GTSport takes 1 in Japanese game sales for the week!!

  • Thread starter Skulli
And had you just been talking about the small minority of us who do follow sims I would agree (to a degree), however you said:

"I'm not saying GTS is better, I'm saying it was not something PD was hiding from the fans or the public."

The public were not well communicated with at all, now it doesn't actually matter if that was due to oversight or a deliberate move, the end result was the same. A significant number of the largest group of GT customers are not happy about the situation.

Ignoring it would be the worst thing that Sony and PD could do, as this is the kind of backlash and unhappiness that can hurt franchises a lot.

Do you think that people who buy a product without knowing anything about it deserve a clear pass? (I don't think you do) I agree that the communication was not 100% clear, but is there any gaming company that's 100% transparent when they communicate to the wider audience? Some stuff was not even mentioned. But I think it's also the responsibility of the person buying a product to at least do the minimum research before buying it. That's why I mentioned the beta and the demo. Because those were free for anyone to try. The beta was closed but the demo was right there on the PS store and had pretty much all the game content already.

If we were talking about a game called GT7 I can see people expecting something on the same line as all the previous games. But we're talking about GT Sport and that alone should give people a hint that something is different. I would want to know more about it before buying the game rather than complain it is a failure because my expectations (a game similar to previous GTs) were not met.

The harsh criticism about the online only I agree 100%. But a large portion of it is about lack of cars, tracks and campaign. The full car list was known before the game's release and the short campaign was pretty much a given too. We also new the number of tracks wouldn't be large-

I think a lot of the negativity comes from people judging the game by what they wanted it to be rather than what it is. Had people accepted and understood that PD made the game as it is because that was their intention/risk (and not because they forgot something) they'd have seen it is a good game for its purpose - I'd argue it is the best for online racing, from my experience up to this moment.
If we were talking about a game called GT7 I can see people expecting something on the same line as all the previous games. But we're talking about GT Sport and that alone should give people a hint that something is different. I would want to know more about it before buying the game rather than complain it is a failure because my expectations (a game similar to previous GTs) were not met

I disagree with this part the brand is Gran Turismo. What follows doesn’t really matter to the opportunistic buyer, but from now on I would expect it to.
I disagree with this part the brand is Gran Turismo. What follows doesn’t really matter to the opportunistic buyer, but from now on I would expect it to.

FIFA is FIFA, yet when FIFA released FIFA Street, people didn't expect it to be FIFA XX season. At least I didn't.

On the other hand, Kaz did say GT Sport was kinda GT7 for him... That was obviously a Kaz moment.
FIFA is FIFA, yet when FIFA released FIFA Street, people didn't expect it to be FIFA XX season. At least I didn't.

On the other hand, Kaz did say GT Sport was kinda GT7 for him... That was obviously a Kaz moment.
And yet it had a single player offline mode... not to dissimilar to its bigger brother.
Do you think that people who buy a product without knowing anything about it deserve a clear pass? (I don't think you do) I agree that the communication was not 100% clear, but is there any gaming company that's 100% transparent when they communicate to the wider audience? Some stuff was not even mentioned. But I think it's also the responsibility of the person buying a product to at least do the minimum research before buying it. That's why I mentioned the beta and the demo. Because those were free for anyone to try. The beta was closed but the demo was right there on the PS store and had pretty much all the game content already.

If we were talking about a game called GT7 I can see people expecting something on the same line as all the previous games. But we're talking about GT Sport and that alone should give people a hint that something is different. I would want to know more about it before buying the game rather than complain it is a failure because my expectations (a game similar to previous GTs) were not met.

The harsh criticism about the online only I agree 100%. But a large portion of it is about lack of cars, tracks and campaign. The full car list was known before the game's release and the short campaign was pretty much a given too. We also new the number of tracks wouldn't be large-

I think a lot of the negativity comes from people judging the game by what they wanted it to be rather than what it is. Had people accepted and understood that PD made the game as it is because that was their intention/risk (and not because they forgot something) they'd have seen it is a good game for its purpose - I'd argue it is the best for online racing, from my experience up to this moment.

FIFA is FIFA, yet when FIFA released FIFA Street, people didn't expect it to be FIFA XX season. At least I didn't.

On the other hand, Kaz did say GT Sport was kinda GT7 for him... That was obviously a Kaz moment.

