GTS vs GT6 - Cars comparison

  • Thread starter emula
Let's not forget the people that wanted standard cars in GT Sport.
Thank you. It's important to stay aware of everyone's preferences, sometimes it's too easy to forget us niche folk. It's such a shame that modeling takes so much longer than plugging in physics numbers for all those lovely cars we're still missing!
Thank you. It's important to stay aware of everyone's preferences, sometimes it's too easy to forget us niche folk. It's such a shame that modeling takes so much longer than plugging in physics numbers for all those lovely cars we're still missing!

If PD released some kind of ‘standard car DLC add-on’ for GT Sport I would buy it in an absolute heartbeat. Even if the cars had stupid restrictions like offline only & excluded from Scapes.

Believe me, I understand advertising PS2 cars in a PS4 game is laughable beyond the pale. But I would rather drive my favorite cars as pixelated messes in an otherwise beautiful game, than not drive them at all. Just my .02
If PD released some kind of ‘standard car DLC add-on’ for GT Sport I would buy it in an absolute heartbeat. Even if the cars had stupid restrictions like offline only & excluded from Scapes.

Believe me, I understand advertising PS2 cars in a PS4 game is laughable beyond the pale. But I would rather drive my favorite cars as pixelated messes in an otherwise beautiful game, than not drive them at all. Just my .02
They could make them atleast look as good as some of the standards in GT6 in which they look really nice but don't have interiors
I think the cars in GTS can be categorized into Standard and Premium, too.

For me, the cars which have completely newly-made models (or super high quality GT6 models) are Premiums, and those which have just refined models based on GTHD-GT5 ones are Standards.

Premiums: New cars in GTS, Evo IV, Supra (70, 80, and 90), R32, R34, etc...

Standards: GT by Citroën, 512 BB, Enzo, Roadster NA, RX-7 (both), R33, etc...
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So I just made picture comparisons between GTS' and Assetto Corsa's S800 and I have to say GT Sport completely destroys Assetto Corsa in that regard. I know that the AC one is a mod but it was advertised as an ultra-high poly model. I didn't excpect it to have better lighting, but none of the smallest details come close to what GTS offers. Maybe the interior of the AC S800 is slightly higher quality but not in terms of textures.

Hats off to PD and their unknown sorcery.
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Nah, the biggest improvement will be in the storage speed with SSD and CPU speed, the GPU will be a modest improvement over Xbox One X, at best double the performance, in general we're approaching the physical limits of silicon, and diminishing returns is a thing. The obvious improvements for nextgen will be shorter loading times, higher framerates and more props in the scene, everything else such as AI or physics will remain the exact same.
Double Xbox One X graphics would be pretty decent, most people with an X play FH4 at 1080p/60 rather than 4k/30. But when I've run it at 4k/30, it does look a huge amount better when things aren't moving. It would look extremely good at 4k/60.

Secondly, there's a bit of a contradiction in what you said. You said the biggest improvement will be in the storage speed with SSD and CPU speed. I interpret this as meaning you expect a big improvement in CPU speed. You then go on to say AI and physics will remain the exact same, but CPU speed is exactly what is needed to improve AI and physics, so a big improvement in CPU speed would be expected to allow for a big improvement in AI and physics.
You then go on to say AI and physics will remain the exact same, but CPU speed is exactly what is needed to improve AI and physics, so a big improvement in CPU speed would be expected to allow for a big improvement in AI and physics.
I mean there is potential, but we haven't seen any improvements since PS2 era in either, Halo 1 AI is still the benchmark, and a game like Flatout 2 has more interactable objects on the track than any current game as well.
Nissan CONCEPT 2020 Vision Gran Turismo
I think they have big differences, more than just got revised.
I saw some differences of the shapes of the fin on its front spoiler, the thickness of its front-side air intake and rear defuser,




and the shapes of the thin air ducts near the edges of its body end.


The real mock-up, even the old one, has the same character as the GT SPORT model. (Locknuts on the center of its wheels, the shapes of the holes at the bottom of its wing stays, etc...)

