Kanye West for President of the United States!

  • Thread starter WFO Krypto
If I was a yank, I'd be voting for Kanye no problem. Look at the others for gawd sake.

Honest swamp dredger desperately needed, plus they might assassinate him after the deep clean. :eek:
I could care less

How much less could you care?

Heavily, heavily debatable on that last bullet point, imo. Kanye is wicked talented, and makes some amazing music, but in a world where Madlib, J Dilla (pay no attention to my avatar) and Pete Rock have made beats, I'd personally struggle to call Kanye the greatest.

But Mr. West said so himself!

On the other hand...
At this point, I'm not sure why Kanye couldn't be president, I mean... of the presidents in power in my life time, what do we have to accept with Kanye that we've not already accepted?
At this point, I'm not sure why Kanye couldn't be president, I mean... of the presidents in power in my life time, what do we have to accept with Kanye that we've not already accepted?
Mandatory prayer in schools? Unless you're fifty-eight or older...
How much less could you care?

But Mr. West said so himself!

On the other hand...
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Kanye might be a ridiculously outspoken and egotistical man, but he’s got an ear for music. Dudes got like 5 albums (out of 9 released) that make good arguments toward being some of the best albums released in their times (see - “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy”)

But yeah, to reiterate, he’s probably going through a mania phase right now, and it wouldn’t be the first time this has happened. He kinda needs professional help (but doesn’t appear to be getting it)
Mandatory prayer in schools? Unless you're fifty-eight or older...

Well, I meant with the person, more than the policies, but I'm not sure such a thing would ever be meaningful enforced... or maybe it would... is the pledge of allegiance to a logo mandatory, or optional?
Well, we already know that's true of Joe Biden...
I know, that's why I used the phrase.

Well, I meant with the person, more than the policies, but I'm not sure such a thing would ever be meaningful enforced... or maybe it would... is the pledge of allegiance to a logo mandatory, or optional?
It was outlawed as unconstitutional in 1962. No idea about the pledge. Do you have to stand during the national anthem? Seems people shoot you down if you don't.

I'm giving My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy a spin on Spotify. Don't think I'm going to be throwing away my Hendrix or Mozart any time soon.
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I'd love Thomas Sowell to be president but he's getting to old for the stress sadly. He's a very intelligent respectable black man. He proves the myth of systemic racism wrong in his 12 books and his near ninety year life.

Seriously though.. the guy is a treasure trove of learning and knowledge in social issues and politics. The man has a vast education in the field plus all his life experience.. he's written 12 books too.
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Seriously though.. the guy is a treasure trove of learning and knowledge is social issues and politics. The man has a vast education in the field plus all his life experience.. he's written 12 books too.
Good for him but I don't think a Trump apologist who preferred him to Obama and blames the ills of African-Americans solely on progressive policies is what your nation needs to unite and heal right now.

Somehow I think it'd be extremely difficult to sell him to your electorate as a potential president. Right or wrong, what he's putting out is not what people want to hear right now.
Good for him but somehow I don't think a Trump apologist who preferred him to Obama and blames the ills of African-Americans solely on progressive policies is what your nation needs to unite and heal right now.

Somehow I think it'd be extremely difficult to sell him to your electorate as a potential president. Right or wrong, what he's putting out is not what people want to hear right now.

Well you're right Thomas's line of thinking wouldn't sit well with the fragile minded people in my nation these days. I can only hope that one day America will have a wise leader like this again. America has been plagued by horrible leadership for a long time now.
Well you're right Thomas's line of thinking wouldn't sit well with the fragile minded people in my nation these days. I can only hope that one day America will have a wise leader like this again. America has been plagued by horrible leadership for a long time now.
:lol: When did it have a wise leader like this last time?
:lol: When did it have a wise leader like this last time?

You know that's a good question. I mean no ones perfect and meets the standards of a perfect leader by any means. I can list the good and bad for many of them some worse than others though. To be honest I can't think of one haha.
Look I don't know how else to put this. Many of the people, mostly neoconservatives, who are fans of Thomas Sowell (as well as Candace Owens) like him because he simply tells them what they want to hear. He's a Black man who panders to majority-white audience by making vague statements about how systemic racism is just a leftist myth, racism isn't real a thing anymore, victimhood is what sets Blacks back the most, etc. Like I said about Candace, people are more likely to believe these talking points when it's a Black person spouting them, regardless of whether they're spouting them in good faith, in which they most likely are not. Systemic racism can be so easily proven in America, and to deny that it exists either means that you're being intellectually dishonest, or just plain ignorant. Redlining? Race-based policing policies? White vs Black wages? White vs Black incarceration/sentencing rates?
I miss the old Kanye, straight from the go Kanye
Chop up the soul Kanye, set on his goals Kanye
I hate the new Kanye, the bad mood Kanye
The always rude Kanye, spaz in the news Kanye
Former(?) big Kanye fan here. I wouldn’t put too much thought into what he’s saying - anyone with any kind of history with him can see he’s probably going through a pretty big manic episode right now (Ye’s been relatively open about his mental illness, and has spoken repeatedly about his bipolar disorder). He’s also apparently a relatively impressionable person, and has been aligning with shifty people over the past year or so (around the same time he became a born-again Christian and decided to no longer make secular music). Wonder if that has something to do with his views as of late