Doesn't really need anything more than that.

Your point would be valid if this was a new IP. However its not, its GT, its never changed significantly in the past 20 years, so yes people will be buying it 'unseen' and expecting it to be the same basic formula.

As not only did Kaz say it was effectively GT7, but also that it had more content that any past title, that it had everything that past titles had and that online was only 15%.No part of the very visible publicity has made it clear or obvious that GT mode is gone, as such no I don't blame the average consumer for being mistaken in this regard, or for that matter for feeling misled.

I do however think that PD and Sony need to sit down and take a look in the mirror about how they promoted, presented and communicated the message.

Not to mention that FIFA street has had four releases and I just checked the back of the first, which clearly said its 4 x 4 matches, so did communicate the main change to a purchaser.
Yes, but the point is that it was a different game even if it had FIFA on the cover.
No the direct comparison would be GT F1, or GT Nascar, or GT Goodwood, but the expectations of the game would be that it would follow the same format as previously or close to.
Good news everybody, I happened upon a game shop on my travels today, Grainger Games (other outlets are available)

And only a week after release they already have pre-owned copies 10% cheaper than retail price, Haven't seen that kind of thing happen for a while....
Good news everybody, I happened upon a game shop on my travels today, Grainger Games (other outlets are available)

And only a week after release they already have pre-owned copies 10% cheaper than retail price, Haven't seen that kind of thing happen for a while....

Good news? Well you better run out quick and get your copy of the game.
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FIFA is FIFA, yet when FIFA released FIFA Street, people didn't expect it to be FIFA XX season. At least I didn't.

On the other hand, Kaz did say GT Sport was kinda GT7 for him... That was obviously a Kaz moment.
I think a lot of things get lost in translation. Even if it's translated accurately. Kaz can say in Japanese that this is Gran Turismo 7, or could be called that. Does he mean it is literally GT7, or is he saying this is the 7th title, 7th console installment of Gran Turismo, 7th full game? It's titled GTSport though. All the ads I saw on twitter said they were getting rid of the normal GT type approach, "throw away the past" I think it was. "No more car collecting" or something to that approach. I bet a lot of people didn't get the memo. But it's there. If it's on the internet, it's "public". For the millions if not billions of people with internet connected phone apps like twitter and facebook, this is the easiest way to get the word out.

I don't care about positive or negative reviews much. I can look at them and judge what they say with my own copy. If I don't have a game and have yet to try it, I can watch it on youtube to see if the contents are appealing. I didn't do that with Star Wars Battlefront and I was initially disappointed about the lack of single player. But then I 'got good' as they say, and I turned my opinion around about the online versus only (or mostly) and will now purchase the 2nd game even if it didn't have a career mode. Lots of others feel the same way, lots feel the opposite. You can't please everyone, but I think it's a wise decision to move towards an online centered game, career, etc. The online saving thing, not so much! ;)
I think a lot of things get lost in translation. Even if it's translated accurately. Kaz can say in Japanese that this is Gran Turismo 7, or could be called that. Does he mean it is literally GT7, or is he saying this is the 7th title, 7th console installment of Gran Turismo, 7th full game? It's titled GTSport though. All the ads I saw on twitter said they were getting rid of the normal GT type approach, "throw away the past" I think it was. "No more car collecting" or something to that approach. I bet a lot of people didn't get the memo. But it's there. If it's on the internet, it's "public". For the millions if not billions of people with internet connected phone apps like twitter and facebook, this is the easiest way to get the word out.

I don't care about positive or negative reviews much. I can look at them and judge what they say with my own copy. If I don't have a game and have yet to try it, I can watch it on youtube to see if the contents are appealing. I didn't do that with Star Wars Battlefront and I was initially disappointed about the lack of single player. But then I 'got good' as they say, and I turned my opinion around about the online versus only (or mostly) and will now purchase the 2nd game even if it didn't have a career mode. Lots of others feel the same way, lots feel the opposite. You can't please everyone, but I think it's a wise decision to move towards an online centered game, career, etc. The online saving thing, not so much! ;)
In 2017, with an eight or nine figure budget, you're seriously going to bring up translation as an issue?
Three separate translations.

Its GT7 in all but name.

