded drivers. If they want to go that route because they think their audience is that attention-deficit, they should at least frame it in the context of multi-class races.

This, combined with boost being turned on by default makes me wonder if anyone at Polyphony even knows how drivers set up a pass on an equally skilled opponent...
Why, if you Drive a Car in any environment street track, dirt. youll know that Driving a car is easy. Now, poly is getting better at delivering a more real to life driving feel. GTS pyisics are a hell of a lot better the GT6. the older games were not as realistic and there were sertain tricks poly would used to make it a little harder in th GT1,2,3,4 area of the series. by GT3, 4 They had gotten better at translating the feel of a car better. In GT5,6,7 even better. so its all good.
I think it's a perfectly fine difficulty, it may be easy for hardcore veterans (I'm just a veteran without a wheel setup so I can never be hardcore lol) but it's just easy enough for average players to get most golds. Since it's an online focused game I doubt they're too worried about who can and can't get these single player gold trophies anymore.
Having been a long time GT driver (from GT1,2,3,4,5) I must say GTS is far easier than any previous GT game.

Maybe its rose tinted glasses but I recal the license tests from GT2,3 being far far harder to gold than any of the current challenges / track experiences and license tests. Ever since GT4 the difficulty has been lessening to the point now where Id say my nan could get gold on 95% of the game.

I have so far completed all circuit experiences, license tests and missions upto stage 7 and I know that there is maybe one mission in stage 8 that could be hard but apart from that??? Golding challenges on 1st - 2nd runs, with some barely requiring a 3rd.

Am I the only one or do you guys think its gotten a lot easier too?

I mean when my first clean lap of the Nurburgring track experience (only had 1 restart early on in the lap) is 10 seconds under gold time I just think its a little ridiculous.

Agree; Still trying to Gold S6 - S8 in GT3!!!
I think it's a perfectly fine difficulty, it may be easy for hardcore veterans (I'm just a veteran without a wheel setup so I can never be hardcore lol) but it's just easy enough for average players to get most golds. Since it's an online focused game I doubt they're too worried about who can and can't get these single player gold trophies anymore.
So this highly touted feature is just an afterthought? For me it's a sure sign of a game in decline when even average players can achieve the highest awards. It totally devalues any real achievement in this portion of the game.

Yay! I got gold in all the events!!

"Who doesn't?"
Circuit Experience was too easy to gold. I doubt I spent longer than 2 whole hours and I've golded the entire thing except for the Nurburgring lap. That one is definitely going to take a while.