GTS vs GT6 - Cars comparison

  • Thread starter emula
It seems to me that PD is very, very good at simulating plastic materials that hold up under different lighting conditions. But they are not so good at metals. The dull, flat look of the MR2 tailpipe is a good example.

The environmental reflections on the paint also looks like a slightly higher-res version of the algorithm they've been using since GT2. Even in Scapes mode, on some cars you can see pixellated reflections. It's really a stark contrast to the high resolution of the models.

Not really . I did a up close photo shoot of the MR2 yesterday . You can't see ANY polygons . Emula's shots are to far back. ... Emula hasn't figured out how to zoom in incredibly close .

Then...maybe you should show Emula your technique instead of just criticizing the shots? That would benefit everyone.
It seems to me that PD is very, very good at simulating plastic materials that hold up under different lighting conditions. But they are not so good at metals. The dull, flat look of the MR2 tailpipe is a good example.

The environmental reflections on the paint also looks like a slightly higher-res version of the algorithm they've been using since GT2. Even in Scapes mode, on some cars you can see pixellated reflections. It's really a stark contrast to the high resolution of the models.

Then...maybe you should show Emula your technique instead of just criticizing the shots? That would benefit everyone.

Why would I show any one who's accused me of trying to disparage PD unjustly how to get up close . I'v spent 20 + hours going through 700+ scapes to find exploits . I have a photo thread up if any one would like to see . Now if some one nicely asked me I would gladly share. On the topic of metals , PD has done a good job on some and a poor job on others . On plastics / cloth / and rubber PD is on another level . On painted vinal they are on par with the rest of the industry . When getting up close I'm surprised To find that seemingly flat textures are light mapped and have texture to them.
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The MR2 is the second super premium car.

95% of GTS cars are super premium.... anyway remember that in this topic we consider only the cars present in GT6 and GTS, but in GTS there are a lot of cars that are not present in GT6 and are at the same level of detail of the MR2 (or better)
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Dodge Challenger




































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It's amazing how GT5 Premiums were once considered so good, but now look very dated and low detail, I wonder if at some point we'll look at GT Sport and go "Look at that low poly trash, how did we enjoy it then" lol, only half kidding.
The car models in GT Sport that look nearly perfect polygonal wise will be looked back as incredible car models, namely a majority of the cars in the game. We’ll especially look back with amazement at the best of these car models, like the Toyota Supra and the Toyota MR2, because of the lack of any polygonal edges. There are of course some exceptions like the Enzo Ferrari, the Ferrari 512BB and more. The only thing that could make them look outdated are the textures, and I’m not so sure about that either.

An observation that I’ve made is that the car models look really good in GT Sport, especially the cars that are making its debut in the GT franchise. These car models seem to be genre leading. The worst looking cars are generally cars that debuted in GT5 (Prologue). These car models look worse than the ones that we see in other modern racing games. But they don’t look that bad as in the previous GTs because of GTS’ superior lighting and improved textures.
The car models in GT Sport that look nearly perfect polygonal wise will be looked back as incredible car models, namely a majority of the cars in the game. We’ll especially look back with amazement at the best of these car models, like the Toyota Supra and the Toyota MR2, because of the lack of any polygonal edges. There are of course some exceptions like the Enzo Ferrari, the Ferrari 512BB and more. The only thing that could make them look outdated are the textures, and I’m not so sure about that either.

An observation that I’ve made is that the car models look really good in GT Sport, especially the cars that are making its debut in the GT franchise. These car models seem to be genre leading. The worst looking cars are generally cars that debuted in GT5 (Prologue). These car models look worse than the ones that we see in other modern racing games. But they don’t look that bad as in the previous GTs because of GTS’ superior lighting and improved textures.
The central stack in MR2 looks a bit fishy if you zoom in super close on a monitor, radio buttons are a bit angular and the textures are still a little pixelated, but this is literally while pressing my face against the screen on a zoomed in picture, in gameplay of course you will never notice, the only models that are better are manufacturer CAD models and CGI advertisements.
These car models look worse than the ones that we see in other modern racing games.

I don't think so... on the other games the cars are full of jagged edges, less detailed lights , worst interior, etc

radio buttons are a bit angular and the textures are still a little pixelated

the interior that we can see ingame are a little downgraded, probably that buttons in garage mode are perfectly rounded.... if only PD give us a photomode inside the car in garage mode...

for example

ingame photomode

garage/scape photomode (glitch that works only with very few cars)
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I don't think so... on the other games the cars are full of jagged edges, less detailed lights , worst interior, etc

the interior that we can see ingame are a little downgrade, probably that buttons in garage mode are perfectly rounded.... if only PD give us a photomode inside the car in garage mode...

for example

ingame photomode

garage photomode (glitch that works only with very few cars)
The audio system description has spelling mistakes...

It, in real life, doesn't have any spelling mistakes. (I'm not sure about the grammar though.)
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I don't think so... on the other games the cars are full of jagged edges, less detailed lights , worst interior, etc

the interior that we can see ingame are a little downgraded, probably that buttons in garage mode are perfectly rounded.... if only PD give us a photomode inside the car in garage mode...

for example

ingame photomode

garage/scape photomode (glitch that works only with very few cars)
I forgot to ask you, how did you do this glitch?
The lighting engine and improvements to materials rendering also accounts for much of the difference between GT6 and GTS. If it was only polygon count that changed people would be far less impressed.
Polygonal differences between each game aren't really that noticeable until you really start digging in. To the average user, they'll likely be hard to notice. Like you mention, the biggest jumps would be in the lighting and material texture department.

I don't think so... on the other games the cars are full of jagged edges, less detailed lights , worst interior, etc
Yeah, and just like GTS, those other games have varying levels of modeling. Some look worse, some look better, just like in - you guessed it - GTS. It's an accurate comparison to make, even if you don't like it. You just have an odd way of going about ignoring those problems in GT, but go and zoom in to microscopic levels on other games to try to compound that issue.

We're at the point of diminishing returns when it comes to the amount of polygons on a vehicle, to be honest. Even games like Forza, who are slightly trailing GTS when it comes to modeling, can very much see better improvements in other area's, rather than trying to get the smallest of round surfaces to be perfect. My reasoning being is if its only possible to see these issues by zooming in to very high levels, than I think we might possibly be a good spot to expand into other areas. I'm sure these top end GTS premiums will truly be the ones to last for a good while.
The New Zealand Scape will let you glitch in but culls the model in when you zoom . The best model to do it with is the Samba Bus .
GT Sport looks outrageously good. Every time I play this game, whether it be in the menu or in a race, GTS is constantly flooding my eyeballs with these stunning graphics.

Compared not only to GT6, but to all GTs, I feel PD have really nailed the presentation side of things with GTS. Especially the way they present the newly released dlc vehicles:

I was thinking the graphics would get old or wear off over time, but it just hasn't - it just looks that gewd. The only thing that would make it better is for @emula to have some heavy rain comparison pics to show up at some point.....
Oh well, the Supra 3.0 GT looks reeaaally good, but the exhaust looks like it hasn't been updated...
PD works in mysterious ways. they will update tiny insignificant crap and leave entire wheel arches untouched. For the charger, I was surprised they did touch up the wheel arches BUT STILL left them crappy.
I don't want to be a duck but is there a way to load a page faster or somehow only view one post? It only loads two set of comparisons. I know it's probably my internet, but in the photos thread it loads flawless.

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