Its got all he content from past GT's and more

Online is only 15%

Once I could buy, three times not so much.
In the three instances you mention you can easily explain away with translation and language differences. The translation can be accurate to the tee but the context of the statement or the meaning of the statement can have a difference between Japanese and English. It happens all the time in anime/manga. It's not an excuse, it's just a plain fact that things can and are lost in translation. It doesn't help that Kaz and PD have often been vague in the past!
In the three instances you mention you can easily explain away with translation and language differences. The translation can be accurate to the tee but the context of the statement or the meaning of the statement can have a difference between Japanese and English. It happens all the time in anime/manga. It's not an excuse, it's just a plain fact that things can and are lost in translation. It doesn't help that Kaz and PD have often been vague in the past!
A company with a multi-million dollar budget and a permanent paid translator who accompanies Kaz on every trip.

As I said once I can buy, but three times!

Do you not think that someone from some division from Sony would have noticed this and sorted it out by now, after all its only be two decades.
PD released a Beta back in summer and a 1 week demo for everyone to experiment and play the game before buying it. Also, they're been clear on what they want to do with GTS since the beginning: online racing. Only people who live under a rock or buy games without even checking it before will feel mad or surprised about what type of game GTS is and how different from previous GTs.

I'm not saying GTS is better, I'm saying it was not something PD was hiding from the fans or the public.

Most people don't live breath games or are on specialty forums like this. And even I saw plenty comments form kaz saying this GTs might as well be GT7 and nothing will be cut just more added, clearly PD lacks competency in their PR and marketing especially from the studio head.

As far as people being mad what else would you expect ? gamers are the most vocal vengeful bitter angry little devils if you mess their favorite games up. This is no different then the hell Halo5 got or Mass effect Andromeda, both sales dropped like a rock also. Halo5 especially similarly as GTsport got huge hate for a mediocre single player campaign.

Also forced online only games have been getting hate since that practice started, PD implementation of that has been the worst i've ever seen in a game.
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I agree with everything that's been said on here. The lack of content was a major downer for me, and that fact that the biggest defenders of this game/series/Kaz are now down to grasping at straws (lost in translation? Really?) only shows that there are some serious concerns.

My only worry is that *if* GTS is not a financial success, and/or a critical success that Sony may do to the franchise what EA did to Mass Effect.

I love this game, GT3 was the first game I ever got after I bought my PS2, and the amount of polish on the game and the aesthetic is incredible, but the lack of content and a core GT fame mode, *and* the online-only save are huge non-starters for me. I hope this is rectified and they learn from their mistakes.
Most people don't live breath games or are on specialty forums like this. And even I saw plenty comments form kaz saying this GTs might as well be GT7 and nothing will be cut just more added, clearly PD lacks competency in their PR and marketing especially from the studio head.

As far as people being mad what else would you expect ? gamers are the most vocal vengeful bitter angry little devils if you mess their favorite games up. This is no different then the hell Halo5 got or Mass effect Andromeda, both sales dropped like a rock also. Halo5 especially similarly as GTsport got huge hate for a mediocre single player campaign.

Also forced online only games have been getting hate since that practice started, PD implementation of that has been the worst i've ever seen in a game.
Agreed. The other thing is, even if someone had ventured into a forum like this, what they would have found was a great deal of discussion and debate around each statement. Do we take words literally? Do we interpret it differently because of some vague translation error? Do they mean every feature will be in the game at launch or later through DLC? What is a feature?Each announcement was accompanied by pages and pages of discussion as to what each and every word and the statement as a whole meant. Anyone who did wander in here to find out what was going on would likely have left in a state of confusion anyway.
A company with a multi-million dollar budget and a permanent paid translator who accompanies Kaz on every trip.

As I said once I can buy, but three times!

Do you not think that someone from some division from Sony would have noticed this and sorted it out by now, after all its only be two decades.
It's like you aren't getting what I am trying to say, ironically :lol:. You can explain those 3 things easily. I don't think I need to do that but I will give you an example of what I am saying.

Let's go into the statement of "all the features of the past plus more"...

