Since the arrival of FIII my thinking on the release of GT5 has changed some what. Comparing GT5P and FIII from solely a cockpit driving perspective they are very similar (especially once you use the multiscreen FOV trick to obtain a GT5P like view by setting the viewing angle at around 72), for 90% of gamers the two are much of the same.
This is why to me it is probably even more important than PD don't rush the release the GT5 and instead look to maximise the aspects that will seperate GT5 from FIII. To me those are damage modelling, day/night cycles and weather.
Because if it were to release now it would really be equivalent to a DLC add-on of tracks and cars to Forza.
Things I hope PD bring from Forza are HUDless cockpit view, in race telemetry, custom sound tracks, equivalent online experience (not comparing apples with apples but the ease of getting in and out of an online race in FIII v GT5P is poles apart so I'm hoping GT5 raises the bar significantly), aggressive and varied AI competitors for example M.Rossi in FIII has already developed community angst for his aggressive and dirty racing style. I'm not into painting but the community side of FIII is a strong point to many, and also the use of auction house.
My point probably is I'm happy to wait another 6 months for GT5 since I've had FIII, because I don't want just more of the same, in the hope that PD can deliver something that raises the bar in SIM console racing besides better graphics and more cars.
As an aside can anyone let me know which game has the more realistic looking Suzuka as visually they look very different between GT5P and FIII. FIII has much more green foliage, and also the city in the distance looks good and also there appears more crowd or action, ferris wheel moving for example. GT5P looks much more sparse but is that the way it is in real life? On first play too I felt the elevation changes on the first section of the course were different and also some of the corners appear easier to take in FIII mainly the chicanes a third in and then once again the curved chicane just before the bakc straight. If I took them in GT5P how you cna take them in in FIII I'd be in the sand.
This is why to me it is probably even more important than PD don't rush the release the GT5 and instead look to maximise the aspects that will seperate GT5 from FIII. To me those are damage modelling, day/night cycles and weather.
Because if it were to release now it would really be equivalent to a DLC add-on of tracks and cars to Forza.
Things I hope PD bring from Forza are HUDless cockpit view, in race telemetry, custom sound tracks, equivalent online experience (not comparing apples with apples but the ease of getting in and out of an online race in FIII v GT5P is poles apart so I'm hoping GT5 raises the bar significantly), aggressive and varied AI competitors for example M.Rossi in FIII has already developed community angst for his aggressive and dirty racing style. I'm not into painting but the community side of FIII is a strong point to many, and also the use of auction house.
My point probably is I'm happy to wait another 6 months for GT5 since I've had FIII, because I don't want just more of the same, in the hope that PD can deliver something that raises the bar in SIM console racing besides better graphics and more cars.
As an aside can anyone let me know which game has the more realistic looking Suzuka as visually they look very different between GT5P and FIII. FIII has much more green foliage, and also the city in the distance looks good and also there appears more crowd or action, ferris wheel moving for example. GT5P looks much more sparse but is that the way it is in real life? On first play too I felt the elevation changes on the first section of the course were different and also some of the corners appear easier to take in FIII mainly the chicanes a third in and then once again the curved chicane just before the bakc straight. If I took them in GT5P how you cna take them in in FIII I'd be in the sand.