Has she gone too far?

  • Thread starter Small_Fryz
According the christian theology of God, he has given us free-will, meaning we are capable of making choices. The fact that God already knows what choices you will make does not mean he doesn't want you to make them. And, according to christian scripture, God forgives you for those mistakes He knows you are going to make (if you ask his forgiveness, etc), which makes Him almost uncomprehendingly compassionate. This is where our human brains fail to understand and we instead trust these things to Faith.

Why is there a rule in the bible that says you can't kill anyone else?
Sorry, but with common sense you say "offcourse you cant kill someone!".
Well, supposedly God told Moses that in order to lay down the ten basic laws, otherwise known as the Ten Commandments.

That's kind of like asking why there are laws againts murder. Of course it's bad, we don't need laws to tell us that. You make laws/rules against the obvious so you can punish according to those laws.

But what if you have just killed someone, apparently God wanted you to kill him.
That would be based on the assumption of preordained, in other words God set you in motion to do that on purpose. This of course goes against the concept of free will.

If you try to kill someone but it was absolutely 100% important in God's mighty plan that the person lives then I am sure he will perform a miracle to prevent the death.

As for anyone who wants to question God and ask questions and try and understand him/her/it you might as well give up. That is one of the biggest follies of man. If God is the entity that all monotheistic religions claim it to be then you will not ever get slightly close to understanding it. Do you really think that an entity with the ability to create the universe in all its balanced and harmonious syetms and life itself can be understood by the simple mind of a human?

I mean, would you expect an amoeba to understand you? And you can't even make an amoeba.
then what the hell are the 12 lelvels of hell? or what ever they are there for.

if god can forgive you for killing someone why even have them?
then what the hell are the 12 lelvels of hell? or what ever they are there for.

if god can forgive you for killing someone why even have them?

well my theory is TWELVE levels sounds better than ELEVEN levels or THIRTEEN levels so when Dante wrote his book he figured TWELVE disiples...well TWELVE levels of hell sounds just about right ..

But I am nuts so dont pay any attention to me.
well my theory is TWELVE levels sounds better than ELEVEN levels or THIRTEEN levels so when Dante wrote his book he figured TWELVE disiples...well TWELVE levels of hell sounds just about right ..

But I am nuts so dont pay any attention to me.

lol yeah, but isnt there one for murder? ? or thievery?
if god forgives us for doing such a thing why have it?
lol yeah, but isnt there one for murder? ? or thievery?
if god forgives us for doing such a thing why have it?
First, 12 levels of Hell are not even mentioned in the Bible.

Revelations talks about those who had died before coming out of Hades to be judged. This would be more like purgatory. Then it talks about those who's names are not found in the book of life being thrown into a lake of fire. Other references are found throughout the New Testament, mostly in the gospels, and it usually refers to the fires of hell in a way to make it sound just like the lake of fire.

Hell, as we see it in cartoons and being ruled by Satan, is made up by humans.

And then the whole forgivness thing is that you have to ask for it. If I was just straight up forgiven for everything by people without having to own up to it first I wouldn't learn a thing.

So do you know enough about religion and theology to separate literary fiction and actual Biblical reference?
to be honest i doknow very little aobut the bible (the story iteslf)
but i did know that the 12 levels were not in it.

what im saying is(coming from a standpoint of a non believer in the old or new testament) people have worked it so much and given it so much hype, theres just so much to take in its overwhelming.

Dante and the 12 levels


the davinchi code stuff.

theres just too much to take in making me believe less and less that any of it is real, or did infact happen.
As for anyone who wants to question God and ask questions and try and understand him/her/it you might as well give up. That is one of the biggest follies of man. If God is the entity that all monotheistic religions claim it to be then you will not ever get slightly close to understanding it. Do you really think that an entity with the ability to create the universe in all its balanced and harmonious syetms and life itself can be understood by the simple mind of a human?

I mean, would you expect an amoeba to understand you? And you can't even make an amoeba.

You're right, I think God can exist, but this is why I think there's no way someone could've written a bible about God and the creation of life, that has it all correct.
to be honest i doknow very little aobut the bible (the story iteslf)
but i did know that the 12 levels were not in it.

what im saying is(coming from a standpoint of a non believer in the old or new testament) people have worked it so much and given it so much hype, theres just so much to take in its overwhelming.

Dante and the 12 levels


the davinchi code stuff.

theres just too much to take in making me believe less and less that any of it is real, or did infact happen.

You just quoted two fictional novels as if those sorts of things are why non-believers get confused and don't understand believers. Considering The DaVinci Code was written by a man (Dan Brown) who practically admitted to being an atheist and having a disdain for the church, all while his editor sat next to him and tried to stop him, you can bet that it isn't something that can be used to understand Christians.

The fact that non-believers who wish to disprove Christians try to use statemenst from these novels in their arguments shows their ignorance. I mean, they did have to go into the fiction aisle to get the book, and it does say fiction on it in multiple places. How can any serious argument be based on that?

If you would like to learn more about the Bible, whether it be for self-exploration or just to be informed, there are multiple online bibles. I like Bible Gateway, which is searchable by verse or keyword. It also offers multiple versions. For a non-believer trying to argue with a believer it is a great resource as it allows you to have all conflicting passages on one screen.

You're right, I think God can exist, but this is why I think there's no way someone could've written a bible about God and the creation of life, that has it all correct.
If I thought that the Bible even remotely resembled the original writtings I would argue with you, but since politics and beliefs have given us an abridged text it is hard to say what is real and isn't. This is why I take it for the guidebook that it is and leave the philosophical aspects to those who like being confused.

Of course it can be argued that when the ancient texts the Bible was created from were written they had no concept of physics and chemistry and ideas such as evolution seemed magical. Even knowing what we know today about science the idea of how the universe was formed still sounds like fantasy. We more than likely still have it all wrong and will never know the truth of how human beings can to exist before we become extinct.

So, yes it is possible to say that an ancient man given a vision of the universe's creation, from God's point of view, would still get it all wrong because it just couldn't make sense.

I think there should be a "God in general" forum. or something
I agree, this got way off topic.

So, to stay back on topic: That lady is a loon. She has gone way too far and as a Christian I am offended at the bad name she givs the rest of us. People like her are the reason my mom came home in tears one time because a co-worker accused her of being no better than a terrorrist because she was opposed to abortion, and people like her go around bombing clinics and killing doctors.

And now I'm on topic. :)