WARNING: John Oliver basically always includes a lot of NSFW language
I know some of you won't get this video in your region, which is a shame because this is a really interesting look at stand your ground laws in some states in the US. I'll summarize. Basically, Oliver states that stand your ground removes your duty to retreat when faced with a life threatening situation
in public. You already didn't have a duty to retreat when you're on your property due to "the castle doctrine". If you feel like your life is threatened (and presumably a jury finds that it was reasonable for that to be the case), you don't have to retreat if possible, you can use deadly force. The problem Oliver points out, is that this makes policing homicide much more difficult. It's the old South Park "he's coming right for us!"
At one point, Oliver plays a 911 call from someone witnessing a burglary of his neighbor's property. The 911 operator tells the man to stay inside his home, something absurd, like 14 times. And tells the man that nobody's property is worth someone's life. The man, on the phone with the operator, actually cites stand your ground laws, and says that he's not just going to sit by while his neighbor's property is stolen (despite cops en-route) and goes over and shoots the burglars in the back. The man was not just not convicted of murder, he's paraded in some right wing pow-wow as a hero. This is a rather extreme example of how stand your ground can make policing difficult. The guy basically admitted that he wanted to shoot those people for theft, and then went and did it. He was not under any threat, and actively put himself into a situation where he could claim he was threatened, effectively so that he could exact the death penalty for theft, and it happened, legally. So that's obviously a problem.
Oliver goes on to cite examples of black people being considered more of a threat, simply because of their skin color, and of course a particular demo of jury might find that convincing (and lawyers can change jury demographics by dismissing jurors). So in theory (and there is a reasonably close example in the video), a white person can murder a black person, claim they were threatened, and that might sound convincing to a jury of similarly-minded white people if racism is pervasive enough among the populace.
I think what struck me about this, at least as much as how thorough a job Oliver does of arguing that stand your ground is a bad rule, is that it really highlights the right-wing vigilante justice mentality. The authoritarians in the US really seem to be drawn to a notion not just of self-defense, but of enforcing justice. To them, it seems, it's clear what's right and wrong, and if they have a gun they can exact justice on the world. Rittenhouse comes to mind. As does
this. This is what we saw on January 6th (not with guns, but with deadly force), and what we continue to see as the right wing moves further and further from respect for the democratic process and toward authoritarianism. "I know who should be president". "I know what the law should be". "I know who is guilty". "I know sin from virtue". "I'm willing to use force to ensure that my notion is imposed on everyone else".
I don't mean this to suggest that it is inherently wrong to defend your rights, or the rights of others. But it's so easy to be wrong, and so easy to make mistakes, that when you can, you need to use the justice system that we have
in place to handle the situation. A little humility is needed to recognize that you won't always have all of the facts, and won't always make the right decision in every situation, and that
when possible you should not place yourself in a position to need to do it.
The problem Oliver points out is not a problem of principles, in principle, it doesn't matter who protects human rights. The problem Oliver points out is a problem of practicality - especially in light of a big portion of society that is deeply confused about morality. Practically speaking, you need police, you need judges, you need laws, and you need to rely on them. Otherwise you might think the death penalty is appropriate for some petty theft.
Edit 2:
The best counterpoint I could think of off hand was the
church shooting in texas, where Santa Clause interrupted a mass shooting with an AR-15. But there is legal breathing room between shooting someone who is repeatedly and clearly attempting murder, and shooting a burglar at your neighbor's property.