Guess the aircraft thread!

  • Thread starter Duke
I was going to say, the F-100 has it's intake in the nose, the pic doesn't have this.

Russian? Russia copied most American fighter designs...
well done, thats a start
I want the full name please.

I know this is off topic, but have any of you read Dale Browns Dreamland or Patrick Mclanen (sp) series.
Oh, I know the answer already. What's the point? I cheated and did a search on Google. No fun.
So what if you found it on google. As long as you first had a crack at it via your own knowledge. If google isnt used as a last resort, this thread wont last.
well this thread is dying now, if I come on tomorrow and no-one has guessed it i'll either forfeit or get an easier one.

Its a SAAB people, they haven't made that many planes.
Google is not verboten. It can be used for confirmation of you ideas. Just don't go type in "biplane" in the Image Search and then spend 20 minutes looking at thumbnails hoping to get lucky.

The current fighter looks to be a Dewotine of some type, sold to the Swiss AF. Now I'll go to Google and see if I can turn up the model.
Phew! I had a new message all typed out, but GTP hung and I couldn't post it, so here goes again:

I looked up the Dewotine D-520 and it was close but no guitar, which means it has to come from France's other major manufacturer, Moraine Solnier (sp?). That means it's probably an MS-410.
OK, here's an easy one.



Yes, it actually flew.