I was surprised that you and your buddy thought outdriving a potential traffic accident is a Laughing matter. Let’s get back To the question did my simulator setup With GTS software help me From having contact with that 18 wheel tractor trailer. I did the math my reaction time is 4.7 seconds give or take my speed and distance are correct. In my book that’s not bad.
Ho ho, so me and my buddy were throwing stones on your pink house, right ?
To begin with I'm telling you I'm an absolute fan of avoiding any damage in public traffic - that's what I successfully do for 35 years now. That's not been the point that made me and my buddy laugh.
My first point is, you got a tendency to hopelessly exaggerate your greatness as a driver and racer without any evidence - in a way that is hard to take at times for mere mortals. In my book 25 mph is low speed, even in a truck, so I can't see any special skill needed to master the situation you've been in. Thousands of drivers manage dangerous situations each and every day so no, that's nothing special. And before you start calling me clueless, I've been driving various trucks for many many years.
Btw if your reaction time actually was 4.7 seconds, I for sure don't want to share a road with you.
My second point is I think you at least partly were at fault too in the incident you described. In my book you shouldn't have moved yourself into such a situation at all.
You didn't see it coming ? No thought of the big truck needing a bit of space to make the corner ? You more than once mentioned your vast driving and racing experience refined on $1000 sim rig and you didn't see it coming ? You either weren't any more aware than the other driver on the CB or you guys were drag racing each other. In the best case it was a complete lack of partnership and solidarity in public traffic.
When someone starts to complain about a race incident over in the PENALTY thread, one of the first responses will ask for a video. And that's what I do too, now. Show us a video of said action to prove how great your driving was. Until then, I'm out.
Go on building your castle of dreams, I for sure won't knock on your door anymore - until you come back with a ...
Have a nice day.