But this is not on topic, but as you are so hell bent on just attacking and trying to pick holes in what I said, try this.
You need to quickly learn that someone disagreeing with you is not someone attacking you. When I type this the way I say it in my head is in a conversational tone, no different than if I were to have this discussion with a friend. If you enter into an opinion-based discussion, expect to have your opinion challenged by others with differing opinions. It is not an attack.
And I found it to be on topic as you were basically saying you were just giving your opinion, didn't want to participate in the debate itself, and we should just live with it.
If you don't want to be part of the debate that is fine, but don't drop your opinion into a debate and then accuse all who wish to debate you of attacking you.
As I have been shot with a riffle by a civilian I still have the scare from the 5 hour operation to prove it, then ask me again, do I support complete illegality of civilian ownership. Then the answer has to be yes, this guy was caught and went to jail for 5 or 7 years.
Im sure 90% of you have never been shot, so who gives you the right to talk morality and rights to me.
No one gives me the right to do anything. Rights cannot be given, only taken away. My existence as a human being gives me the right to talk morality and rights. I need no ones permission.
I have been involved in a car accident that was someone else's fault. If I say no one should be allowed to drive cars, does that make my opinion more valid than those who haven't been in the situation?
I have a severe heart condition (among other health issues), does that make my opinion in a nationalized healthcare debate more valid than healthy people?
The answer to both questions is no. It does not make my opinion more valid, as your incident also does not make your opinion more valid. It just gives you a different point of view. Rights and morality are exactly why these things do not make our opinions more valid in our respective situations. You being shot by some guy I do not know does not mean you have the ability to remove the rights of innocent people. It would be immoral to allow someone who is emotionally involved to a degree that they cannot accept a differing opinion without feeling attacked to make decisions that affect the rights of others. It is immoral to allow anyone to remove the rights of others, that do not in turn violate others rights.
Does gun ownership violate anyone's rights? No. does taking the guns away? Yes. Gun ownership does not get people shot, despite your comment:
if you have a weapon, gun, knife, rocket, missile atomic bomb, dont matter what it is, at some point or other you are going to use it
Misuse of guns will get people shot, and it does not require legally permitted gun ownership to happen. Using a gun against someone who has not violated your rights is wrong and immoral, as you violate that person's rights. But not everyone will do that, so we should not take guns away from everyone, just as we don't take cars away from everyone because some people speed and drive recklessly.
I'll make sure I keep a spare gun around just to protect you... from those nasty dangerous fluffy animals.
I do not have a gun. I do not intend to own a gun. Unless you count fishing, I have only been hunting once. But if someone attempts to remove my right to have a gun (
or any of these rights) then by God I will defend it with a gun.
It is not the fluffy animals I fear, it is the people that wish to take away my rights.
And I do so apologies to all members and moderators for this reply.
Why are you apologizing? You just participated in the opinion forums as it was intended. I'm happy to see you do it.
Since you are participating I would like to return to your initial posts.
its not the weapon that is the dangerous thing its we humans, we are the most dangerous animal on the planet, we are the only ones that will kill for sport, we are the only ones that will kill for curiosity, we are the only animal that kills countries, as you have something I want and lastly, we are the only sadistic animals that will enter a school full of kids age 7, 8, ,9, 10 and kill as many as we can before killing our selves. So should we have weapons, would you allow any animal this right, or would you also think twice before giving the most dangerous animal on the planet a weapon.
Dude, your way off. Dolphins kill, kidnap, and rape for sport. Some monkeys are so territorial, that they'll rip the testicles off an intruding monkey. I own several guns, and have yet had any thoughts of violence.
The question is do they use Guns. you only have to look back at history to see where we have come from and where we are heading. There is not a year that goes by, that you dont hear in the news of another war, drive by shooting, young boy stabbed to death
You appear to contradict yourself here. You accuse humans of being the only animals that do all those things you list. But when someone points out others that do you come back and ask if we would give them guns. By doing so you admit that other animals do these things.
But to take you at face value: we do not need to give them guns. They come born with evolution designed weapons. Humans developed man-made weapons because our evolutionary achievement was our brain, not claws, teeth, or muscles. Animals come born with weapons and then do all the stuff you accuse humans of doing, minus the killing ourselves bit. Suicide requires self-awareness.
I said we are the most dangerous animal on the planet, you make referents to a how dangerous a monkey is, would you put an AK47 in the hands of a monkey and show him how to pull the trigger.
The monkeys he mention don't require an AK-47 as their muscular strength is enough. But if a monkey could understand rights, what they mean, and how they can be violated, and the consequences that come with that, then why not? The difference is that most humans do understand those things and do not intend to violate the rights of others.