Have you ever thought there might be some blame to put on themselves as well for being oppressed?
1) What company wants to hire someone for a management position that has a gold grill in their mouth?
2) How about dressing and presenting yourself a little better. Having your paints hanging half way down your butt isn't so appealing to most.
3) How about not swearing every other word when you speak? Ebonic slang is not a sign of intelligence, nor is it acceptable.
4) Do you think that blacks like having that intimidation factor when they are around whites? I think a lot of them do.
Obama is black correct? Do you think he ever walked around like a street thug. He worked for where he got. He did it the right way. Nobody gave it to him. I am far from an Obama supporter, but respect the man for what he did to get where he is today. Why is that some blacks can thrive, and some can not? Are we supposed to just change our whole society so that black street thug mentality is socially acceptable?
If you act like a thug, talk like a thug, dress like a thug, you are going to be treated like a thug. White or black it doesn't matter.
The implication that Kanye's, 50 Cent's, Jay-Z's, etc vast economic success is due to their being idolised solely by black people is also something I find puzzling. In order to make the kind of cash West pulls in he'd have to appeal to more people than 12.1% of the US population.Why are you insinuating every black person looks like a rapper?
Also, why are you saying "why can some blacks thrive and some cannot?" Are you insinuating every other race has everyone in it thrive? You know there are white people out there that do "thug" behavior and commit crimes too, right?
While part of me thinks Kayne really does want to run for president, it's probably more along the lines of just keeping his name out there. He's probably working on a new album and this is part of the hype for it.
@SestoScudo your music video could probably do with a bad language spoiler warning.
That new album announcement must be imminent. I wonder if anyone was silly enough to take his bid seriously. At least it appears to prove even further that the vast bulk of his talent lies in self-publicity.Kanye West has reportedly dropped out of the presidential race. All in a matter of ten days.
Kanye West has reportedly dropped out of the presidential race. All in a matter of ten days.
Does he like peacocks?
Kanye West has reportedly dropped out of the presidential race. All in a matter of ten days.
Not gonna lie, I'm actually a tad bit disappointed. Like, I figured it wouldn't go anywhere, and there's no way in hell I'd vote for President Yeezus, but I was kinda curious to see how far he would take it.
As much as I want to have a serious third party candidate to last long and possibly go all the way, West doesn't inspire much confidence for me despite all the flashy things thrown at us...
Sorry but West is more of a joke to me than anything else...
Does he like peacocks?
I suspect his campaign team didn't manage to get everything cancelled in time and are instead getting monumentally drunk in a bar somewhere.
Hard to know what's exactly going on with this but in a strange turn of events after apparently dropping out he has actually filed to be a candidate, or rather filed some paperwork to start being a candidate. He will now appear on the Oklahoma ballot.