Hi Deano, miss racing with you. How you been?
Any other types of leagues you are into? Got myself into four....three are Super GT leagues.
FWIW: I used to race in this shifter league. Loved banging gears and met some real great GT5 friends. I had gotten serious about my Super GT series and I went with a new wheel. This wheel not having a shifter would put me out here. I stayed with the G27 for awhile trying to finish the second season.
While things got a little disorganized and opinions were taken personal, I bailed off what I saw as a sinking ship, one I was asked to ride...not my ship. Anyway, it ended with me being treated like a cheat, outsider, and being shunned by the organizer.
Surely this organizer has learned from the troubles we all had. I personally hope that he has. This will help shape his future leagues.
Best of luck and don't hesitate to join in. As mentioned good group when I left. Little confusion in which the organizer seems dedicated enough to sort out.
On that come at this knowing its still being structured, add surely you can get involved into a good thing.
Danzo, wish you the best man. I truly love racing and truly love to race. As well would want all involved to have good luck and here hopes one day we can meet on the track again.
Hope you have many races that are close, clean, and fast!!!!