Has Forza 3 suppressed you appetite for GT5?

  • Thread starter hugo24
If I compare GT5P/G25 to FM3/MS wheel, the wheel is not as good as the G25 but the physics are a lot more close to reality than GT5P. Absolutely no doubt about that. A friend of mine (who bought my G25 to play GT5P ;) tried it 1 hour ago and agreed after only a few curves and some slides.

I'm really happy that they are in the process of changing the physics in GT5 to improve it.

A short clip of my car (the virtual one :lol:) on the Nordschleife :

But I'm faster with the real one :lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3nshOCahRsc
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Has Forza 3 supressed my (you mean "YOUR" and not "You" in the title) appetite for GT5? Two words- hell no. If anything, I'd get Forza 3 if I had an XBOX 360 while still awaiting GT5. I did a video called "GT Fans Conceding Defeat to Forza 3?", in which I become disgusted that GT fans have given up on Gran Turismo, despite having patience awaiting this game. No way in Heaven or Hell would I have anything really supress my wanting of GT5. I still don't have a PS3. It's not like I work or anything. I'm not even a YouTube partner yet, so it isn't like I'm making any kind of money good toward a PS3.

Forza 3 has supressed nothing of me wanting GT5.
Ok, I know nothing of computers or thier capabilities and I only have seen Forza here in various posts, but to a lamen like me I have to say that Forza's cars and environment look awesome and definately compareable to GT's but after watching these two videos something is wrong! I am not sure how to explain it intelligently but the cars don't seem to be one with the road, I mean they leave tire marks but they just do not look right to me, it seems like they are floating a half inch above the road. I am trying to be objective and non biased here but Forza just looks all wrong in the replays compared even to GT5P,which is what almost 2 years old now. So to the op, no it will not help me get through until GT5 comes out but GT5P sure will do till march. If I want cheesy arcade game grafics I think I have an old copy of NFS Hot pursute and a PS2 I could dig out and play.

They are actually not floating in Forza 3, but the problem is that their car body roll is very stiff compare to a real car

Real car sharp turn with massive body roll

At 0:48 you can see how a car body roll.

Even the GT5 prologue is impressive on body roll effects, it shows that a car has weight in them.

GT5 prologue

Here's Forza 3
Note that a lot of old cars have massive body roll.

Having played the FIII demo, no, not really. The thing is, FIII is not a bad game. It's actually a very good game, and it does what it says on the tin. But that's the problem for me. If it was uber fantastic, I might have found it in me to get the Super Elite 360 with Forza III. However, all I'd be doing is providing myself with a decent racer to tide me over until GT5, which is what I bought a PS3 for in the first place. There are plenty of other racers out there on PS3 that offer a different enough experience, so I really don't see the need to own both FIII and GT5. Bear in mind this is coming from somebody who makes a point of only ever owning one major console at a time, so I have some natural bias, sure.
If i had an Xbox 360 i would get Forza right now, i would go down to tesco 24 hrs and buy it, and play it ASAP.

But i don't, so i'm not going to, i'll just wait for GT5.

If somebody has both consoles and like racing games, they would be an idiot to pass up either of these games. Their opinion on which is better is fine. But saying on sucks and one doesn't is wrong, they are both good. I prefer GT and can't wait for GT5. GT5P doesn't really give much away about the final game other than graphics (along with the few cars and circuits). Because its just a demo. The physics have been re-vamped, damage added, online features are actually going to be features, not just race events to enter anonymously.
I sold my 360 to buy a PS3 especially for GT5.
So hell no, FM3 has suppressed not my appetite for GT5. In fact it is now bigger since I saw some gameplay from FM3, I'm so jealous, forza players must be having fun because the game looks great but nonetheless, I can't wait to play GT5.
Definitely has. I could care less when it comes out now, I lost a great deal of interest when it was announced for 2010, FM3 will definitely keep me occupied for quite a while to come...
Nope. I traded Forza 3 back in to the store. For two reasons.

1. I played Forza 2 to death so I was getting severe deja-vu.

2. It felt like Forza 2 for dummies. Even with all assists off it still felt like someone was driving for me.
No, it hasn't at all.

Imagine your need for GT5 as a thirst. Forza3 is a glass of water, perfectly good, clean and fulfills your need for a drink but it's just not the same as a good pint of beer (GT5).

If I had never had a taste of said beer (GT5:P) I would most likely be very content with my H20.

