I'm going to try to make this brief, as I'm afraid I've been a bit long winded and off topic lately.
You didn't respond to anything I said
You said:
Uh huh. Right... oil is the reason we're allies with Israel... sure thing. Because we get all that oil from Israel. I'm sure that next you'd tell me that we'd never come to Spain or Australia's aid because we don't get much oil from them.
Have you ever stopped to actually think about these things that come out of your head? Or do you just assume you're right and move on?
I responded to the second paragraph, but I ignored the first as it was a weak attempt to mischaracterize my argument, which was:
Israel is the anchor of US policy in a region that is very important to us (O-I-L).
I never said we get oil from Israel, just that Israel is the anchor of our foreign policy in the region. I suspect you understood this, (it's pretty obvious) but chose to argue with a straw man of your own creation since you knew you had nothing on my original point. Now I know it too.
Ann Coulter is an embarassment
Yeah, it was a low blow to even bring her up. Sorry.
I read Anthem, The Fountainhead, and the Virtue of Selfishness (and one other I forgot the title of) back in high school (20 years ago

) I thought Anthem was OK but heartily disliked the others. I can sympathize with Rand who experienced Stalinism first hand early in her life, which must have been terrible, but she has gone so far in the other direction it's ridiculous. Rand has made a career out of presenting a False Dilemma (yes, I went to the "how to argue" thread

) Between objectivism and collectivism (essentially Stalinism). Contrary to Rand, there are a myriad of ways of organizing a society that both respect human individualism while allowing for those individuals to engage in altruistic and collective endeavors. The historical record is full of them. I also noticed that her literary voice betrays a brittle, fragile ego... that needs constant reassurance of it's importance in the world. I've noticed that trait in the self proclaimed "Objectivists" that I've met as well.
Well, I've broken my promise to keep this brief... (ya can't trust a commie!!!) (BTW I'm not a communist, I'm just being IRONICAL) Regarding your last two points, I respectfully disagree with your assessment of Chomsky, and I'm not sure why you think I'm not responding to what people are saying on this thread... I thought I was.