We saw the revised version in this trailer, however, it seems that it hadn't completed its revisin yet.
It's been completed at last in GT SPORT.
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Since all we do is comparing cars in here I thought this also would be a good comparison.

Credit goes to @100R

Thoughts, since I already gave my initial impressions in the comment section I would just repost it here:

Well spray definately looks more realistic in GT6 and gives a much realistic heavy rain experience, but the lack of reflections on the track itself creates an unrealistic illusion.

While in GT Sport it gives a more realistic illusion of driving in the rain only that many people calls this heavy rain, I would say this is light-medium rainy conditions.

Overall I am happy we atleast get to play with rainy/wet conditions after so long of waiting in GT Sport. Even if it is only on one track.

As much as I would love to experience actual heavy rain conditions ala Driveclub style, the Playstation 4 (pro) can only handle this much given the reduced water spray effect and simplified water droplets on the windshield and car body itself.

Looking forward to see other tracks getting these conditions.
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If PD released some kind of ‘standard car DLC add-on’ for GT Sport I would buy it in an absolute heartbeat. Even if the cars had stupid restrictions like offline only & excluded from Scapes.

Believe me, I understand advertising PS2 cars in a PS4 game is laughable beyond the pale. But I would rather drive my favorite cars as pixelated messes in an otherwise beautiful game, than not drive them at all. Just my .02

I'd accept this too ONLY if those standard cars wouldn't be used by the AI in GT League, because the sheer diffference in seeing a PS2 car model running alongside a detailed super premium in GT Sport would look way too jarring, to the point where it couldn't even be ignored.

Also said DLC should be free, obviously.
I'd accept this too ONLY if those standard cars wouldn't be used by the AI in GT League, because the sheer diffference in seeing a PS2 car model running alongside a detailed super premium in GT Sport would look way too jarring, to the point where it couldn't even be ignored.

Also said DLC should be free, obviously.
Absolutely not. No PoS ps2 models should even touch this game or any future game. This is the first full quality game since gt5 prologue and it should stay that way.

Since all we do is comparing cars in here I thought this also would be a good comparison.

Credit goes to @100R

Thoughts, since I already gave my initial impressions in the comment section I would just repost it here:

Well spray definately looks more realistic in GT6 and gives a much realistic heavy rain experience, but the lack of reflections on the track itself creates an unrealistic illusion.

While in GT Sport it gives a more realistic illusion of driving in the rain only that many people calls this heavy rain, I would say this is light-medium rainy conditions.

Overall I am happy we atleast get to play with rainy/wet conditions after so long of waiting in GT Sport. Even if it is only on one track.

As much as I would love to experience actual heavy rain conditions ala Driveclub style, the Playstation 4 (pro) can only handle this much given the reduced water spray effect and simplified water droplets on the windshield and car body itself.

Looking forward to see other tracks getting these conditions.

IMO the rain spray for those low-class road cars in GT6 are pretty overdone. In that vid the Fairlady z in GT6 looks like it's kicking up race car levels of spray.

Here's real life spray in heavy rain in road cars.

GTSport looks closer to that.

And in GTS the race cars kick up considerably more spray than road cars as they should.
IMO the rain spray for those low-class road cars in GT6 are pretty overdone. In that vid the Fairlady z in GT6 looks like it's kicking up race car levels of spray.

Here's real life spray in heavy rain in road cars.

GTSport looks closer to that.

And in GTS the race cars kick up considerably more spray than road cars as they should.

Yeah, you're right. Most people associate more with better which is not always true like the car sounds in games in general
IMO the rain spray for those low-class road cars in GT6 are pretty overdone. In that vid the Fairlady z in GT6 looks like it's kicking up race car levels of spray.

Here's real life spray in heavy rain in road cars.

GTSport looks closer to that.

And in GTS the race cars kick up considerably more spray than road cars as they should.

Well I take back the GT6 being realistic part out but I still stand my point on the weather conditions being a light-medium rain condition based on the droplets on the windshield in cockpit view.

Great catch btw.