I liekz ma metaphors..
No, Forza is a fun racing game, but Gran Turismo is the only real racing simulator for me.
the filling I get when I play Gran Turismo is absent when playing Forza.
Plus, DFGT don't work on the XBox.
They say that waiting is a virtue. Unfortunately, I'm not too virtuous. ;) Quite frankly, I am in no rush to play the game as I have GT PSP to hold off my appetite for the time being. :)
Well i actually sold my X360 to get a PS3 and GT5P as i was expecting GT5 to have dropped by now. My mate who still has a 360 just bought FM3 and he likes it, he actually said to me that it had a gran turismo feel to it in the menu's and stuff, very classy. I'm gonna get a chance to play it tomorrow so ill make my own mind up then, but i think it looks quite good.

@ the video's showing no body roll for FM3, remember both of those video's shown are car's setup for drifting, when you set a car up for drifting you have very stiff suspension, and very different settings to if you are racing. So i wouldn't be comparing them for body roll.
Seems like there is a decent amount of body roll in the car I've been using in Forza.
There is body roll :




I see body roll, but not nearly enough of it. Although maybe the suspension setup is rock hard in this vid.

This begs the question, does the suspension bottom out if set too stiff? You got a taste of that in GT4, but GT5P hasn't let you alter the suspension quite enough to achieve this.
Enough body roll I think. The 131 Abarth pictured is a tuned car. The real one does not have a lot of body roll either.


I have always thought the forza body roll was too understated. I think it's actually a bit exagerated in the GT series compare to reality, but I think that's a time when it benefits to be unreal as it's useful to give the driver information about the environment that he should be getting through physical sensations like inertia.
Thats like asking if Shift or Grid is a good appetite suppressant.

Forza3 doesn't offer the same feel GT does. GT's presentation is second to none, and thats the main reason I think most love it. Its not about the car selection, or the track detail at the top right corner of a track. Its about the cars & feeling like you're really driving them. F2/F3 doesn't replicate this. It tries to capture what it thinks is the goal of GT. Exotics & Classic -enthusiast- vehicles, as well as fan favorite tracks. But thats not the goal of GT. I think PD really spends time making sure everything feels right when you play any car. You can even enjoy the slow cars in GT, and feel like you could give an honest review of the vehicle.

Watching all of the videos, you can see theres virtually no way you're ever going to squint your eyes and confuse forza3 for reality. It looks like a great game, but I feel challenged when I play GT to pull off an amazing lap.

You don't have to know how to drive to shave time off your scores in Forza. Just keep at it, and you will eventually be faster regardless of traction rules.
Forza 3 is just a step higher than need for speed shift. the game still feels like an arcade racer. and the roll-overs are really unrealistic. i agree that more features don't define a game as good or better than another. the game itself has to be good then more features can come latter. forza 3 has only made me want to play GT5 sooner. forza fans are people who like to tune their cars and put different color paints and graphics/stickers on their car for show. oh yes and the ghetto flashy rims as well. in the end when you drive it, all the colors and stickers you had put on doesn't even give you a better lap time. And a simulator is all about becoming a better performer, learning how to become the best driver by mastering all the corners, bumps, overtaking, and driving lines to achieve the fastest lap possible. And being able to do it without cheating and mistakes is a MUST. I don't think forza fans really want to learn at all then. Without all the additional features, forza is nothing and doesn't even need to be compared with Gran Turismo. Gran Turismo on the other hand is a totally different genre of racing. It's a simulator. Also, graphically and sound wise, i don't think forza has what it takes to surpass GT5. i'm sure we can expect the sounds and graphics in GT5 to be stunning and never before seen and heard on any game console. "The Best is Always Saved for Last"
From my earlier post in FM3 forum:

I was afraid that just like Nordschleife, Suzuka is going to be the same as what was in FM2 and not surprisingly, it is. The "S" in this version is just not as tight and you hardly sense any elevation going up the Gyaku Bank and because of that the section from the Dunlop bend to Degnar seems unusually long. In fact, everything in this version of Suzuka seems stretched out and unusually long and flat (and oh so smooth). Even the final chicane seems a bit loose and you don't get the slight descend onto the START/FINISH line.

Here's a great video giving you a nice slow view of the track


That was written prior to FM3 release and it was based on what I saw other people's video of FM3's Suzuka. Now that I actually have the game, I can confirm that it is basically the same version as FM2.
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No, forza is a nice game but that's it, It doesn't fill the void of another GT game not even close.
I don't know what it is but when playing either F2 or F3 it doesn't feel as good as when you are playing a Gran Turismo game.
That is why i love GT the most, very accurate race tracks, just like iRacing belief, a good sim needs a accurate race track to begin with. Sure forza3 is fun game, i have it, and love it, but when i go to NUR-RIng, and Suzuka, they both suck big time in the game.. the tracks, and few physics really make the game far from perfect.

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