Yeah, Sure... Irregular non-governmental forces invading a peaceful village and slaughering civilians with the complicity of the nacent Israeli government as part of a systematic campaign of terror against civillians of one ethnicity for the acknowledged purpose of opening the area to occupation by another ethnicity...
and the best you can do is argue that TECHNICALLY it's not terrorism?

Or 50 years ago was to long ago? OK, Danoff... You win. I'll pretend I agree with you. It's not terrorism. It's just deeply evil, racist, and anti-democratic.
Big Victory for You!
EDIT... I want to respond to ledhed's posts above but I'd rather not double post so I'm editing here:
@ledhed... while we disagree ideologically, I am in total agreement with you regarding the current global political dynamic and your example (Viet Namese resistance to Japanese imperialism in WW2) of terrorism being in the eye of the beholder.
I believe the international political scene follows a wave cycle of hegemonic control... at the wave crest, one power is dominant and the world is stable... because everybody lines up in a pecking order behind the dominant power, who is to powerful to risk conflict with. In the past some of these crests have been associated with British, Dutch, Spanish, and, most recently, American world domination.
The troughs of the wave cycles occur when the dominant power is in decline, and those below on the pecking order start to think about grabbing the top spot... this period is characterized by extreme violence and conflict... as those below turn on the top dog, then on each other in the struggle to be the new top dog.
The last trough began in the 1890s, got really hot in WWI and WW2, and then dragged on for a while with the cold war. It finally ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the only nation left that could pose a real threat to US world domination. So now we're on a crest... but our oil dependence and bungled attempt to remake Iraq in our image are big cracks in our foundation...The Europeans, Russians and Chinese are licking thier chops... make no mistake... we are entering a life or death struggle to maintain our position on top, and it's a struggle that no historically dominant power has ever won. It's certain to get very ugly before it gets any better.