GTS has features of the past games and more. So you can counter that by saying there's no license tests, but I could point out that in GTS it's not labeled as a license test but you still get the 100m braking challenge that every GT has featured. How about more? Livery editor is more. Sport mode daily races is more. Less- track creator, car count, track count... He's technically right, but wrong :confused:

How about only 15% of the game is online? Well it would seem like a lie, but I only see 3 online races per day in Sport mode. How many is in the offline mode? I think this one is a bit confusing too. Because of the fact that you have to save online and be connected online to do those things like the career. So maybe 5% is offline? What constitutes offline anyway? Is it all that's not sport mode or lobbys? If so then I can see what they mean by 15%.

You can see that there has to be a reason behind the comments but the comments are not even clear cut. Even if they are clear cut, the wording is still vague and somewhat misleading. This is not just a problem with PD. SONY gets millions of people to buy the game. A few words that are read and don't meet expectations don't seem to faze the money it makes. Plenty are guilty of this, not just PD, Sony, corporations and the like, but I also experience it day to day in social life. And like I said before about the anime/manga thing, happens all the time.
GTS has features of the past games and more. So you can counter that by saying there's no license tests, but I could point out that in GTS it's not labeled as a license test but you still get the 100m braking challenge that every GT has featured.
So it's either missing a campaign, or its missing the license tests. The campaign essentially transformed to mimic that of the license tests of old.

Livery editor is more. Sport mode daily races is more. Less- track creator, car count, track count... He's technically right, but wrong :confused:
Sure, the livery editor is a nice new feature. Where's that dynamic TOD and weather though? Sport mode having races that you can do daily, that's a feature? Usually multiplayer sections of a game always have races, so I'm not sure if I'd label that as "more."

How about only 15% of the game is online? Well it would seem like a lie, but I only see 3 online races per day in Sport mode. How many is in the offline mode? I think this one is a bit confusing too. Because of the fact that you have to save online and be connected online to do those things like the career. So maybe 5% is offline? What constitutes offline anyway? Is it all that's not sport mode or lobbys? If so then I can see what they mean by 15%.
I would imagine offline would be anything that you don't interact with a live player in some way or another, whether that be a ghost or an actual racer. Whatever the case, the 15% thing doesn't make much sense.

You can see that there has to be a reason behind the comments but the comments are not even clear cut. Even if they are clear cut, the wording is still vague and somewhat misleading. This is not just a problem with PD. SONY gets millions of people to buy the game. A few words that are read and don't meet expectations don't seem to faze the money it makes. Plenty are guilty of this, not just PD, Sony, corporations and the like, but I also experience it day to day in social life. And like I said before about the anime/manga thing, happens all the time.
I don't really see how the wording was vague. It stated that there is only more, not less, of all features from the inception of the series since GT1. It's just one of those extremely odd things that Kaz says from time to time. Sure, other people may be doing it, but is that supposed to make it better, or even ok? Whatever the case, it's a specific discussion talking about a specific developer.
In case some one may be confused about the game, here is some useful information about Gran Turismo Sport.
Great, can you let me know where is discusses the need to be always online?

My copy of GTS also appears to be missing some of the racing etiquette, as I've got nothing about flags and safety cars in the two videos I have.

As for clearing things up, did you read the comments, or are they all fishy as well?
Great, can you let me know where is discusses the need to be always online?

My copy of GTS also appears to be missing some of the racing etiquette, as I've got nothing about flags and safety cars in the two videos I have.

As for clearing things up, did you read the comments, or are they all fishy as well?

Other than those Amazon reviews, I haven't came across anything else to classify as "fishy" yet.
Other than those Amazon reviews, I haven't came across anything else to classify as "fishy" yet.
That's odd because the comments contained in that link you posted are an exact mirror image of Amazon comments...and YouTube...and MetaCritic...etc.
That's odd because the comments contained in that link you posted are an exact mirror image of Amazon comments...and YouTube...and MetaCritic...etc.

Quite indeed, people can put on different faces choose different user names everywhere they go; but i'm not calling that one fishy, yet.

But how can we make it all to be credible so we could go and force some big game company to adhere to these warning signs.
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Quite indeed, people can put on different faces choose different user names everywhere they go; but i'm not calling that one fishy, yet.

Of course people can and do try stuff like that. But I'm guessing it's such a trivial amount that it really doesn't impact the overall score.

And reviews will always be fishy as they are opinions. Kind of like how some people make the outrageous claim that pineapple is a pizza topping.