Did you just compare FM3 to Shift and GRiD?
I gotta say, some of you are either just downright delusional, haven't actually played FM3 thus judging and speaking out of your own ass, or can't acknowledge anything good unless GT features it, whether it's the same as another games offering or not. FM3, well, Forza Motorsport in general captures a key aspect Gran Turismo doesn't and hasn't up until this point. Forza is more about the community and what we're doing and/or asking for, as opposed to the car count (doesn't FM3 have
less vehicles then GT5? Oh that's right, it does.) You say it's not about the car count or the amount of tracks, however, I'm certain you were ecstatic when you found out GT5 was going to feature 950 cars, more or less...
First of all Forza is a good series, it always has been. Unfortunately the reality of the simulation\car world is that its not in the same universe as Gran Turismo is. Which forza fan's cant accept. It has to be in the same leauge to them because its generally all they can play.
There is a reason why Ferrari, Citroen or Mercedes chooses to debut their vehicles in GT. It has nothing to do with critical success by the media that takes 800 dollar swag bags for games to review them, but the established success of the franchise. Grid/Forza/Shift/SegaGT all good games, but they aren't producing what the GT series is producing, and they aren't capable of doing so due to talent & hardware restrictions. We have already gone over Forza1, and Forza2. Same arguments about it being some GT replacement, they aren't. The same reasons Forza2 is better than the GT series, are the same exact reasons Forza3 is better than the GT series. Painting & "Community". Rewind to 2007, and its the same rhetoric.
Its focus is that, because it can't compete in GT's world of photo-reality , physic calculation & input that the series has thrived on since inception. Which is its main appeal. Forza just got a real FFB wheel. There are always games that have more features than GT, unfortunately sims aren't in a race for total number features. They are in a race to provide the user with a fantastic simulation of whats being simulated. In this case, its cars with second to none detail and great physics. Forza fans will always pretend forza is better, and Gt fans will always say GT is better. PC fans will be right saying PC games have the best physics. No one is ever winning that argument.
Sales speak to GT's community/appeal, as does Turn10's own commentary, still targeting GT after the reviewing system have given the last forza's higher marks than GT. Forza is in a desperate position to try to get itself considered in the same league as GT. But right at a feature level, the game fails to achieve with Gran Turismo's Demo has pulled out. I can tell you all of F3's bullet point features right now.
Enhanced body part modifications./Drivetrain swaps(fr/mr/rr)/Cockpit mode - Finally added./Enhanced Livery editor- keyword. Enhanced./Selling liveries & decals - enhanced./"Dyanmic" campaign mode which changes depending upon the races you choose./Vehicle Rollover & Better physics that still produce weightless vehicles that don't seem to react to weight of the real world./Tire Flexing/Video Export/8 Cars racing in 720p @ 60fps./Multiple Online racing modes.
It also features High polygon models in the menu, then lower polygon models at the beginning of the race, then even lower polygon models as you start a race with tinted windshields to cover up the fact that Turn10 uses separate cockpit models to maintain 30fps while driving in that view with reduced model of drivers, which only include their arms, and underwhelming ingame & replay visuals.
None of those features are the reason why I, or most play sims. Because other games offer the basic features, especially on the PC, which im sure most sim fans participate in(pc games, which host tons of customization and the ability to paint liveries in photoshop). Forza can't take credit for selling points that are available in the sim world as it stands now. You want rewind and easy driving? Try GRID, its where F3 stole its rewind feature from. The Forza community & setup is great, but again, GT isn't shooting for creating an online community where people can trade liveries, because its a simulation about driving. People are interested in trading tuning tips/cars, just like real life.
GT doesn't have to make up for the fact that it can't increase racers to 16 vehicles, cant improve the visuals significantly, or not have pit stop animations, or hell even animated spoilers & air brakes on vehicles. Nor is GT in some bind to appeal to casuals and making a game so easy "even children can play it". GT's laundry list of features shouldn't be ignored due to Forza not being able to compete with them. Trading vehicles & online racing is about as far as simulations go, and its as far as they really need to go. Custom paint jobs would be a great addition, but Its definitely not a requirement to enjoy a sim. Forza has a great # of community features, but GT's community is larger without the features. Not really a requirement of having a healthy community is it?
GT is known to have a great number of tracks & vehicles. Its what GT does. People are excited because it means that these cars will be done in GT style second to none quality, which means their exact vehicle may have a good chance of being in the game. People are excited because its the year 2009, and 950 cars is phenomenal for a title to have compared to the -definitive- racing king Forza2. GT has always been about not only driving super cars, but also enjoying your own car/trim and tuning it to be like the real life counterpart, and lets face it, most people can't afford 90k cars. PD has always mentioned they want GT to be a car encyclopedia. They aren't doing 950+ cars because it will piss Turn10 & their minuscule franchise off. No they are doing 950 cars because its the most they can do right now for their game, its not a bragging point. But a testament to their desire to make their product the best they can in their own eyes. There would be more if they could, you and I both know that.
The topic is about F3 suppressing a need to play GT5, and it just doesn't have the ability to replace the feeling you get when you play GT. The music/the menu's/the education/the presentation is superb and overly polished. Even the lesser powered vehicles are equally detailed. Most GT fans know of the experience you get when racing, every vehicle feels distinctively different from one another, and driving is as-challenging- in the game as it is in real life. It feels like an achievement to reduce lap times or to keep control of some beastly rwd vehicle on the road. Its a skill that GT takes to handle. And then the amazing pay off is to sit back and enjoy watching your vehicle, with you driving it.. attacking a track, in quality closer to reality than most people will ever get. Its kind of simple. But its what everyone has been simulating for years.
This is why Forza, like SegaGT/Grid/RacePro/Ferrari Challenge/Supercar Challenge/Grid/Dirt/Crusing USA/Mario Kart will never replace the effort that PD puts into their games. If you want to buy a game just to customize the pikachu on the side of your car, and play "cat and mouse" online, I doubt you'd be waiting around this long for GT in the first place. Its clearly not in the same ballpark of the game that you desire to play. But just because you decide you love pikachus and other decals, doesn't make that the requirement for an established genre of gaming.
You say I cant give credit where credit is due, I believe its absolutely the reverse. You want to ignore GT's strengths, and pretend that Turn10/Polyphony are making the same game--so thats why F3 having a feature PD is ignoring(decal community trading) is a must have for a simulation. The Simulation genre is still here, regardless of what Turn10 decides are definitive simulation features it lifts from Arcade titles.