Kanye West for President of the United States!

  • Thread starter WFO Krypto
Have you ever thought there might be some blame to put on themselves as well for being oppressed?

1) What company wants to hire someone for a management position that has a gold grill in their mouth?
2) How about dressing and presenting yourself a little better. Having your paints hanging half way down your butt isn't so appealing to most.
3) How about not swearing every other word when you speak? Ebonic slang is not a sign of intelligence, nor is it acceptable.
4) Do you think that blacks like having that intimidation factor when they are around whites? I think a lot of them do.

Obama is black correct? Do you think he ever walked around like a street thug. He worked for where he got. He did it the right way. Nobody gave it to him. I am far from an Obama supporter, but respect the man for what he did to get where he is today. Why is that some blacks can thrive, and some can not? Are we supposed to just change our whole society so that black street thug mentality is socially acceptable?

If you act like a thug, talk like a thug, dress like a thug, you are going to be treated like a thug. White or black it doesn't matter.

Why are you insinuating every black person looks like a rapper?

Also, why are you saying "why can some blacks thrive and some cannot?" Are you insinuating every other race has everyone in it thrive? You know there are white people out there that do "thug" behavior and commit crimes too, right?
Why are you insinuating every black person looks like a rapper?

Also, why are you saying "why can some blacks thrive and some cannot?" Are you insinuating every other race has everyone in it thrive? You know there are white people out there that do "thug" behavior and commit crimes too, right?
The implication that Kanye's, 50 Cent's, Jay-Z's, etc vast economic success is due to their being idolised solely by black people is also something I find puzzling. In order to make the kind of cash West pulls in he'd have to appeal to more people than 12.1% of the US population.

Our new anthem!!! Warning it contains foul language.
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While part of me thinks Kayne really does want to run for president, it's probably more along the lines of just keeping his name out there. He's probably working on a new album and this is part of the hype for it.

Agreed and the new album is called Gods Country.

There will be no President West or First Lady Kardashian any time soon, as many others in this thread have pointed out he’s too late with some states and probably will not be able to secure the required signatures to qualify from other states.

Forbes spoke to West from his ranch near Cody, Wyoming, in what the magazine called “four rambling hours of interviews.” West, who says he’s been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, often referred to himself in the third person and claimed he was “one of the most powerful humans” although acknowledged there were “a lot of alien level superpowers.” What?

I think his wife would be more capable and is probably the one pushing this.
First Lady Kardashian has a very nice ring to it, if he is serious start focusing on 2024 more and less on music.
I figured that his ‘campaign’ would be a meme at best, a tactic to try to sway voters away from Biden/Jorgensen/Hawkins/whomever and help Trump at worst. People will still write him in though just like too many did for Harambe due to the meme factor.
I saw a tweet indicating he had opened up with like 2% of support or something. But, think this further proves @TS050 's point that he went through a mania phase.
The US is essentially a two-party system. This is not a matter of law, but a matter of practicality in achieving the aspirations of the American people. This is not set forever in stone and may change.

3rd party candidate have at rare times in the past possibly affected or even changed the outcome of presidential elections. Theodore Roosevelt and Ross Perot come to mind.

Due to his physical, mental and political health, I conjecture that the current president may for a variety of reasons not be reelected. It wouldn't be the first time an incumbent for whatever reason failed to get a 2nd term. Lyndon Johnson and George Herbert Walker Bush come to mind.
Kanye West has reportedly dropped out of the presidential race. All in a matter of ten days.


Has it already been 10 days...
As much as I want to have a serious third party candidate to last long and possibly go all the way, West doesn't inspire much confidence for me despite all the flashy things thrown at us...

Sorry but West is more of a joke to me than anything else...
I am glad he only lasted this long.

Not gonna lie, I'm actually a tad bit disappointed. Like, I figured it wouldn't go anywhere, and there's no way in hell I'd vote for President Yeezus, but I was kinda curious to see how far he would take it.

Curious to see how far a joke can last long in a serious election?

I have a feeling your sentiments are sadly indicative of how most young people feels nowadays toward serious matters of politics... Taking things lightly, when they should seriously learn about things in order to make real change...

I don't think West brought anything productive to the table, and real effective changes to the people...

Can young people for once able to go beyond the flashy, party fun ambience and get serious without having to go all destructive to make their voice seriously considered?

West is just a reflection of our current society... Taking things as a joke, because we are not bothered to do anymore AND we are only allowed by the establishments to joke around in the face of serious matters...
As much as I want to have a serious third party candidate to last long and possibly go all the way, West doesn't inspire much confidence for me despite all the flashy things thrown at us...

We have Jo Jorgensen of the Libertarian Party, and Howie Hawkins of the Green Party, I would consider both of them serious candidates worthy of consideration for your vote. Sure they may not have a snowball's chance in hell of winning this year but if they can attract enough votes they can qualify for federal funding next time around.

I would strongly suggest that people who aren't exactly thrilled by either Biden or Trump, which I believe could well be most people, should examine the positions of Jorgensen and Hawkins and vote for one of them if they're more in tune with their beliefs.

Sorry but West is more of a joke to me than anything else...

Couldn't agree more.
Hard to know what's exactly going on with this but in a strange turn of events after apparently dropping out he has actually filed to be a candidate, or rather filed some paperwork to start being a candidate. He will now appear on the Oklahoma ballot.


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So Trump and Biden carry 49 states and too many people get confused in Oklahoma and vote for someone who cannot actually win the election.
I didn't know Kanye lived in or near Cody. I knew he had a place in Wyoming, but I thought it was Jackson Hole. There's literally nothing in Cody except for the Dug Up Gun Museum and a bunch of Buffalo Bill stuff.
I suspect his campaign team didn't manage to get everything cancelled in time and are instead getting monumentally drunk in a bar somewhere.

And they figure there is no way Oklahomans will all vote for Kanye, so why even bother cancelling...
Hard to know what's exactly going on with this but in a strange turn of events after apparently dropping out he has actually filed to be a candidate, or rather filed some paperwork to start being a candidate. He will now appear on the Oklahoma ballot.



He said he was going to run in 2020, so he's making good on that promise, as little as he can.