axletramp Never trust a fart. Premium 19,013 Jersey V.1.0 axletramp Dec 1, 2011 #1,232 Does a Ford Capri Consul count as European? If not, that's my guess.
TheCracker Nothing to see here... Premium 24,043 It/It GTP_TheCracker Dec 1, 2011 #1,238 Oldsmobile 88 Station Wagon?
RocZX Premium 8,849 New York Dec 1, 2011 #1,239 TheCracker Oldsmobile 88 Station Wagon? Click to expand... It a Station wagon but not a Oldsmobile.
axletramp Never trust a fart. Premium 19,013 Jersey V.1.0 axletramp Dec 1, 2011 #1,240 '54 Plymouth? DeSoto Firedome?
RocZX Premium 8,849 New York Dec 1, 2011 #1,242 No. This car came from the final years of the company, it was a restyled car from another company. The car is rare less then 200 were made.
No. This car came from the final years of the company, it was a restyled car from another company. The car is rare less then 200 were made.
axletramp Never trust a fart. Premium 19,013 Jersey V.1.0 axletramp Dec 1, 2011 #1,243 Aero-Willys 2600?
RocZX Premium 8,849 New York Dec 1, 2011 #1,246 Mark II Blit Packard Station Wagon? Click to expand... Yep, your are correct. It's a 1958.
axletramp Never trust a fart. Premium 19,013 Jersey V.1.0 axletramp Dec 1, 2011 #1,247 ^ Looks like Jar Jar Binks.
Clark I miss my daughter. Premium 8,230 Drayton Bassett, North Warwickshire Duffers999 Clark Duffy Dec 1, 2011 #1,251 Pontiac Trans Sport?
Mark II Blit 2,080 Fionia Dec 1, 2011 #1,260 No one is close right now. Trajet is the closest, yet it is also far off. Hint: built in Thailand.