I won't reply to any of my previous interlocutors because I recognize I haven't try to make myself clear enough and some of my ideas were to rough and basic to make a sound argument.
I maintain though the fact that in some situations I was missquoted and I felt quite an hostile reaction from every person defending their legal right to own a gun and to kill other people in self defense.
I've maid a serious effort not to make the same error, since I was thinking this thread was a more informal, not so "scientifically serious", and not so "black or white" kind-of-thing.
After reading both your responses I did spend some time reading aproximately 30 of the last pages in this thread.
I'll list some of the things I've noticed and some questions and thoughts I've come across:
1. This thread is pretty much about some american users vs every person that "dares" to have a different opinion. That's my impression, not a fact.
2. You can't accept personal opinions; I've seen several times the link to an article titled "no one's entitled to their opinion". That's a position that can be usefull in some cases, but is not universal. On the other hand, I've read lots of posts by oponents to gun control with several claims and statements and just a few of them were supported by any type of source. Double-standard is self-evident throw out the thread.
3. Several times, people have missquoted other users and argue against them, leading to paralel discussions that originally weren't even there. (check the thread for yourself and you'll see it over and over).
4. You can't seem to comprehend that people can feel secure and safe living in countries where exists restict gun control. I can state how I feel living in Portugal (and I've been in other countries as well) and I don't have to provide any factual proof of how I feel. And the way I feel is the reason I think what I think. In my country I can legally purchase a weapon (I have to follow strict regulations to recieve a license, but I can). But I don't feel the need to go and buy one, or any other type of weapon. I never felt or saw any kind of gun violence and the few news I hear where people killing others with guns is in a large majoraty, inside their own families. "husband kills wife";"son kills parents";"men kills ex-wife and children", etc. I dont't remember of any mass shooting in this country or any similar to that.
5. You defend the 2nd amendment like christians defend the bible: as if it were written by god and it can't be wrong or modified. And when confronted with examples of countries that have a different policy on gun control and have less crime related to it, you refuse to find some credit on those examples. It's always rubish and every source presented isn't adequate. Then, you all expect that people who don't agreed with you to accept all you have to say and all your sources (if there are any). Why do you think the 2nd amendment isn't at least in some part, outdated? Back then, people could only shoot a gun once in 30sec (it's not a factual number, just an illustration) and now it's possible to shoot 10x faster, at least. That is an huge differense that carries some profound alterations in the relationship between people with their guns and the possible harm they can do with it.
6. I can comprehend that the situation in the USA is very unique. They're the major manufacturer of weapons and military equipment and it's a large economy that envolves a huge amount of people and a lot of money as well. I know that simply ban firearms would be a catastrophe in the short term. But the situation has escalated to the point of today because people didn't care about it earlier, I assume. Yes I can be wrong. Giving easy acssess to a gun to virtualy any person can only mean that in time, more and more guns will be in circulation, augmenting the possibility of mass shootings, crimes envolving gun shots, illegal black markets, etc. And it's a basic social response to go and buy a gun to defend yourself if you see all this occouring arround you. I reckon that I would probably have a gun if I lived in the US. But since I don't, I can have a different opinion about guns and their impact in my sense of security and social well being.
7. I can't comprehend (and I didn't find any information on this on the posts i've read) why the 2nd amendment and your right to own a gun or guns would make any difference against a threat of tyranny. I mean, the US army is by far the strongest in the world and is larger than almost all his allies armys combined. What difference would it make your gun/guns against an army of this magnitude? And if your response is "there is the possibility of the army not supporting the regime". In that case, the army would be on your side and the Tyrant wouldn't have any chance.
8. What do you think of denying the right to own a gun to a person that has been convicted earlier in his/her life? Doesn't he/she payd already the price of his/her actions? Doesn't he/she have the same right to self-defense and defend his/her family, property and the country against a tyranny theat?
9. Several people stated that they do not own a gun or guns to kill. They like to shoot to a paper sheet or to practice aim, etc. My question is: why do you need to practice aim, or shoot at paper sheets if your argument against strict gun control is self-defense? If it's self-defense, why do you buy a gun to shoot against a person. Why don't you practice bowling or golf if you want to practive aim? Or why don't you practice with something that doesn't have the potencial to kill? Several people brought the argument (in my opinion, correct) that guns were invented to harm, damage and kill. It's ok to own a gun and not have the purpose to use it for the purpose of its creation, but then again, why to buy it in the first place?
In my country, 20% of the crimes were commited using white weapons (knives) or guns. In 1995, this number was 30,5%. From the crimes using firearms in the period from 2005-2010, the number droped 4.5% (from 14,9% to 10,4%). Crimes associated with knives (white weapons), in 1995 the number was 30%, in 2012 was 10,3% (only between 2005-2010 the number droped 13%). Crimes using poison droped too: in 1995 the number was 1,4%, in 2012 was 0,2%. Psycologic threats also droped drom 17% to 4,7%. The only exception to ehis numbers is the phisical violence that increased from 30,5% to arround 45%. This can be linked to the greater social awareness of domestic violence and the increase in situations reported to the police that a few decades weren't reported as such type of bheaviour was more "accepted" / less "condemned".
The context of this change in numbers is laergely related to alterations in the law of guns ownership. The last change was made in 2009 with more resctricion and a more strict regulation to achieve a license to own a firearm.
From this simple example from my country, I think I can assume that the less guns we have arround, the more safe we will be. More guns implies more guns in good people's hands and more guns in bad people's hand too. I'm aware that if a guy comes into my house with a gun I won't be able to defend myself as I could if I have one, but in the countries where there are less guns, I "believe" people have more respecto for the human life.
Sometimes I hear news of robberies for example to gas stations and the robbers carry a firearm. But usually they don't even use it. I don't remeber of anything like this from the last few years. The last time there was something involving a gun and killed people was in a small vilagge where a 70+ old man went to his ex-wife's house where she was with her mother, their dauther and another 2 women from their family and he shoot them all. He killed 2 and the other 2 were sent to the hospital. He was an hunter and had several guns. His reason to do this horrendous crime was that he and his ex-wife had gone through a recent process of divorce.
This happened in January I think.
This is the longest post I've ever made on GTP or any english forum I think. I hope at least that this time you find some reasonable things in what I'v said. If not, that's Ok. I wrote this with care and I've tried to be honest and reasonable. And one more thing, not getting a response doesn't make any person a winner on a particular argument. This isn't a trial. It's a forum where we share at least 2 things: our passion for cars/gran turismo and our disposition to write, think and learn about subjects and points of view we didn't knew or though of.