I heavily doubt he’ll go all out with his presidential bid, and I hope his inner circle can get him the help he needs - IIRC Ye tends to not take his meds

Ignoring his clear mental health struggles though, Kanye does end up getting into controversy whenever it seems like he’s gearing up for an album rollout, but I don’t think it’s ever gotten to this level. The last controversy as big as this one would definitely be the “slavery was a choice” remarks from 2018, or the VMA incident just over 10 years ago
I think, if he isn't already, Kanye needs to accept lifetime therapy & medical help for his illness. The passing of his mom seemed to have been the moment he fell apart.
No one man should have all that power.

I don't really listen to Kanye West's music but from what I've heard of it I can see why we put up with him. Not sure how to feel about Kanye West as President.
Look I don't know how else to put this. Many of the people, mostly neoconservatives, who are fans of Thomas Sowell (as well as Candace Owens) like him because he simply tells them what they want to hear. He's a Black man who panders to majority-white audience by making vague statements about how systemic racism is just a leftist myth, racism isn't real a thing anymore, victimhood is what sets Blacks back the most, etc. Like I said about Candace, people are more likely to believe these talking points when it's a Black person spouting them, regardless of whether they're spouting them in good faith, in which they most likely are not. Systemic racism can be so easily proven in America, and to deny that it exists either means that you're being intellectually dishonest, or just plain ignorant. Redlining? Race-based policing policies? White vs Black wages? White vs Black incarceration/sentencing rates?

I highly doubt that's what's going on. If you want to use that argument than far left liberals using white political and social figures to preach white privilege is an attempt to make that point more believable. It's actually being racist and disrespectful to think that educated influential black people like Sowell would let himself be used as a tool for so called racist white conservatives. I'm sure Thomas Sowell practices autonomy and independence in his life rater freely with no white high wizard overlords mind controlling him give him some credit. He's a black man speaking the truth. There is also Affirmative Action to consider. It's not only Thomas but other people at PragerU as well. They can't all be manipulated by evil white conservative puppeteers... can they.

There is no wage gap in regards to race. If both a white and black man with the same degree, same experience and qualifications in general had the same position at the same firm with similar hours their pay would be equal. It's illegal any other way.

Soo lets all believe white people that preach white privilege but not black people that say otherwise??? That alone is being racist by not assuming autonomy in the case of the black people like Thomas and instead giving that respect to the white speakers just because they fit your warped view of reality and support your beliefs.
I highly doubt that's what's going on. If you want to use that argument than far left liberals using white political and social figures to preach white privilege is an attempt to make that point more believable. It's actually being racist and disrespectful to think that educated influential black people like Sowell would let himself be used as a tool for so called racist white conservatives. I'm sure Thomas Sowell practices autonomy and independence in his life rater freely with no white high wizard overlords mind controlling him give him some credit. He's a black man speaking the truth. There is also Affirmative Action to consider. It's not only Thomas but other people at PragerU as well. They can't all be manipulated by evil white conservative puppeteers... can they.

There is no wage gap in regards to race. If both a white and black man with the same degree, same experience and qualifications in general had the same position at the same firm with similar hours their pay would be equal. It's illegal any other way.
I never said that Sowell wasn't well-educated or influential. But he's an economist. He's not a sociologist or political commentator. I'm sure he's very wise when it comes to the field of economics but that doesn't stop him from spouting out generic reactionary talking points when it comes to politics, especially racial politics. The same could be said for the "conservative Einstein" Jordan Peterson; he's a psychologist, a great psychologist at that, but a rather awful and dishonest political commentator.

Please tell me you're not serious. Lending credibility to PragerU? The right-wing propaganda outlet funded by billionaire oil barons?

Just because it's technically illegal, via the Equal Pay Act of 1963, to pay people a lower salary based on race, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. The "it's illegal therefore it's nonexistent" argument is a platitude, and a very flawed one at that. It's yet another case of de facto vs de jure. Have a look:

Soo lets all believe white people that preach white privilege but not black people that say otherwise??? That alone is being racist by not assuming autonomy in the case of the black people like Thomas and instead giving that respect to the white speakers just because they fit your warped view of reality and support your beliefs.
Are you a black person? If not, then why would you disregard one black person's life experience in favour of another's because it doesn't align with your political beliefs?

I find it hard to disregard my own life experience in favour of Sowell's because it seems at odds with what I've personally encountered. To berate me for doing otherwise... well, I wouldn't want to call anyone racist out of hand, but I'd find this misguided at the very least. It sounds like an appeal to authority.

Nothing about PragerU's philosophy sounds to me like it would heal the deep divisions in US society that Trump has presided over during his term in office in any way whatsoever. That's the reason for me why Sowell wouldn't make a good candidate for president, rather than any perceived fragility in the minds of the American people.
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